
Families With Grace

Helping Christian moms create homes filled with grace, love & faith

Couple goals every Christian marriage needs

12 relationship goals to set with your spouse for a stronger marriage

For a while, I often saw #CoupleGoals on various photos of couples on social media. Usually these were couples being lovey-dovey and usually I was doubtful how authentic they were. 

But these aren’t the kind of couple goals that we need as Christian couples in marriage. We need to focus on our own relationship and not worry about anyone else’s.

My husband and I started off our marriage on a different path from many other couples from the very beginning. We got married in between my sophomore and junior years of college. 

Many people were naysayers about us getting married so young. And I understand that. It’s not the right choice for most, but it was the right choice for us. I’ve never regretted becoming a missus at age 20.

So early on, my husband and I learned to pave our own path with our marriage and relationship. In the 25 years since then, we’ve made our path work, and I love it. 

We didn’t sit down on our wedding day and come up with intentional goals. But, before we got married and in all the years since, we have talked about our relationship and our plans.

We’ve worked together to envision what the future looks like for us as a couple. That’s what I think truly encompasses couple goals and what goal setting looks like practically in successful marriages.

Whether you’re about to get married, one year into marriage, 10 years in or 25 years in, it’s never too late to talk about your marriage and what you need. This is the perfect time to set couple goals, starting with some of these ideas.

Affiliate links are used in this post. If you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclosure here.

1. Go on regular date nights.

In the first decade of our marriage, going on regular date nights wasn’t much of a challenge. We didn’t have kids! 

But, especially since having our oldest 15 years ago, we learned we need to make spending time alone together a couples goal. 

I remember when our oldest was a toddler and my husband and I had an evening to ourselves. In our conversation that evening, my husband told me he thought we’d have some work to do to reconnect with each other once the kids were grown and moved out.

We decided we needed to be proactive to keep from growing apart during the hectic years of having small children.

We have found it easier to not have a set date night we adhere to, because life is unpredictable at best. Instead, we make use of the time we do have. And we have found creative ways to do so. 

One of the best ways we’ve found to connect is by going out for a quick breakfast after dropping off the kids at school. It’s a little thing, but having time to connect with each other is so important.

Another wonderful way to make date nights happen when you have young children is by having date nights in after the kids are in bed. You can talk, play a game or whatever works for you. The goal is to make a conscious effort to have special time together.

(Check out this free worksheet with 55 conversation starters for Christian couples or ideas for date night at home.)

2. Find new ways to connect.

In making dates a priority, we also work to find new ways to connect with one another. We do enjoy date nights of going out to eat and/or to a movie. 

But, we also want to find new ways to connect with one another. We have gone to paint pottery together in the past. We’ve walked through home stores and dreamed together.

More recently, we’ve tried out date night boxes. For Christmas, my husband gave me a subscription to a date night box from Crated with Joy. Each box is themed and comes with suggestions for movies, food, games and activities. 

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Our first box, for example, included a gratitude journal for us to each fill out for 14 days about our partner and focus on our marriage relationship. The boxes have been a great way for us to reconnect and have fun in new ways.

On our recent wedding anniversary, we went to a nearby city and created candles together from scratch. Doing different things together connects us and helps us make great memories as well.

3. Enjoy hobbies together.

If you’d have asked me when we were first married whether my husband and I would find hobbies we’d do together, I probably would have been confused. My biggest hobbies are solo ventures. 

But, within the first few years of our marriage, I started taking an interest in his hobbies. I love him, and so I wanted to know more about the things he loves.

And that’s how I became a gamer. My husband has enjoyed role-playing games since long before I met him. (Since we met when I was 14 and he was 16, that’s pretty significant!) 

I never quite understood the draw to them. I decided to combine my hobby of reading with his hobby of role playing by reading a fictional book series based in the Dungeons and Dragons setting. Before I knew it, “The Legend of Drizzt” series became my all-time favorite, and I eased my way into gaming. 

Having shared hobbies is an important couple goal because it lets you connect in different ways than usual.

4. Worship together regularly.

As a Christian couple, my husband and I have always felt like God is the third person in our marriage. And so one of our couple goals is to connect with God together. A great way to do that is through worship. 

A few months after we got married, my husband started a class that took place all day on Sundays. For a year, I went to church alone as a married woman.

When his class ended and we were able to go to church together once again, I appreciated it all the more. I love sitting beside him in church and joining together to worship and grow spiritually. 

Just this past Sunday, I closed my eyes during our praise songs and was blessed to hear my husband singing on the left of me and my kids singing on the right. My heart was full and I reminded that no matter what is going on, I am so very blessed!

The power of God is an important part of your marriage and having time worshipping Him together helps form healthy relationships.

5. Find ways to discuss big topics peacefully.

Communication has to be on any list of couple goals. No matter how well you and your spouse get along, there are hot-button topics that need to be discussed and resolved. I’m talking about the big stuff like finances and parenting. 

When we were figuring out finances as a couple, we decided to work on them together, but I’d be the primary person dealing with bill paying. Mostly that’s because I stress a lot less when I know what’s going on! 

However, that also meant whenever we had a discussion about our finances, especially if money was tight, I’d take it personally. I would feel attacked and assume I was messing up.

We had to work through that. Now, I still can have moments when I start to take it personally, and my husband will pause to remind me (nicely) that I don’t need to. We’re just having a conversation. 

Figure out each other’s hot button topics and then learn how to communicate in spite of them. You don’t want to use those against each other, but rather to help each other. 

Because the reality is even in a strong marriage, a tough time can come along and set things askew. You might even consider setting up check-in times to intentionally discuss hard topics so you both know what to expect.

6. Laugh together regularly.

As a married couple, you want to have fun together. Nothing is more indicative of fun than laughter. Make laughter a priority. Make it a main goal in your relationship. 

Find ways you can laugh together. As my best friend, my husband gets my sense of humor and makes me laugh more than anyone else in the world. He always has. 

Life is hard. Keeping a sense of humor is important. Once you’re in the habit of laughing together regularly, you can even indulge in gallows humor to get your through the hard times. 

For example, a few years ago, as I was recovery from one of my pelvic surgeries, I was slowly walking laps around our living room to try and get some movement in. It was a struggle. 

My second time around, my husband started playing the “William Tell Overture.” I was off to the races! He gave me a much needed laugh.

7. Study the Bible together.

Another great couples goal for Christian marriages is to get into God’s Word together. This has had a few iterations in our decades of marriage. 

We have done specific couples Bible studies just the two of us. We have family devotion time with our children. And, more recently, we’ve been leading a small group Bible study through our church. 

One of the things I love most about studying the Bible with my husband is hearing his insight. He is such a smart man. I’m thankful to hear his perspective on spiritual topics, which is sometimes different from my own. 

He makes me think, and I’m glad for that. I hope I do the same for him. Our emotional connection to each other grows stronger as our faith grows as well.

8. Parent together.

We approach life as a team. That teamwork mentality has continued into parenting. Before we even had children, we talked about how we wanted to raise them. 

And since having children, we’ve continued having those discussions. We talk about how we want to discipline, the lessons we want to teach them and how we can parent them better. 

We have agreed on many things, while on others we haven’t and have had to work through them to come to a solution. Our goal is to present a united front to our children. We want to be on the same page so they don’t get confused or anxious as a result.

The bottom line is, approaching all aspects of life together is a beautiful thing. Parenting lasts for years and has a huge impact on your marriage as well. Being on the same page together is a good idea.

​The best thing for us has been spending time talking about our children and parenting choices away from our children. We are careful to keep our conversations from only being about the kids, but talking through parenting together helps maintain a great marriage.

Talking through our parenting choices also helps us to better have each others’ backs when it comes to making decisions for our family. We are able to present a more united front to our children, which is important for their stability.

9. Don’t make threats you don’t mean.

When we got married, my husband and I made it a goal to not threaten each other with things we didn’t mean. Sometimes when people are upset, they say things to be mean or hurtful in order to lash out. 

For example, we decided early on that if either of us talked about divorce, we’d better mean it. Divorce wasn’t a threat to throw around lightly. 

Threats are just hurtful to a relationship and have no place in good communication. Make it a goal to not use threats with your spouse.

10. Pray together and for each other.

Prayer is an important part of Christian marriage. My husband and I pray for each other more than we pray together, because that’s what works for us. But both are important. 

Coming before God jointly is powerful in your relationship with each other and with God.

Praying on your own for each other is powerful as well. I pray daily for my husband as he is dealing with life, work and family. 

When he is having a difficult time with something, I remind him I’m praying for him and do so. Knowing someone loves us enough to bring us before God is a wonderful thing.

11. Speak kindly to and about each other.

Another great couple goal is to strive to use kind words to each other. This goes as far as asking nicely for the other to do a chore that needs doing. 

If I can speak kindly to strangers I encounter at the grocery store, surely I can speak kindly to the man I’m sharing my life with. Yet, sometimes it can be difficult. So, sometimes I just keep my mouth shut!

We also work to speak positively about each other outside of our relationship. Neither of us are perfect. I know my husband has things he could grouse about when it comes to me. And I have the same about him. 

But, we don’t focus on those things, and we don’t talk about them with other people. Instead our goal is to speak positively about each other to our children and everyone else.

We decided early on that one of our set goals would be to only talk with each other about a problem we had with the other person and not with outsiders, including friends and extended family.

12. Give each other grace.

You know I have to include this one! I think giving grace to each other should be a couple goal for every marriage. Giving grace is one of the most important things you can do to build and maintain a healthy, strong marriage.

I want so much to have a grace-filled marriage. I want my husband to give me grace when I fall short because I’m not perfect. 

In return, I need to also give him grace when he falls short. We all have bad days and bad moments. Marriage should be about unconditional love through it all.

Oftentimes, a little grace can go a long way to avoid arguments and hurt feelings. And it makes us feel more loved and understood in the end.

