
Families With Grace

Helping Christian moms create homes filled with grace, love & faith

Finding strength in God when motherhood is draining

Trust in God’s promise of strength to transform exhaustion into hope

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Isaiah 40:29 (NIV)

Before I became a mom, I thought I knew what being tired meant. I’d been through graduate school taking classes and working. I’d dealt with chronic pain and various surgeries even.

But nothing is tired like mom tired, especially new mom tired. Even now that my kids are a bit older and in school, I look back at their early days and wonder how I made it. Besides lack of sleep, there are so many other parts of motherhood that just make us weary. It’s constant and takes challenges us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually

Motherhood is neither for the faint of heart nor the weak of disposition! I can think of no other time in my life I have needed and relied on the strength of God more to increase my power – energy! – than since I’ve been a mom.

Sometimes we forget that God understands where we’re coming from. He knows our exhaustion and weariness. In the midst of it all, He is right there with us through it. When that baby gives you a smile that keeps your going or when that teen stops for a quick hug on their way out the door that refreshes you, God is right there in the middle of it.

Ask Him for His strength in your weariness today and be on the lookout for how He’ll provide it for you, because He surely will!


Dear God, today I am weary. I’m tired and out of energy. Give me your strength for all that I face today. I claim your promises that you give strength to us when we are weary and increase our power when we are weak. I need you today, Father. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Isaiah 40:29
A prayer for strength

God is faithful, even when we’re weary

An encouraging devotional for Christian moms caught in the fray of life

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:22-23

I’m naturally inclined to be a morning person. As such, I can’t begin to tell you how many nights I’ve gone to bed and wondered how in the world I’d make it through the next day.

And I’m not talking about just days I knew difficult tasks awaited (though I’ve certainly had those, too!). But, I’m talking about just regular days. How could I survive the tediousness of day-in-day-out motherhood and all that goes with it?

I absolutely love being a mom. I am beyond thankful and blessed for having my children. At the same time, I also feel the exhaustion that comes with motherhood. The constant need to put everyone else first can drain us.

Yet, no matter how worn out I’ve been as I flopped into bed, God has been there with me each night and each morning. I’ve gotten through days of very minimum sleep in ways I truly don’t understand. I’ve undertaken Herculean tasks that pre-motherhood me couldn’t even begin to fathom.

It’s all because each and every morning, God is faithful to be there for me and give me strength. Just as each and every night, He holds me close in my weariness and gives me comfort.

He is a compassionate, loving and faithful Father.


Dear God, thank you for your compassion on me. Thank you for your faithfulness to hold me close and never letting me go no matter what. Remind me of your presence and strength as I go throughout my day today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lamentations 3:22-23 image
A prayer to remember God's faithfulness

Finding God’s perfect peace in the chaos of motherhood

A short devotional for Christian moms to go from overwhelmed to peaceful

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)

It’s hard to have peace as a mom. Aside from the fact that literal peace is often nearly impossible with children around, mental and spiritual peace are also hard to come by.

We have so many things to worry about and keep track of. Keeping our mental space and our spirit at peace is a constant challenge.

One thing I’ve noticed is when I am struggling most with peace, I usually do not have my eyes on God. When I turn to Him, my inner turmoil finds rest.

Because somehow God loves my children even more than I do. I can trust Him to take care of them. I can trust Him to take care of me!

Sometimes what I need most is to pause and talk to God, focus on who He is and lean into Him. Then His peace can fill my heart and keep me going.


Dear God, thank you for loving my family and me. I praise you for your strength, protection and peace. When I start to get sidetracked and overwhelmed, remind me of your presence. Help me to trust and rest in you and your peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Peace in the chaos Bible verse
A prayer for peace

When mom life is messy, God’s grace is sufficient

A short devotional of encouragement for Christian moms

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

I can be a bit of an overachiever. In school, getting good grades was important to me. I could tell you my GPA and class ranking pretty much every day of high school my senior year. I carried that attitude into college and beyond.

Now as a mom, the same attitude pops up. I’m not competing with other moms as much as I’m competing with myself to be the absolute best mom I can be for my children. I love them so completely that I want the best for them.