The Christian Couple's Journal

Don’t miss this release from Families with Grace and Stacfey A. Shannon: “The Christian Couple’s Journal.” Elevate your marriage and faith with “The Christian Couple’s Journal.” 100 days of prompts, Bible verses, date ideas and reflections to strengthen your bond. Grow together in just minutes a day!

5 Ideas for a great Father’s Day celebration

How to give him a meaningful Father’s Day celebration

Coming up with ideas for a Father’s Day celebration can be tricky, to say the least. If the men in your life are similar to the ones in mine, they are low-maintenance guys who will tell you they don’t care what they do for Father’s Day. They aren’t rolling in suggestions of what a perfect and meaningful Father’s Day celebration would be.

So, I’ve been doing some thinking and a bit of chatting with my own husband to come up with ideas I think most dads would really love for celebrating Father’s Day. I looked at ideas across the internet and found most of them weren’t actually created with dads in mind.

Maybe some dads would love to do a family workout, scavenger hunt or puzzle to celebrate Father’s Day, but I don’t think the guys in my life would.

Instead, I’ve got some low-key and meaningful ideas for a Father’s Day celebration, because more than anything we want the dads in our lives to know how much we appreciate them and love them.

Affiliate links are used in this post, if you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products and services I use and love. It helps support my blog, so thank you for your support! Read my full disclosure here.

1. Let him rest.

Parenting (and adulthood in general) is exhausting. Especially dads who are living with young kiddos at home could use some rest.

While I love a good nap, my husband loves sleeping in. Whatever rest looks like for your guy, let him enjoy some rest and downtime on Father’s Day.

Maybe it doesn’t mean sleeping in or napping. Maybe he wants to watch a show in peace or read a book. Let him have some downtime.

2. Keep it low-key.

So, I will say that maybe not all guys would love low-key Father’s Day celebrations, but the ones I know really would.

In the past, I’ve tried asking my husband for ideas of what he wants to do. Honestly, I think it just adds more pressure to him.

Of course he wants to be recognized and appreciated for all he does, but he also doesn’t want a big to-do that means he has to act really excited about something he really doesn’t care so much about.

You can ask him if he has anything he wants to do, but keep it low pressure. If he says he doesn’t have anything he wants to do, then let him be. Use some of the ideas on this list.

Dads are under so much pressure in taking care of their families and managing work and everything else that the last thing we want to do on a day that’s all about them is add more pressure!

3. Do his favorite activity.

Think about things your husband likes to do and figure out a way to make that happen as a family.

For example, if he loves golf, plan a trip to play mini golf or at a driving range. If he loves watching movies, plan an afternoon movie you can all watch together with his favorite snacks.

Maybe your guy is like mine and enjoys playing games. Pick a game your whole family can play and make memories.

The other thing I know about dads is that it’s often hard for them to find time for their hobbies or things they enjoy in the midst of all they have going on. Taking the time to plan something you know he’ll enjoy will make his Father’s Day celebration all that much better.

Getting to do that activity with his family is great, because dads like making good memories and having fun with their kiddos. Father’s Day is a great time to be intentional about making that happen in a way your guy will love.

The bonus we’ve found is that anything my husband or I are into or excited about, our kids are also at least interested in it as well. They want to be involved in things we’re interested in or excited about.

4. Eat his favorite food.

Whether it’s from a restaurant or from your kitchen, your guy’s favorite food should be on the menu for his Father’s Day celebration. Even if it’s a dish you make all the time, if he loves it then Father’s Day is a great time to make it.

Or take him out to eat at a restaurant he loves or a restaurant he chooses.

While my love language is food, my husband’s isn’t so much. But still knowing you’ve made the effort to have food he enjoys will make him happy.

5. Give thoughtful gifts.

You can find all sorts of gift ideas for Father’s Day, but the gifts that mean the most are the ones with the most thought behind them.

Father’s Day is one of those holidays where it really is the thought that counts. Dads want to know they’re appreciated. They want some acknowledgement that their family sees and appreciates their hard work.

When I stop to truly think about what all our husband does for our family, I am overwhelmed and humbled.

He makes sacrifices the kids aren’t even aware of. He is a steady, calm presence that makes us all feel secure.

My husband can make the kids and me laugh like nobody else. The list goes on and on. Father’s Day is the perfect time to let him know you see what he’s doing and you appreciate it.

Go for a card (homemade or store bought) that you write in. Have the kiddos draw pictures or write what they love about dad.

Buy him a gift you know he wouldn’t get for himself. Give him a photo of the kids (or him with the kids!) that he can put on his desk.

Heck, you can even give him a cheesy mug or t-shirt proclaiming how great he is along with a nice card. He’ll enjoy being appreciated. We all need that acknowledgement and dads are certainly no different!

Be sure to check out this post full of last-minute, personalized Father’s Day gifts that don’t cost more than a couple of bucks!

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The best free summer date night ideas for parents

12 summer date ideas that are free or nearly free

Finding time for a summer date night can be challenging for parents. But we still need quality time together and summertime is the perfect time for some free date ideas you’ll love!

Whenever I hear the word “summertime,” I immediately hear the George Gershwin song in my head: “Summertime and the livin’ is easy.” 

But I’m guessing Gershwin didn’t have kids. Or he at least wasn’t in charge of them. 

Summertime is busy and hectic with kids at home. So, I’ve got the best summer date ideas for parents that you can do at home while your kiddos are asleep or otherwise occupied. 

My husband and I have learned we have to be intentional about ways to connect, especially during summer months. And this summer, with the cost of everything on the rise, coming up with some free summer date ideas is a great plan. 

You can connect, even without a babysitter or spending money. There are plenty of opportunities to have a great date if you just learn how to spot them!

Summer date idea #1: Sit outside. 

One of the more simple summer date ideas is to sit outside together on nice summer evenings after the kids are in bed. The great outdoors — even from your own porch or patio —  is a great place to unwind and reconnect with one another.

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When our children were babies and toddlers, we’d take the baby monitor outside with us. Once they were older, we knew they could come and find us, but made sure to mention that if they don’t see us, then to look on the porch or patio.  (It was the back patio at our old house and front porch at our new house.)

Having time to sit together and just reconnect after a busy day of life is nice. Pick a night and plan 30 minutes to an hour of just sitting together and talking.

Agree that you’ll stay device free and really focus on one another.

Don’t miss these free 55 conversation starters for Christian couples to get the conversation flowing!

Summer date idea #2: Find a series to watch together.

A fun date idea you can do in your own living room is watch a good movie or TV series together. Many shows go to repeats during the summer, so it’s a great time to binge a series together after the kiddos are in bed or whenever you have time together. 

You can find all sorts of ideas online or your favorite streaming service. If all else fails, re-watch a series or movie together. 

Either way, focus on finding something you both like, put down your phones, snuggle up and watch together. Add in your favorite snacks and you’re good to go!

Summer date idea #3: Eat a cold treat together.

If you can find a babysitter or if your kids are old enough to be home alone for an hour, go out for ice cream together. Going out for ice cream is one of the fun summer date ideas, because ice cream goes great with warm weather. 

Plus sitting and chatting while eating a sweet, cold treat is a fun way to spend time together. Ice cream (or fro yo) doesn’t cost as much as going out to dinner. For $10 or less, you can eat get a cold treat.

And if you just can’t find a sitter, then plan an ice cream date at home — without your kids. During naptime or after bedtime, sit at your table with homemade ice cream sundaes or other frozen treats.

Either way, having a cold treat together is a good time to reconnect and remember why your spouse really is your favorite person!

Summer date idea #4: Go for a walk together, and hold hands.

My husband and I are very much fair weather folks. He doesn’t handle heat well and my skin doesn’t get along well with the sun. 

But, find one of the nice summer days and go for a walk together. Walk around your neighborhood during your kids’ naptime. 

Take a stroll along a nature path or hiking trail nearby and let your kids explore (if they are old enough and it’s safe to do so) while you and your husband meander slowly behind them. 

A local park is also a perfect place for this if you have the kids along. You can walk and talk while the kids play on the playground nearby.

It can be the perfect summer date idea if you hold hands to connect physically and emotionally! 

Summer date idea #5: Color together.

If you have kids, chances are really good that you have some art supplies around. A cute summer date idea is to hang out together and color one evening after the kids are in bed. 

My husband does some really great coloring with markers and shading. I, on the other hand, am much more basic. I use crayons and just color princesses. 

It doesn’t matter what you’re coloring, though. What matters is that you’re spending time together. Sometimes doing a mindless task can be a better time to talk and connect than sitting facing one another. 

Summer date idea #6: Tackle a project together.

This sound suspiciously like work, but my husband and I enjoy having time to be productive together and do tasks that have been hanging over our heads. One of the best things is you can get tasks accomplished while also having extra time with your spouse to improve your relationship. Win-win!

Recently, for example, my husband and I spent a couple of hours working together on hanging wall decor in our home that we’ve needed to do for three years. Our kids were too worried about getting roped in to work that they both disappeared to their rooms and occupied themselves. We had a great time working and laughing together. 

Just be sure to keep a good attitude about it and be willing to accept some unsolicited advice that could come your way. (I’m not saying that happened to me over the weekend, but I’m also not saying it didn’t!)

Summer date idea #7: Go geocaching together.

Geocaching was super popular a few years ago, but it still around now. If you can get some kid-free time, download a geocache map and head out together to find some geocaches. 

Take your vehicle or, to make it a completely free date, combine it with an excuse to bike ride together. The longer days of summer lend themselves well to getting out in the evening during warmer weather and doing things.

Geocaching is one of the fun summer dates you can go on, because it also creates memories every time you drive by local landmarks or other places you found geocaches.

Summer date idea #8: Play a game together.

This is perhaps my favorite summer date idea. Plan a game night date night for after the kids go to bed. 

My husband and I love to play games together. I’m not at all a night owl and am definitely more of an early bird. So for post-bedtime game nights, I tend to like short and easy games rather than longer ones. 

Whether it’s a video, card or board game, playing games together can be a great way to spend time together and enjoy a cozy night in. Bonus points if you add in some good food or affectionate prizes!

If you’re looking for a little competition along with fun ways to connect, hop over to printable date night games and activities for couples with some free downloads!

Summer date idea #9: Go for a drive together.

This one isn’t completely free because you’d have to spend money on gas, but sometimes a drive on country roads near your house can be a great summer date idea. 

Roll down the windows if you want and let the wind blow through your hair, listen to music together or just chat and catch up. You might end up finding new things in your area you didn’t even know about. 

If your kids are small and will sleep in the car, make naptime mobile one afternoon and hit the road. Otherwise, you would need a babysitter or have kids old enough to be home alone for an hour.

Summer date idea #10: Read a book together.

I’m a huge fan of books. Read a fiction book together or listen to the audio version together. (Don’t overlook your local library as a great and free resource for these!) 

You can even read on your own and then talk about it like your own book club. Nonfiction books on relationships or any other topic you’re interested in are also great for summer date nights. 

Summer date idea #11: Check out the sky.

Neither of you have to be an astronomer to have fun looking at the stars together. Download a stargazing app, spread out a blanket in your favorite place in the yard and marvel together at the galaxy.

Summer is a great time to take advantage of the beautiful weather and find clear skies with warm temperatures. And nighttime is even better for outdoor activities on hot days.

Summer date idea #12: Go to a free concert.

This one does need a babysitter if your kiddos aren’t old enough to be home along. But another one of our summer date night ideas is to go to a free concert.

Check out a nearby park or other popular venue to find free concerts in your area. Pick one that sounds good for you two and enjoy the time together listening to music and remembering what it’s like to not always have to be mom.

Printable date night games and activities for couples

Creative date night ideas with FREE printables

Finding time to connect with our spouses in the midst of the whirlwind of carpool lines, meal prepping and endless loads of laundry can feel impossible. Printable date night games can kick your next date night at home up a notch.

Home date ideas work incredibly well while juggling a family. You don’t even need a babysitter or extra money to have a fun time making your love life a priority.

With a little creativity and some fun printable date night games, you can have a special date night filled with laughter and meaningful conversations – all from the comfort of your living room.

Why date nights matter

In order to build, strengthen and grow in our marriages, we need to spend time together. Being intentional about carving out time as a couple is important, especially in the midst of parenthood.

Staying connected to your spouse is important. Scheduling date nights is one of the best ways to make sure you’re prioritizing each other.

In long-term relationships, we can easily get complacent and forget to have time together. Date nights are a fun way to rekindle the romance and spark in your relationship. 

But, I also know finding the time and resources to plan elaborate date nights is challenging. You’ve got to deal with child care and budgets and all the things.

Planning a simple evening in with a printable date night game bundle can be just the thing to help you connect after you have the kiddos tucked in for the night.

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Setting the scene

But just because you’re staying in doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the romance. You can pretty easily create a romantic atmosphere at home, I promise!

  1. Tidy Up: Clear away the clutter. A clean, organized space can instantly make your home feel more relaxing and inviting.
  2. Lighting: Dim the lights and add some candles or fairy lights. Soft lighting can transform your living room into a cozy, intimate space.
  3. Music: Create a playlist of your favorite songs or soothing background music. Music can set the tone and bring back memories of your early days together.
  4. Dress Up: Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you have to stay in your sweats. Dress up a little – it can make the evening feel more special.

Being intentional

While the games provide a framework for fun, the true magic of date night lies in the intentional connection you create. Go into date night at home prepared to let go of other distractions.

Put away your phones and other electronics. Do chores ahead of time or let them go during date night. Think of this time as sacred – a gift to focus solely on each other.

Start the evening with prayer by asking God to strengthen your marriage, give you guidance, reflect on your blessings and have fun together. God created marriage and wants yours to thrive. It’s OK to ask for help making that happen!

​If you are doing a date night in while the kiddos are home, have a plan for how to handle interruptions. Maybe you take turns dealing with kids who get up or you have rules for your children to only come get you if someone is throwing up or bleeding. 

What that actually looks like will depend on the ages of your children and how your family works.

Taking the extra step

Your date night in doesn’t have to be mundane in any way. If you’re planning for dinner, order from your favorite restaurant or cook a meal together. 

​If date night is happening after dinnertime, consider having some snacks and/or sweet treats on hand for something special as you go through your evening.

While you don’t want to spend the night on your devices, keep your phone’s camera handy to take a couple of photos as you go so you can remember your fun game night!

Connect with printable games

Printable date night games are a great idea to have a good laugh with your spouse while reconnecting and making memories. And couple games are one of the best ways to spend time with one another.

Printable games work well because you don’t have to plan ahead or spend much money. All you need is a home printer for games that are an instant download, and you’re good to go.

Not only are printable games an easy way to add spice to date night without having to leave home, they are also more budget friendly. Being the wife of a gamer, I can guarantee printable games are much cheaper than traditional party games for sale online or in-person!

FREE DIY date night jar

A date night jar is pretty simple. You use a jar (or envelope), put you favorite date night ideas on slips of paper and draw one out when you’re planning your date.

Use this free download of 35 date night jar ideas for a fun date night at home. With detailed instructions, you can easily create a date night jar in a matter of minutes.

Free DIY Date Night Jar for Fun At-Home Dates

Printable date night games

Printable date night games are quick and easy to prepare and don’t cost much at all. In fact, you can get 15 printable couples’ games and activities for less than $5!

You’ll have loads of fun with the following items:

  • This or that? – Have fun discovering what each of you prefer between two options such as “travel to a new place every year” versus “revisit your favorite spot every year.” These are great for sparking conversation and will probably include some laughs as well!
  • Memory Lane – Get a bit sentimental with this game that has the two of you strolling down memory lane together. Reminisce about your first date, your wedding day and more. Answer them out loud together or separately on paper and then discuss them. This game can be a great opportunity to get to know more about your spouse’s love language based on what they remember most.
  • Couple’s Quiz – Answer questions about yourself and your spouse separately to see how well you know each other. You’ll write things like their favorite color, dream vacation, first car and more. Compare your answers to find out who knows whom better!
  • Scavenger Hunt – Take a walk together and find a variety of items such as a bench, a fallen leaf and a dog on a walk. Mark off the list or take photos to remember everything you saw. 
  • Truth or Dare – Have fun with this slumber party favorite that has 28 truths and 28 dares. You’re guaranteed to have some laughs with this one!
  • Most Likely To – Separately answer questions about yourself and your spouse about who is the most likely to do things, such as cook a gourmet meal, start a new hobby or try an extreme sport. Compare your answers and have fun!
  • Picture This – Pick 10 of 27 ideas for taking photos together and create those photos as a couple. You’ll find fun ideas like snapping a photo under a blanket fort, and sweet ideas like capture a romantic kiss.
  • Have you Ever? – You may think you know everything about your spouse, but this Have you Ever? game will teach you new things. Honestly answer the questions about whether you’ve done things like skipped school, been on a blind date or lied to get out of trouble. The best part of this game is sharing fun stories as you go! 
  • Couple Charades – This classic game is designed with ideas of activities couples can do together. Act them out and be ready to laugh!
  • Match Minds – See how much you think alike in this game that offers one word and a blank to finish the phrase. Answer them individually and compare to see how many of your responses match. 
  • It’s a Draw! – Play a date night version of Pictionary by taking turns drawing famous couples and letting your spouse guess which couple you’re drawing. No words allowed!
  • Love Scramble (with key) – Challenge each other to unscramble 15 words about love. See who can do it quickest or get the most correct. (And don’t worry, an answer key is also included in case you get stumped!)
  • Bucket List – Along with having fun together, spend some time dreaming together. Make a list of all the things you’d like to do. Then pick your top five as a couple and list them. See what you can do to make some of those dreams a reality in the next five years!
  • Gratitude Prompts – Whether you write down the answers or say them aloud, going through these gratitude prompts together will draw you closer as you let your spouse know what you appreciate about them but don’t get to say often.
  • A to Z Music – Race to see who can come up with the most song titles about love in 5 minutes. The catch is you need a song title that begins with each letter of the alphabet.
15 printable date night games

Conversation starters

​Conversation starter cards are a great way to get the conversation flowing on date night so you can really connect with your spouse. Check out the free version of 55 Christian conversation starters for couples or get them as cards to print out, cut apart and draw at random.

These conversation starters cover a wide variety of topics, including spiritual connection, personal growth, memories and reflections, family and relationships, and dreams and goals.

FREE 55 Christian Conversation Starters for Couples
55 Conversation starter cards for Christian couples

Date night idea cards

If you are looking for date night cards that could take you out of the house, be sure to check out these 80 printable date night idea cards. You’ll get a mix of new date night ideas that are both at home and out and about.

You can pick the cards at random or go through them together and choose your favorite date night option. Find ideas such as create the perfect playlist, make an ice cream sundae bar, play laser tag, shop for each other, go horseback riding and more.

80 Printable date night idea cards

Remember, a thriving marriage doesn’t happen by accident. It requires effort, intentionality and a commitment to quality time.  

By incorporating printable games and creating a romantic atmosphere, you can keep the spark alive and grow closer together, all while honoring the sacred covenant of marriage.  

So, clear your schedules, print out some games and get ready to reconnect! Your marriage – and your children – will thank you.

Be sure to also check out these 10 free summer date night ideas for parents and tips for how to connect with your spouse while raising children!

How to improve communication in your marriage

8 Ways to communicate better with your spouse

Marriage communication is on the list of every list of marriage advice and characteristics of a good marriage. And it’s rightly so. Effective communication is vastly important. 