Yet, I fall short and mess up. I have times of weakness where I get frustrated or selfish. I don’t say or do the right things. Just like when I’d get a lower grade in school, I can be hard on myself for not getting it right.

Fortunately, God knows this. I’ve seen His power in my weakness time and again. Sometimes it’s in big ways and other times it’s in little ways.

For example, one evening when my children were preschool and toddler age, I was too overwhelmed and exhausted for dinner. I fed them Froot Loops — not even healthy cereal. I was beating myself up about it.

Then I noticed their faces. They were utterly thrilled and thought it was such a treat. They gave me grace. I needed to give myself grace. God blessed me that I was able to even feed them!

Sometimes in our weakness and struggles, we need to give ourselves some grace, turn it over to God and just hang on. He is there in the midst of all of it!

And He doesn’t expect us to be overachievers. He just wants us to be who He made us to be.


Dear God, thank you for knowing me so completely and giving me grace even when I mess up and fall short. Help me to give myself grace and lean into you. Give me your strength, power and encouragement when I feel so weak. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Living in grace Bible verse image
A prayer for living in grace

Finding worth in the unseen

A short devotional for unappreciated Christian moms

“Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”

Colossians 3:24 (ESV)

Being a mom is hard and constant work. We are constantly on-call and have very limited time off ever.

In fact, if we wrote a realistic job description for a mom and offered the position to someone with a salary of $0, people would laugh in our faces.

And then add in that our children don’t often think to thank us or give us rewards, so to speak, for all the things we do, motherhood is a pretty thankless job most of the time.

However, in addition to serving our children, we are also serving God as mothers to the children with whom he’s blessed us.

While we may feel a bit downtrodden and wonder if the things we are doing really matter that much in the grand scheme of things, God says we’re doing exactly what we’re supposed to be doing.

We can trust that even if we don’t get rewards here on earth, one day we will in heaven. That’s an encouraging reminding to keep going and being the Christian mama He has created you to be!


Dear God, thank you for the promise of reward in heaven. Encourage me and strengthen me to keep going and trust you have a plan for all I do, even when it seems tedious and thankless. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

A Bible verse of encouragement for moms who feel unseen
A prayer for the mom who feels unseen

Find more great encouragement for moms:

The tediousness of motherhood

60 Motherhood truths to inspire you and make you laugh

Overcoming doubts in parenthood

A short devotional for Christian moms to manage doubts

“When my spirit faints within me, you know my way!”

Psalm 142:3

In the earlier days of motherhood, I’d have moments of being overwhelmed or even surprised by the fact that I was the one in charge. As a new mom, so many things are overwhelming.

I questioned every decision and worried I’d do the wrong thing. I imagined my daughter one day talking with a therapist about how all her problems started back when she was 4 months old, and her mom let her grab a pair of scissors from the floor.

Even now, my children are older as a tween and teen. I still question my decisions and worry I’m doing the wrong thing. Navigating parenthood is hard.

Through all of my struggles so far, though, God has been right there. I have lost track of how many times I’ve prayed in the midst of difficult conversations with my children and pled for His wisdom and words to come out of my mouth.

I don’t always know the way. In fact, I sometimes think I may even be turned completely around. But, thankfully, I do know and can trust in the One who not only knows the way by created it just for me.


Heavenly Father, I thank you for having a plan for my life. I ask that you continue you to guide me and show me the right way to go in all that I am doing and facing as a mom and in general. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A bible verse for when you feel overwhelmed
A prayer for when you feel overwhelmed

Find more encouragement for feeling overwhelmed as a mom in these posts:

7 Prayers for overwhelmed moms

To the mom who is overwhelmed

The key to contentment

A short devotion for Christian moms about finding joy in God

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

One of the lessons all parents invariably teach their children is the difference between needs and wants. It’s easy to get caught up in our wants, even as adults.

I have thought about how often God tries to teach us those same lessons. He wants us to have good things – nice things, even. But He promises to supply our needs, not all of our wants.

When my children have pleaded with my husband and me to buy something they want, I’ve often pointed out to them how much I buy them: food, shelter, clothes.