In my nearly 25 years of marriage, my husband and I have learned a few things about the importance of communication. We’re not perfect and still make mistakes, but we have much better communication skills now than we did on the day we said “I do.”

Married couples have so many things they need to discuss: their relationship, finances, parenting, household chores, schedules and so much more. Inevitably, difficult conversations are also part of life for any married couple.

We’ve learned that along with being honest with each other, there are right and wrong ways to communicate well whether we’re having serious or mundane discussions.

Affiliate links are used in this post. If you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclosure here.

1. Watch your tone of voice.  

At the top of the list has to be tone of voice. My husband knows me better than anyone else. So when I say the right words but with the wrong tone of voice, he is far from fooled. 

How to improve communication in your marriage Pinterest image 1

I’ve found this to be true even when I want to take care of him. Like if I ask whether I can make him something for lunch when I’m making food for the rest of us, I can easily say it frazzled or sincere. How I say it makes all the difference. 

Being passive aggressive or sarcastic cause communication problems. My husband and I made a deal when we were first married that we shouldn’t allow passive aggression to be part of our relationship. We’ve mostly stuck to that which has contributed to our successful relationship.

2. Be aware of your body language.

Another important communication skill has nothing to do with words. Nonverbal communication says a lot. 

I’m pretty good at taming my tongue, but sometimes I struggle to tame my facial expressions. That’s especially true with my husband because he knows me so well. He can tell by my face and actions whether I’m feeling grumpy or irritated. 

I’ve found the best way to to have a healthy communication style is to talk about issues before they go too far. Sharing my challenges or frustrations with my husband helps us have better marital communication.

We are able to work through the issue if it is a relationship one. Or he at least able to understand where I’m coming from in the challenges of the day.

Along with speaking volumes, our body language also lets our spouses know whether we’re really listening to them or if we’re distracted. Good communication skills include being a good listener.

Especially for meaningful conversations, you want to maintain eye contact and truly pay attention to what your spouse is saying.

3. Make sure it’s a good time to talk.

Early in our marriage, I learned that I can avoid strife by simply asking my husband if it’s a good time to talk. He does the same for me. 

Then we can finish a task if we need to or put down electronics or whatever we need to do to devote our attention to the other person. It’s one of the effective ways to make sure you each have the other’s undivided attention.

This has continued to serve us well in working from home. We share an office. Throughout the day, we usually need to talk to each other about something and will ask first if it’s a good time or for the other person to let us know when they have a free minute. 

It sets us up for good communication from the start — even about small things like what the kids’ schedule is that day.

4. Remember nobody is a mind reader.

Another lesson I learned about communication early on in our marriage was that I couldn’t expect my husband to know something I didn’t tell him. Instead of just assuming he knows something is important to me, I tell him.

He has a different perspective on life and situations than I do. In order to have a great marriage in the long run, you need to be able to share what’s going on inside your head.

I want to meet my partner’s needs and be a good wife. I can’t meet my spouse’s needs if I don’t know what he’s truly thinking and vice versa. At the end of the day, he’ll only know I need or want something if I tell him.

I also have learned my husband doesn’t always know what is bothering me or what I’m stressing out about unless I tell him. He can almost always tell something is up, but he can’t be there for me sometimes unless I allow him by sharing with him what’s going on in my head. 

5. Pay attention to your phrasing.

Communication ramps up into an argument pretty quickly when we pull out phrases that accuse. We all go on the defensive when we feel attacked, and communication issues run rampant.

Instead of saying something like, “Why don’t you ever make dinner? I have to do everything around here!” A great way to rephrase that next time is, “I’m overwhelmed and need help. Can you make dinner on Tuesdays and Thursdays?”

You’ll end up with what you were wanting but you won’t have to have an argument in order to get there. Your spouse will understand what’s going on with you and how he can help. You’ve opened the door of communication so that you can truly share with each other.

6. Don’t use words to hurt.

I know the things that bother my husband the most, just as he knows the same about me. The best thing we can do is stop ourselves from using that in the middle of a disagreement. You don’t want to break trust that is hard to get back.

Beyond just being poor communication, using words that hurt are going to tear down your relationship and undo all the hard work you’ve put into it. Words can hurt.

The other rule that we made from the beginning of our marriage is if either of us ever brings up divorce, we’d better mean it. I mean that in we don’t want to throw around threats that we don’t mean. 

We can get upset and disagree, but we don’t want to do lasting damage to our marriage and relationship. Setting boundaries for ourselves on what we say can lead to a happy relationship and healthy marriage that will last.

7. Listen to understand, not just for your turn to talk.

While it’s important to be aware of what we are saying with our words and body language, communication can’t happen unless we listen. And that sounds much easier than it is!

When my husband is talking with me about something important, I do my best to actively listen and make sure I’m paying attention, not just waiting for my turn to talk or formulating my response inside my head. 

I’ve also learned that I usually do really enjoy hearing his point of view. He has great insights — which is one of the reasons I fell in love with him in the first place!

8. Know when it’s time to table a discussion for the moment.

Sometimes it’s just not a good time to have or continue a conversation. Maybe you’re too upset and know if the conversation continues you’re going to say something you’ll regret. 

Or maybe you’re too distracted to really listen. Maybe you’re just too tired to continue talking. Tell each other and agree to come back to the topic — then do so!

Often our best time to chat about things is just before bed because the kids aren’t up and interrupting us; this was especially true in our days of having young children. 

But, I’m not a night person. Some nights I’m literally just too tired to have a good conversation about a serious topic. 

When I’m tired, I get irritated and emotional much easier. (Who doesn’t?!) I opt to tell my husband that I want to have the discussion but I just can’t at the moment. And then we find a better time to talk later.

Setting aside time for conversations like a date night where you go out to dinner and just talk can be really helpful for these intense conversations.

Bonus tip: Try a shared journal

You can also build a healthy relationship by spending quality time together with a couple’s journal. It’s a great way to express appreciation for one another and grow closer in your relationship. Be sure to check out “The Christian Couple’s Journal” on Amazon now to take your relationship to the next level!

The Christian Couple's Journal

Don’t miss this release from Families with Grace and Stacfey A. Shannon: “The Christian Couple’s Journal.” Elevate your marriage and faith with “The Christian Couple’s Journal.” 100 days of prompts, Bible verses, date ideas and reflections to strengthen your bond. Grow together in just minutes a day!

The best nerdy Valentine’s gifts for him 2024

42 Valentine’s Day gifts he’ll geek out about!

Finding the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your guy can be challenging to say the least. My husband is a bona fide geek, but in a cool way!

Nerdy Valentines gifts for him Pinterest image 1

Through the years, I’ve come to develop an appreciation for nerdy love and join him in many of his fandoms. Role playing? Check. Sci-fi movies? Check. On the list goes!

​So what if you want to combine that nerdy love into the best Valentine’s gifts? It’s more than possible with these ideas, I promise!

Affiliate links are used in this post. If you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclosure here.

The gamer

From video games to board games, your gamer guy will love any of these gifts. The best part is that unlike the games themselves, these gamer gifts won’t cost a pretty penny and are the perfect addition to your Valentine’s celebration with your gamer boyfriend or husband!

Video game themed gifts

If you’re looking for a cool gift for a video gaming nerd whose gaming roots, go way back, check out this cozy blanket. It looks like a retro gaming controller and is perfect for you to snuggle up with together on date night!

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Classically trained video game controller blanket

Another great git for gamers who grew up in the 1980s and 90s is this blanket that looks like a Nintendo Game Boy. So fun!

Best nerdy Valentine’s gift for him: Game Boy blanket

When it comes to nerdy Valentine’s Day gifts for gamers, anything that reminds them of classics really is a great gift. My husband would love these coasters that look like Nintendo game cartridges from yesteryear!

Best nerdy Valentine’s gift for him: NES Coasters

If your geeky boyfriend or husband isn’t as into retro, check out these coasters that look like the buttons on a PlayStation controller. They’re high quality being made of metal with cork non-slip bottoms.

Best nerdy Valentine’s gift for him: PlayStation coasters

Whether you opt for coasters or not, mugs and cups are a great Valentine’s Day present when they are themed for something your Valentine loves. Check out this Game Boy ceramic mug that changes with heat.

Best nerdy Valentine’s gift for him: Game Boy ceramic mug

Stainless steel tumblers are another great cup option that works for both hot or cold drinks. And this Gamer Mode tumbler is a special gift recognizing your guy’s gaming hobby.

Best nerdy Valentine’s gift for him: Gamer Mode stainless steel tumbler

Role playing game themed gifts

My husband has enjoyed role playing games for years — and I do mean years. At first it didn’t make much sense to me, but then I gave them a try. And now I enjoy them as well as he does! In fact, gaming has been good for my marriage.

So I’ve got to include role playing game themed ideas for nerdy Valentine’s gifts. These are all a great idea for true geeks who love role playing — D&D or otherwise!

One thing I can tell you about role players is they can never have enough dice. And a set of cool dice is the perfect option for a Valentine’s Day gift. Check out these beauties that are hollow metal and come in 26 color options.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Dragon dice

If unique gifts are more your style, then go for a tiny dice set. With 21 different options of colors and styles, this set comes in a keychain, holder and even necklace. 

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Tiny dice

Your nerdy partner is also going to need something to store dice in. Dice bags are a useful gift that come in all sorts of options.

This eyeball dice bag looks creepy, I admit. But, my husband has a similar one and loves it! This one has nine different color options.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Eyeball dice bag

And while this isn’t an actual die you can play with this candy tin shaped like a 20-sided die is a perfect gift for a role player.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Dice candy tin

Along with dice, another perfect choice for your special nerd is this dragon notebook. My husband has a slew of cool notebooks. This one comes in two styles — a dragon or a phoenix — and each comes in two different color options.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: dragon notebook

Fun gaming shirts are also a great way to show your guy you care this Valentine’s Day. First up is this punny die shirt that comes in eight color options and all sorts of sizes. 

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Role play gamer shirt with die

Or help him stay warm with this funny Valentine’s Day gift perfect for gamers. This cozy hoodie that comes in six colors and five sizes declares a truth all role players know: The dice giveth and the dice taketh away!

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Hoodie that says "The dice giveth and the dice taketh away"

​A final great gift for role players is a gelatinous cube. If you don’t play, you may be confused, but this is a popular monster from the D&D universe. We have two different gelatinous cubes on our mantel right now.

First up is this Funko gelatinous cube, which really is one of the cubes on our mantel currently!

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Funko gelatinous cube

And then for those gamers with a sense of humor, this dice jail gelatinous cube has to be on the best Valentine’s Day gifts!

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: dice gel gelatinous cube

Board game lover gifts

If you sweet someone is a lover of board games, then you’re going to want to check out these gifts. I’ve included a favorite game (or two or three!) of my own husband. Board games make great Valentine gifts because they also give you an activity you can do together and have a good time making memories.

First up is HeroQuest. My husband first had this game when he was a kid and loved it so much that he talked about it for years. He bought an original version off of eBay and then when Hasbro released a new version of HeroQuest, he snagged it quickly! 

Even better HeroQuest is a co-op game so you play on the same side. It really is a lot of fun and is sure to be one of his favorite Valentine’s Day gifts!

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Board game HeroQuest

If one of your guy’s favorite fandoms is Harry Potter, then Harry Potter Clue is a thoughtful gift he’ll love. We got it because our kids love Harry Potter even more than we do, but it is our favorite version of Clue to play as a family because it has some twists and turns that up the game play.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Harry Potter Clue

Another great nerdy Valentine’s gift for him is the card game Fluxx. Fluxx is a card game that is ever-changing and is great fun with two players or more. Even better, there are lots of themes for it. 

If your guy loves Star Wars, then consider Star Fluxx. Other options include Marvel Fluxx, Dr. Who Fluxx, Star Trek Fluxx, Cthulhu Fluxx and Monty Python Fluxx. There’s a Fluxx for pretty much every nerdy fandom. They’re all different and all fun!

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Fluxx

For those guys who enjoy zombies, one of the best gift ideas is Last Night on Earth from Flying Frog Productions. Heroes compete against zombies to see who wins in the end, and it’s pretty darn enjoyable even for those of us who aren’t as into zombies.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Last Night on Earth board game

I’d be remiss if I didn’t include the dice-building game Quarriors. We originally tried out this game at a convention and liked it so much that we bought it. It’s great for a date night in taking only about 30 minutes per match.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Quarriors

The TV and movie buff

While gaming is a huge part of my Valentine’s life, your Valentine’s love language may be more along the lines of TV and movies. (And my husband falls into these categories, too!)

Not to worry, because come February 14th, you’ll be prepared with gifts from this category!

Star Wars fan gifts

You know I’ve got to start here, because Star Wars fans are rife in geekdom. And there are plenty of Star Wars Valentine’s gifts to go around. These are a few of our favorites!

I’m starting with this Millennium Falcon wireless charge pad. My husband uses this every night to charge his phone on his nightstand. It is pretty cute!

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Millennium Falcon charger

So Lego sets are technically toys, but they are super popular among many adult men as well. Lego offers a large selection of Star Wars options. There’s a Mandalorian N-1 Star Fighter set that includes an adorable Lego Baby Yoda. But there are also more classic options like the Imperial TIE Fighter and the at-TE Walker.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Lego Mandalorian set

Another best Valentine’s Day gift idea for Star Wars fans is this remote controlled 3D night light with multiple color options and a timer. It can look like the Death Star, Millennium Falcon, R2D2 or Baby Yoda (aka Grogu).

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: 3D Star Wars night light

To round out the best Valentine’s Day gift ideas for Star Wars fans, check out this levitating Death Star speaker. Even if he doesn’t use it to play music from, it would still look super cool sitting on his desk!

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: levitating Death Star speaker

Gifts for Star Trek fans

​When it comes to nerdy Valentine’s gifts for him, Star Trek has to make the list as well. For decades it’s been a popular TV and movie choice for sci-fi lovers. You can find the best Valentine’s gift for your Trekkie here!

There’s no spaceship more known in the Star Trek fandom than the U.S.S. Enterprise. This replica is a Bluetooth speaker and white noise machine that lights up and has sound effects. It’s quite literally a dream gift for the Trekkie you love!

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise Bluetooth speaker

Classic Star Trek fans will appreciate this punny shirt. In the older episodes of the show, it became a running joke that a character wearing a red uniform shirt who wasn’t in the main storyline was most likely to die or be injured on missions. 

It’s a perfect choice to let your guy know you understand his fandom. Just don’t fall for the other color options besides cranberry red or red that this shirt is offered in.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Star Trek red shirt

Nostalgic toys that are fandom related also make great Valentine’s Day gift options. This potato head of Spok is reminiscent of Mr. Potato Head with a Star Trek twist.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Star Trek Spok potato head toy

Or these Star Trek Little People can be fun for your Valentine to display.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Star Trek Little People

Another great Star Trek option is this control console display desk mat. If your Valentine uses a desk mat for under his keyboard and mouse, this is the perfect Valentine’s gift!

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Star Trek desk mat

Finally for Star Trek gifts, you can even find Valentine cards that are themed. Hallmark offers this pop-up greeting card that becomes a neat display piece as well.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Star Trek greeting card

Other TV shows

TV shows and movies that don’t start with the word “Star” also have quite a following among many in the geek universe. So I had to throw in a few additional options as well.

Though it had a short run on television with only 14 episodes back in 2002, the TV series “Firefly” has a huge following. The show centers around the Serenity spaceship, so this metal wall sign with its diagram would make a perfect Valentine’s Day gift for any fan.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Serenity diagram wall art

Another great gift idea for fans is this T-shirt that simply says, “Shiny.” Characters on the show used this word to describe something as neat or cool. It’s an obscure reference that true fans would appreciate.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Firefly shirt that says "Shiny"

And then if your Valentine is a child of the 1980s, I can pretty much guarantee that anything related to the TV show “Knight Rider” will tickle his fancy. 

Let’s start with this Michael Knight rubber duck that was quite literally on my husband’s Christmas list this past Christmas!

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Michael Knight rubber duck

You can pair the rubber duck with this Knight Industries T-shirt to create the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your hubby.

Nerdy Valentine's Day gift ideas for him: Knight Rider shirt that says "Knight Industries"

The Christian Couple's Journal

Don’t miss the latest release from Families with Grace and Stacey A. Shannon: “The Christian Couple’s Journal.” Elevate your marriage and faith with “The Christian Couple’s Journal.” 100 days of prompts, Bible verses, date ideas and reflections to strengthen your bond. Grow together in just minutes a day!

Check out these posts for more Valentine’s Day ideas:

10 of the best Valentine’s Bible verses for your husband

An easy Valentine’s tradition your family will love

Valentine’s gift ideas for him

5 Ways laughter in marriage can improve your relationship

The couple who laughs together stays together

For 24 years now, I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart. We are together more than we are apart, especially since we both work from home and share a home office. 

In fact, I’m typing this blog post at my desk while he’s at his desk a few feet away working on his computer. (Don’t ask me to explain what he’s doing, because I don’t understand most of his work as an IT security consultant!) 

We’ve learned lots of things through our couple of decades being hitched and we’ve got all sorts of marriage advice to dole out to share how we have a healthy relationship and you can, too.

In fact, for this post, I asked my husband for some of his marriage advice or what we do well in our relationship. He gave me a few ideas like communicating well or working from home together, which I’ve written about. And then he mentioned a good sense of humor. 

Laughter in marriage Pinterest image 2

I’ve not talked about that so much, and I think I’ve been failing you guys in that regard. A strong sense of humor is a big part of a any long-term relationship.

You don’t take yourselves too seriously.

I’m human. My husband’s human. Neither of us are perfect. We have faults and make mistakes. Laughing about some of these mistakes is the best way to keep us from taking them too seriously. Obviously, some things aren’t funny no matter what. But other things really are.

Probably one of the things we laugh about most is miscommunication. When it comes to marriage advice, you must address miscommunication, because it happens!For example, a couple of weeks ago, my husband was telling me about an article he read. Some homeowners put a rude note on their door about Halloween. My husband said comments on the article said the homeowners might as well hang their own TP.

Now, typed out, you know that “TP” stands for “toilet paper.” Spoken aloud, however, as we were in the midst of folding towels and telling the kids to get ready for bed, my mind went to “teepee.” I didn’t get the funny joke. 

I thought maybe if those people were skipping Halloween, they were going straight to Thanksgiving and putting up a teepee to honor the Native Americans. But that didn’t really make sense. And who hangs a teepee anyway?

My husband noted my confusion. In just a few words, we cleared up my mistake and then laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks about my error. A good laugh was the very thing my mental health needed that evening.

While this was a small miscommunication of basically no consequence on our marriage, it is just one example of times we learn to laugh together at ourselves. Had my husband rudely laughed at me and declared I was stupid, then I wouldn’t have found it funny at all. 

But we’ve both learned the importance of humor and how its a great way to build close relationships — whether in stressful times or daily life. Being able to have some playful banter and a little humor, we end up with a happy marriage as we laugh together.

You know the saying, “I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing with you.” That applies tenfold in romantic relationships. It ought to be found in marriage advice books.

There have also been difficult times that I haven’t found humor in my mistakes, and my husband has helped me see that humor – in a kind and gentle way. Sometimes getting that view of the flip side can make all the difference. 

It helps me not take myself too seriously. Life is too short for that!

A sense of humor gives you perspective.