That challenges me as a child of God. How often I have pleaded with Him for things I want to make hard times go away, to heal a loved one, to provide a financial blessing and on the list goes.

Yet, I know I haven’t just as often thanked Him for providing for my needs. Ouch. That’s hard. In the moments we stop to thank God for His provision, we find contentment. Getting past our “wants” leads to more joy in God.


Dear God, help me to see your hand at work. Show me the ways you’ve met my needs that I haven’t noticed before. Thank you for your faithfulness to take care of me always and even providing some of my wants. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Bible verse image of Philippians 4:13
A prayer for contentment

Anxiety in motherhood

A short devotional for Christian moms about anxiety

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.”

Psalm 94:19 (NIV)

When you are consumed with taking care of everyone else, like we moms are, your emotional and mental health can suffer. If you already had struggles before having children that compounds even more.

I’ve struggled with anxiety for years, but I didn’t have a name for it until more recent years. I’ve learned more about how to deal with anxiety as a Christian.  

And I have also learned God is with me every step of the way; He has good plans and unconditional love for me. I need His help every day.

Along with physical strength, mental strength is just as important to be the amazing mother God created us to be. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit can minister to our hearts and soothe our anxieties.


Lord, when I have anxiety great within, I ask that you console me and bring me joy. Strengthen me mentally and emotionally. Give my mind rest. Help me show my children what good mental healthcare looks like. Remind me always of your goodness and presence in my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

A Bible verse of encouragement for anxiety in motherhood
A prayer for moms dealing with anxiety in motherhood

Where is God when we’re hurting?

Encouragement for Christian moms to find God in the midst of hard times

“Jesus wept.”

John 11:35 (NIV)

This Bible verse is often a favorite for church-going folks to joke about being a favorite memory verse because it’s so short. But, as I’ve read the story in which this verse is found, I’ve been overwhelmed by its impact.

Jesus was on His way to raise Lazarus from the dead. He knew that was what He was going to do. Yet, when He encountered Lazarus’ sister, Mary, He was so moved by her grief that He wept with her – even knowing her grief was about to turn to rejoicing.

Sometimes we can think of God as a judgmental Father, but He is so much more than that. He is compassionate and empathetic. He hurts when we hurt. When your mama heart is breaking, He aches with you – even knowing the future and the way He’s planning to move.

I find comfort in a God who is with us every step of the way no matter what comes or how broken we feel. That is a God I want in my own life and in my children’s lives. He is one we can trust to turn to who understands and sees us completely.


Father, thank you for your love and compassion. Thank you for being present even — and especially — when we are hurting. I ask that you wrap your arms around me and remind me of your presence and goodness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Bible verse for where is God when we're hurting?
Prayer for where is God when we're hurting?

Advocating for our children

Encouragement for Christian moms to speak up for their kids

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute.”

Proverbs 31:8 (NIV)

When my daughter (my oldest) was a newborn, I felt in my gut that something was wrong with her. She would cry and curl into herself like her stomach hurt.

As an exhausted and desperate new mom, I called the pediatrician to get in. Her usual doctor was out, so we saw a different doctor. I explained what was going on and how it seemed like her stomach hurt.

The pediatrician looked at my husband and me and told us that babies can’t talk so we don’t really know when or if they experience pain. We were flabbergasted. Of course, we know based on how they react!

It was preposterous to us and also beyond frustrating. Fortunately, my husband figured out that our daughter was having trouble sucking and we were able to learn how best to feed her. Her usual pediatrician returned and soon she was well fed and happy.

We spoke up for her when she couldn’t speak for herself. That’s our job as parents. Even once our children are old enough to use words and communicate all sorts of messages, we are still their biggest and best advocate.

Sure, they need to learn to speak up for themselves and have a chance to do so, but they are also learning and growing. It’s OK to be the squeaky wheel when you need to be in order to get your children help.

That day in the doctor’s office with our daughter was only the first of many, many times we’ve advocated for our children. One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is to let them know we are with them, on their side and fighting for them.


God, thank you for always being on my side and fighting for me, even when I don’t see it. Give me wisdom and strength for how to best advocate for my children who you’ve blessed me with. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Proverbs 31:8
A prayer to help us advocate for our children