Sometimes little stuff can seem like big stuff, but keeping a sense of humor about it keeps things in perspective. To keep your marriage happy, you’ve got to have that perspective when you run into tense situations.

My husband and I started our marriage learning the importance of a sense of humor. We were so excited to be married and going on a honeymoon together that we drove to our destination without thinking that cars need gas. 

Our car had a full tank when we left, and neither of us paid any mind to the gas gauge as we went.

We puttered into the visitor’s center just before our destination on gas fumes. It was a moment that could have been rife with tension. Instead, we figured out how to get to a gas station, fill up the car and keep going. 

Pretty quickly, we laughed at ourselves for not having thought to get gas. In the grand scheme of life, that extra half hour we spent dealing with a car with no gas was a teeny, tiny blip. 

It wasn’t worth being mad at each other about. And it has become one of our favorite funny stories to share with others!

Sometimes in the small moments and tough times, we need to take a minute to regroup and even laugh. If nothing earth-shattering is going on, is it really worth arguing about? Why not laugh instead of snap?

Laughter is good for the soul.

Research shows laughter really is the best medicine. I know from experience that laughter is good for the soul, and that goes for the soul of your marriage as well. 

Sometimes you need that laughter more than others. During those times, find ways to make your partner laugh. You don’t have to be funny people to read from joke books or watch funny videos together.

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, my husband was fresh out of surgery for a rotator cuff repair. In fact, the day after my husband’s surgery, my children’s school announced the switch to virtual learning. I was overwhelmed to think of managing his care and their school. It was stressful.

While it got a bit easier as time went by and he was able to do more for himself, it was still a lot to deal with – especially considering we were also dealing with the stress and anxiety of a global pandemic

Though we couldn’t change the circumstances, we could take time to laugh together. So, we watched stand-up comedy together many evenings before bed and laughed.

We found “Dry Bar Comedy,” which is stand-up comedy with clean humor, and we’d laugh together before going to bed. It was a stress reliever we needed individually, but also as a couple. 

Health issues alone are a challenge to a marriage. Any time one of you has to be the caretaker, it’s a different dynamic. 

Laughing together helped us feel normal and relieved stress. The health benefits of laughter and its positive effects were a win all around. 

Laughing together brings you closer.

You might have heard the person you look at first when you’re laughing is who you like the most. The could be true, but research has shown that laughing together with someone else makes you feel closer to that person. Seriously. 

Truthfully, for this marriage advice, I didn’t know there was scientific evidence to back it up until I was researching for this blog post after I wrote this subheading. But I knew it to be true from my relationship with my husband.

We do a variety of things that make me feel closer to him and laughing together is one of them. At any given time, we are juggling various responsibilities and stressors. Life can bog us down. 

But when we laugh together even in the midst of challenging times, I feel closer to him. It doesn’t even have to be humor related to what we’re dealing with (though we’ve done that, too). It just is spending time together and realizing that life can get hard and crazy but together we can still have fun.

And nobody tickles my funny bone or truly understands my humor like my husband does. The man knows good puns and dad jokes crack me up. He knows that I laugh way too much at talking animal videos

Sometimes we need laughter to break tension, relieve stress and remind us that we are connected. Laughter can be such good medicine for having a higher-quality relationship.

You create inside jokes.

Nothing feels worse than being left out of an inside joke with other people. But nothing feels better than being part of an inside joke with someone else. 

While it’s fun to smile or laugh together at an inside joke, it works well for your marriage because it makes you feel connected. It reminds you that you have a whole history with this person — in a good way with positive emotions.

My husband and I have a few inside jokes that have happened through the years. They evolve naturally. 

One of perhaps the oddest ones happened years ago before we even had children (and our oldest is 14!). We were walking into Target behind a couple of high schoolers. We overheard part of their conversation that went like this:

Teen 1: I wish I was like Nellie.
Teen 2: I wish I was Nellie.
(And then here comes the kicker.)
Teen 1: I wish my name was Nellie.

I’d guess you aren’t riotously laughing at that exchange right now, but the seriousness of their discussion and that the ultimate wish was to just have a different name made us laugh. We have brought that up at random times. 

That’s how the best inside jokes are. They aren’t such funny things to someone who wasn’t there at the time, but they are to you. 

In your marriage, it’s the small stuff like this that brings you closer together, makes you feel good and helps you remember why you love this person.

The next time you have a date night, plan to watch funny movies or do fun things. Laughing together really is a powerful tool healthy couples use regularly!

10 of the best Valentine Bible verses for your husband

Valentine’s verses for your husband complete with gift ideas to inspire you this Valentine’s Day

Of all the things you could share with your husband this Valentine’s Day, one of the most powerful is Bible verses. We often overlook or forget about the importance of God’s Word when it comes to romance.

But, the Bible is filled with words of love both for God and for us to love each other.

I’ve spent literally decades now as my husband’s Valentine. And I have to admit that sometimes coming up with a Valentine’s Day gift idea or a Valentine’s Day card can be challenging. 

While I’m a writer by trade, I’m certainly not a poet. I can write long messages to my husband about him being the love of my life and all sorts of sweet sentiments.

But, I am better at writing a love letter than writing romantic poems.

When it comes to Valentine’s Day Bible verses for your husband, quite a few can inspire you in writing your own Valentine message to your true love. 

I’ve made a list of 10 Bible verses about love and am also including a gift idea that pairs well with each one to inspire you. They can help you write a perfect Valentine’s Day card, come up with a great gift and strengthen your marriage through God’s love.

How to share Valentine Bible verses with your husband

Keeping it real here, I can’t imagine on February 14th my husband would be wooed by me just reading him some Bible verses for his Valentine’s gift. But, I do want to have special time with him to celebrate both our bond of love and the love of God.

Use these Valentine verses for your husband to inspire you. Start with your greeting card. Whether you guys exchange store-bought or homemade cards, you can incorporate a Bible verse into what you’re writing.

As a married couple, what you write in your card may mean even more to your husband than anything else. You’ve been through a lot together!

So don’t think of these verses as sitting down for a Valentine’s Bible study with your husband. Instead, use them for inspiration and a jumping off point to incorporate Jesus Christ into your celebration of love. 

Ephesians 4:2-3

Ephesians 4:2-3

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

Ephesians 4:2-3 (NIV)

Marriage requires us to put our spouse first. One of the best ways to do that is by remaining humble. Humbleness means placing your husband before yourself and vice versa.

This passage also reminds us to be gentle and patient with one another to live in peace through the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we really do need the power of the Holy Spirit to help us live in peace with one another, because we see each other at our worst.

My husband is such a good man. I could use this verse to write about all the ways I see him placing me first, being gentle with me and being patient with me. I’d bet you can do the same with your husband.

Gift idea
A great way to celebrate this verse is by working together in unity. Find a fun puzzle or other cooperative game to do together. Even better, this Valentine’s Day gift will result in the two of you getting to spend quality time together.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”

​1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV)

These verses are often read at weddings because they talk about all the characteristics of love. Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to read through this love passage once again.

Reading through these verses together, you could stop and share with your husband the ways you’ve seen him be patient, kind, humble, honorable, charitable and slow to anger. It’s a perfect way to show him you’re paying attention to who he is and what a special man of God he is.

Gift idea:
Since these verses remind us of the power of enduring love, a Valentine’s gift made from a long-lasting material is a great idea. Find a wooden or glass picture frame and include photos of good times you’ve had together that reflect your love story. If you can, have the frame personalized.

Colossians 3:14

Colossians 3:14

“And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”

Colossians 3:14 (NIV)

Love binds us together in unity, and there is no greater goal for a marriage than to be bound together. Love is the foundation of everything.

This verse could be your inspiration to share how your husband makes you a better person. Or use it to thank him for the gift of love he gives you daily. 

Gift idea
Celebrate the unity of your eternal love with matching keychains to remind you both of the special place you hold in each other’s lives each time you use it.

1 Peter 4:8

1 Peter 4:8

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

1 Peter 4:8 (NIV)

As husband and wife you have a deep love for one another. I love this verse for its reminder to us to give each other grace.

While my love doesn’t cover my husband’s imperfections and sins, it does allow me to focus on the good things in our relationship. He may not be the perfect husband, but he is the perfect husband for me.

Use this verse as inspiration to share why your husband is the best husband and how his love has made a difference in your life.

Gift idea
We can take some literal inspiration from this verse about covering. A personalized throw or blanket with photos of the two of you would work well. And the two of you can snuggle up together beneath it!

1 Peter 4:8

Song of Solomon 8:7

“Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one’s house for love, it would be utterly scorned.”

Song of Solomon 8:7 (NIV)

This Bible verse is really more of a short love poem. It describes romantic love as being the highest value of anything. What a great reminder for your special day!

In your Valentine’s Day celebration, this is a great verse to use and talk about the power of your love. Share what challenges you’ve conquered together and your appreciation for having your husband by your side.

Early on in marriage, my husband and I came up with a saying that’s stuck: “I’d rather go through hard times with you than good times without you.”

Gift idea
Frame a map that highlights significant locations in your love story. Consider adding in places like where you shared your first kiss, where he proposed, where you got married and more. This map can serve as a reminder for the unquenchable nature of your love.

Matthew 19:6

Matthew 19:6

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

Matthew 19:6 (NIV)

Often shared at weddings, this is another great Valentine’s verse for your husband. It’s a reminder that your love will continue until the end of time. 

​These words remind us to make our marriages a priority so nothing can separate us from our husbands.

Share this verse along with how you feel about knowing you and your husband have your whole life together.

Gift idea
A great gift idea to go along with this verse is a customized puzzle with a photo of the two of you. Not only will you get to work together as you solve the puzzle, but you’ll also be quite literally joining the two of you together into one.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact, you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)

Getting to cheer each other on is one of the best things about marriage. I am my husband’s biggest cheerleader, and he is mine.

As my best friend, my husband knows the ins and outs of what I’m struggling with and is able to encourage me. He has kept me going many times when I felt like I couldn’t make it.

Use this verse to share with your husband examples of those times he’s encouraged you and what it’s meant to you. 

Gift idea
Find a set of matching mugs, cups or tumblers with an encouraging quote or words on them. Even something as simple as the word “Blessed” can lift you up when you are struggling. Then set some times to sit together, sipping from your cups and enjoying each other’s company — no special occasion needed! Because, really, it’s the small things and moments that often mean the most and strengthen our relationships.

Hebrews 10:24

Hebrews 10:24

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

Hebrews 10:24 (NIV)

​What a great reminder that we need to constantly be looking for ways to love on each other. Sometimes a small good deed can make a huge impact.

This verse is great inspiration to thank your husband for the good deeds he does for you. Maybe they’re small or large or a mix of both. Either way, they show his love for you.

Challenge yourself to continue to find ways to love on your husband in small ways as an ongoing Valentine’s gift.

Gift idea
A great way to connect with your husband and continue to encourage each other in your relationship is by truly connecting. Give him some Christian couple conversation starter cards you can go through together. Be sure to schedule time outside of Valentine’s Day to do answer questions as well so you remain even more connected.

James 1:19

James 1:19

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.”

James 1:19 (NIV)

Of all the Valentine’s Bible verses for your husband, this one may sound the most out of place. So, let me explain.

Don’t use this verse as a passive-aggressive way to tell your husband not to be short-tempered. Instead, use it as a reminder of how important communication is in relationships. 

Before being slow to anger, we first need to listen. Truly listening to each other is important in marriage.

​More than anyone else in my life, my husband is my sounding board. He’s a great listener, and this verse is a great time to share appreciation for that.

If your dear husband is also like mine and cool and even-tempered, this would also be a great time to share how much you appreciate that characteristic.

Gift idea
A couple’s journal would be a great gift to go along with this verse. Sometimes we are better able to communicate through writing than speaking. Find a prompted couple’s journal to keep the conversation flowing between the two of you.

Romans 15:5-6

Romans 15:5-6

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Romans 15:5-6 (NIV)

In a marriage, the relationship should be three-way between the husband, wife and God. I want my own life to glorify God personally, but I also want my relationship with my husband to glorify God. And that’s what these verses remind me of.

​I love seeing my husband at work for God, but I don’t necessarily tell him that nearly as often as I think it. Using these verses for your husband gives you (and me!) a chance to praise our husbands for the work of God they do.

Gift idea
One way to draw closer to each other and God as a couple as well as glorify God is by ministering together. For a unique Valentine’s Day gift idea, schedule a time for the two of you to volunteer together in your church or a community organization. Giving back is always a good feeling; giving back together is an even better feeling!

Celebrating Valentine’s Day in a Christian marriage

One of the greatest things about celebrating Valentine’s Day in a Christian marriage is we get to go even deeper and delve into the spiritual side. Basing your Valentine’s Day gift or card on Bible verses is a great way to live in that greater love to which we are called.

​Doing this also reminds of a lesson I learned long ago: the best gifts are the ones money can’t buy. No matter what you decide to do for Valentine’s Day this year with your husband, embrace it for what it is.

If you’re in the phase of life where Valentine’s Day is a full family affair because you have young children, embrace it. But find time after they’re tucked into bed to connect with your husband.

Or if you’re in the phase of life where you meet yourself coming and going with kids’ schedules and have to celebrate Valentine’s Day on a whole different day, embrace it. Just getting time to connect is the best gift of all no matter when it happens!

Find more great resources for Christian marriages:

Christian marriage advice for a grace-filled relationship

55 Christian conversation starters for couples

8 Prayers for your husband

How to have a happy married life in the midst of hard times

Couple goals every Christian marriage needs

Christian marriage advice for a grace-filled relationship

10 Tips for having a grace-filled marriage

I’m not a graceful person. In fact, a couple of weeks ago, I watched in awe as middle schoolers jumped hurdles during a track meet. I trip over my own two feet and can’t imagine I’d fare well trying to run and jump over a hurdle. I have given up hope on being graceful. 

But I continue to strive to be a grace-filled person. That affects my relationship with myself, my children and my husband. I want to have a grace-filled family life and a grace-filled marriage. I want my husband and me to be an example to our children as we live out God’s grace to each other daily in good times and in bad.

After just over 22 years of marriage, my husband and I have learned a lot about having a happy marriage. We are not at all perfect. We’ve had our fair share of mess-ups, and we still do. But, we have grown and changed together through the years. 

God has worked in our lives and in our relationship to bring us closer together and help us have a strong marriage. He has given us grace so freely that we work to give it to each other as well. I’ve found that often little things can make the biggest difference.

Why grace is important for a Godly marriage

As a married couple, you and your spouse are connected in ways that you aren’t with anyone else. You see each other at your best and worst. In my marriage, my own husband has seen me at both my highest of highs and lowest of lows.

He understands me more than any other human being. As such, some of the best marriage advice we’ve discovered is to give each other grace. Grace is not getting what you deserve. 

So on the bad days when I snap at my husband because I’m overwhelmed, he doesn’t start an argument. He sees my struggle and helps me through it. We have a mutual respect for one another and our relationship and don’t take advantage of this grace.

From a Christian perspective, I understand grace in what God has done for me that is beyond what I deserve. Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of grace given to us. In my own life and desire to be more like Him, I want to extend grace when my husband most needs it.

The most important things Christian couples can do for a successful marriage

With that in mind, I’ve put together 10 tips to have a good marriage that is grace-filled based on my personal experience. This is Christian marriage advice you can implement and start growing your own relationship right away.

In the more than two decades I’ve been a wife, these are tips that help my own marriage to remain strong.

1. Ban negative talk.

This doesn’t mean you pretend everything is great when it isn’t. Instead this means, banning any talk that is harmful to your spouse. Name-calling, belittling or angry outbursts aren’t conducive to building a strong marriage. In fact, a grace-filled marriage includes letting go of some of our own selfish desires like revenge and hurt!

Neither my husband nor I are yellers. We haven’t struggled with calling each other names either. But we have struggled with negative talk in other ways. Early on in our marriage, we realized that even if we were with friends or family who were joking about shortcomings of our spouse, it hurt the other for us to join in. In fact, we learned to shut it down nicely and change the subject.

We have also dealt with passive-aggressiveness. We make it a point to say what we mean. For example, if I’m irritated with my husband for not helping with something, instead of making snide comments or slamming kitchen cabinets as I work, I am direct with him.  

Negative talk hurts your relationship and each other. It can make you feel bad about yourself or your spouse (or both!). None of that is good for your relationship.

2. Look at each other’s point-of-view.

Sometimes we only think about looking at our spouse’s point-of-view when we’re having a disagreement and trying to compromise. However, the more we often we look at his point-of-view, the more likely we are to have a happy marriage. 

I’ve learned through my own marriage that the more I can see my husband’s side of things, the fewer hard feelings I have and the less angry I feel. I understand him more than am irritated by him.

For example, my husband and I are very different when our vehicle is low on gas. He doesn’t mind driving until there is only a few miles’ worth left in the tank. I start getting antsy around 1/4 tank of gas. Once the light comes on, I MUST fill up right away! 

A couple of years ago, this was an issue when I had to borrow my husband’s car. I stopped myself from getting irritated with him as I realized he hadn’t expected me to drive it and the gas light being on wasn’t worrisome to him. He wasn’t intentionally making my life difficult. In other words, I gave him grace for being who he is.

I didn’t run out of gas and had time to fill up, so it wasn’t even a big deal. We do things in different ways, and that’s OK. Stopping ourselves and thinking about where our spouses are coming from allows us to have more grace for them.

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3. Find ways to connect with each other.

In the busyness of life, it’s easy to overlook spending time with our spouses. My husband and I share a home office, and we still don’t get to connect without being intentional. We do different work and are often in our own worlds as we go through the day. 

Being intentional about connecting with your spouse is important. Find time to talk after the kids go to bed. Schedule a lunch out once a month. Figure out a hobby you can do together. (My husband and I enjoy gaming together!) 

Just spending quality time together and doing something you enjoy reminds you and your husband why you fell in love in the first place. Keeping your relationship first priority — after your relationship with God — will keep your marriage strong.

And feeling connected to our spouse helps us see the best things about them. As a result, we end up naturally giving them more grace as a result.

4. Laugh with each other.

Laughing together is a great way to help make sure you have a grace-filled marriage. We bond with other people through laughter. Just having fun together is good for any relationship and makes it easier to feel more like giving grace to each other.

Find ways and reasons to laugh together. We watch funny shows or movies. Sometimes we even laugh ironically together at the craziness of life going on around us. We definitely laugh with our children as well. And, of course, laugh together not at each other in a harmful way.

One of the good things about being married to your best friend is that he probably knows your sense of humor well. My husband makes me laugh more than anyone else. He knows I love a good, punny dad joke above all others!

5. Listen to each other.

In order to understand someone else, we have to listen to them. As the old saying goes, God gave you two ears and only one mouth for a reason. This is true in marriage as well. Listening is a big part of communication, and we all want to have good communication in our marriages

We can’t possible understand where our spouse is coming from or how they’re feeling without listening to what they are saying. Listening to our husbands makes it easier to give them grace when they’re cranky after a really bad day at work. 

In the same way, by listening to us, our own husbands can give us grace when we snap at them after being up half the night with the kids.

Of course we should always treat our spouses well, but we are also all human and sometimes we need grace. In order to give that grace to our spouses, we must listen to what they tell us.

6. Give each other the benefit of the doubt.

Another key to having a grace-filled marriage is to give your spouse the benefit of the doubt. For example, when they do something that causes extra work on you, don’t assume they’ve done it on purpose. 

Making that attitude shift really is helpful. It can move you from thinking your spouse left the glob of toothpaste in the sink because he doesn’t care how hard you have to work to clean it to realizing he was in a hurry and just didn’t see it himself. 

In a healthy marriage, you do well to give each other the benefit of the doubt and give grace for shortcomings. Chances are super high your spouse isn’t really trying to irk you or make your life more difficult!

We also have to be careful to avoid setting unrealistic expectations. Doing so will only cause marriage problems. We can more easily give our husbands the benefit of the doubt when we haven’t expected more from them than they can possibly do

7. Connect with God together and individually.

From the beginning of our relationship, back when my husband and I were very young high school sweethearts, we have been honest about our faith and relationship with God. In fact, it’s something that drew the two of us together even then.

Now, so many years later, our faith is still something that draws us together. Having time with God together is important. That can look different for different couples, but find a way to connect with God together. 

Maybe you pray together at bedtime or maybe you read a devotion book together. Perhaps you simply go to a local church together or participate in Bible studies together. 

You also need your own time with God to connect with Him. I get strength outside of myself to give my husband grace from God. Each morning I pray to be the wife my husband needs that day in effort to have a Biblical marriage. 

I want to see my husband like God sees him as much as possible. Because God made this really awesome guy whose insights on faith and God often blow me away. When I see him in that light, it makes giving him grace all that much easier and leads to a more grace-filled marriage.

8. Talk about problems instead of ignoring them.

Confronting someone goes against my nature. If you go by Myers-Briggs personality types, I’m an INFJ, and none of us like confrontation. I don’t like conflict and am inclined to just ignore it. 

But I’ve learned when I try ignoring a problem, it not only doesn’t go away but usually gets bigger and bigger. This is true in my marriage as well.

While we don’t want or need to nitpick our husbands’ every behavior, we do need to talk with them when there’s an issue to resolve. When problems are ignored and “shoved under the rug,” then they grow and fester. 

We end up taking those feelings out on our spouses in other ways like getting short with them and ending up with quite the opposite of a grace-filled marriage.

9. Ask your spouse for help.

I’m a happier person and wife who is more inclined to give grace to her family when she’s not overworked and exhausted. My husband is the same way. So sometimes that means we ask each other for help. Asking for help doesn’t mean you are somehow failing. It just means you’re human!

If you need another reason to ask for help, then ask for help because it will strength your marriage! And don’t be afraid to kindly ask for help with things you think your spouse ought to know need done anyway. Go back to tip number 6 and recognize that maybe your spouse truly didn’t notice the sink full of dishes, the dryer of clothes to be folded or the bathroom trashcan overflowing. Instead of doing all the tasks in a huff, ask for help.

One of the biggest problems couples encounter is forgetting that our spouses truly can’t read our minds. One of the best ways to get the assistance you need — even when it may seem obvious to you — is to ask for it.

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10. Be each other’s biggest support.

One of the most harmful things in married life is dwelling on the negative attributes of your spouse. Once you start doing that and grousing in your head and/or to others about them constantly, then you start seeing only the negative in your spouse. It can be hard to act gracefully toward them.

Instead, focus on their positive attributes and be their biggest cheerleader. I don’t think there’s anything with technology my husband can’t do or figure out. He’s so incredibly great at it. 

He doesn’t think there are any words I don’t know how to spell. When I’m having a moment of being hard on myself — something I excel at — he cheers me on and reminds me of the things I’m good at and doing right. 

Being focused on the positive attributes of your spouse allows a lot more room for you to give them grace. You won’t be thinking about all the ways they come up short, but instead you’ll be thinking about all the things they’re awesome at. In turn, that will make it even easier to give them grace during a difficult moment.

The best Christian advice for marriage

At the end of the day, the best way to create a strong Christian marriage is by truly loving your spouse. My husband is the love of my life and very best friend. I want to honor and cherish that relationship always.

The good news is with some small actions, you can make a lasting impact to create a stronger marriage and be more content in your relationship.

Looking for date night ideas? Check out these resources from Families with Grace: 

55 Conversation starters for Couples Etsy image

Check out these other great articles full of Christian marriage advice!

8 Prayers for your husband

How to have a happy married life in the midst of hard times

Couple goals every Christian marriage needs

55 Christian conversation starters for couples

Reignite romance and foster deeper connections

Talking with your husband is important for a good Christian marriage, but the busyness of everyday life can make meaningful conversations fall by the wayside. We get caught up in talking about household duties, children activities, work struggles and schedules. Conversation starters for couples can make it easier.

No matter how long you’ve been married, there are always ways to improve communication in your marriage. This list of Christian conversation topics for couples comes in handy for date night, marriage check-ins or even just regular weeknights. Because figuring out ways to connect with your spouse while raising children is a challenge!

Looking for conversation starters for your entire family? Check out this list of 50 conversation starters for your family!

30 General conversation starters for couples

While you and your spouse know each other well, you can still learn more about one another. These questions will deepen your bond and grow your relationship.

55 Christian conversation starters for couples Pinterest image 1

Spiritual connection

  1. How has your faith grown or changed since we got married?
  2. What spiritual practices or disciplines have most impacted your life?
  3. What Bible verse or story has been meaningful to you recently? Why?
  4. How can we better support each other’s spiritual growth?
  5. Have you had any experiences where you felt God’s presence or guidance in our marriage?
  6. Are there any areas in our marriage where we could invite God’s wisdom and guidance more intentionally?

Personal growth

  1. What are some goals or dreams you have for yourself that you haven’t shared with me, yet?
  2. Is there a new skill or hobby you’ve been interested in pursuing?
  3. How have your priorities or values evolved over the years?
  4. Are there any books, podcasts or resources that have inspired you recently?
  5. Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn or experience but haven’t had the chance to yet?
  6. How can we support each other’s personal growth and self-care?

Memories and reflections

  1. What are some of your favorite memories from our early years of marriage?
  2. What milestone or accomplishment that from our marriage make you most proud?
  3. Which challenges or struggles are you proud we’ve overcome? Why?
  4. How do you think we’ve grown as a couple since we first got married?
  5. Is there a specific moment or event in our marriage that you think changed us for the better?
  6. What lessons from our past experiences can help shape our future?

Family and relationships

  1. How do you think our marriage has impacted our relationship with our extended families?
  2. Are there any new traditions or rituals we could establish to strengthen our bond as a family?
  3. How do you envision our relationship evolving as our children grow older?
  4. Is there something you’d like to do together as a couple that we haven’t done before?
  5. How can we be more intentional about spending quality time together, just the two of us?
  6. Are there any unresolved issues or challenges within our family or relationships that we need to address?

Dreams and goals

  1. Where do you see us in the next five years? What goals or dreams do you have for our future?
  2. Are there any adventures or trips you’ve always wanted to take together?
  3. In what ways can I help you achieve the dreams and goals you have for yourself?
  4. How can we align our individual goals and dreams to create a shared vision for our future?
  5. Is there a particular cause or social issue you’re passionate about and would like us to get involved in?
  6. How can we support each other in pursuing our dreams and goals while maintaining a strong marriage?

25 Deep conversation starters for couples

Getting into even deeper conversations can be hard in the midst of everyday life. These questions will help you delve deeper and connect with one another even more. And whether you’ve been married 25 years or 25 months, you’ll learn more about your spouse!

Identity and purpose

  1. How would you describe your truest self, beyond the roles and labels society assigns to you?
  2. What do you believe is your purpose in life, and how does it align with our marriage?
  3. Are there any fears or insecurities you would like to overcome?
  4. How can we support each other in living out our passions and pursuing meaningful work?
  5. Have you ever experienced a moment of profound clarity or revelation about your purpose?

Vulnerability and emotional intimacy

  1. Is there a specific area of our marriage where you would like to deepen our emotional connection?
  2. What are some of your deepest fears or worries, and how can I best support you in facing them?
  3. Are there any unresolved hurts or wounds from the past that still affect you today?
  4. How can we create a safe space for each other to express our true feelings without judgment?
  5. What is one thing you wish I understood better about your emotional needs?

Faith and doubt

  1. Are there any aspects of your faith or religious beliefs that you’ve been questioning or struggling with lately?
  2. How do you find solace or maintain hope in times of doubt or uncertainty?
  3. What is one of your defining moments in your faith walk?
  4. What is something you need prayer for right now? (Take time to pray together!)
  5. In what ways you are struggling to connect with God right now? How can I help you with that?

Legacy and impact

  1. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind for our children future generations?
  2. How do you envision our marriage making a positive impact on the world around us?
  3. Are there any specific values or principles you want to instill in our children or future generations?
  4. How can we use our resources, time and talents to serve others and make a difference?
  5. Is there a particular cause or social issue that you feel called to address as a couple?

Intimacy and connection

  1. In what ways can we deepen our physical and emotional intimacy in our marriage?
  2. Are there any unspoken desires or fantasies that you’d like to share with me?
  3. How can we make our time together more meaningful and intentional?
  4. What are some ways we can create a stronger sense of unity and teamwork in our relationship?
  5. How can we continue to grow and evolve as a couple while maintaining our individuality?

Connecting as a couple

Using conversation starters for couples doesn’t mean you and your spouse are in trouble or have nothing to talk about. Instead, they deepen your connection and teach you more about one another even in the busyness of daily life.

After all, truly talking and listening to one another makes a good marriage great! And we all want that!

Download all 55 Christian conversation starters for couples!

Head over to the Families with Grace Etsy store to find these conversation starters on adorable cards you can print and use on date night, your anniversary or any time!

An image showing Christian conversation starter cards for married couples that are for sale on Etsy.

Check out these other related articles as well!

50 conversation starters for families

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Couple goals every Christian marriage needs

What a grace-filled marriage looks like

How to have a happy married life in the midst of hard times

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