
Families With Grace

Helping Christian moms create homes filled with grace, love & faith

Finding strength in God when motherhood is draining

Trust in God’s promise of strength to transform exhaustion into hope

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Isaiah 40:29 (NIV)

Before I became a mom, I thought I knew what being tired meant. I’d been through graduate school taking classes and working. I’d dealt with chronic pain and various surgeries even.

But nothing is tired like mom tired, especially new mom tired. Even now that my kids are a bit older and in school, I look back at their early days and wonder how I made it. Besides lack of sleep, there are so many other parts of motherhood that just make us weary. It’s constant and takes challenges us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually

Motherhood is neither for the faint of heart nor the weak of disposition! I can think of no other time in my life I have needed and relied on the strength of God more to increase my power – energy! – than since I’ve been a mom.

Sometimes we forget that God understands where we’re coming from. He knows our exhaustion and weariness. In the midst of it all, He is right there with us through it. When that baby gives you a smile that keeps your going or when that teen stops for a quick hug on their way out the door that refreshes you, God is right there in the middle of it.

Ask Him for His strength in your weariness today and be on the lookout for how He’ll provide it for you, because He surely will!


Dear God, today I am weary. I’m tired and out of energy. Give me your strength for all that I face today. I claim your promises that you give strength to us when we are weary and increase our power when we are weak. I need you today, Father. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Isaiah 40:29
A prayer for strength

God is faithful, even when we’re weary

An encouraging devotional for Christian moms caught in the fray of life

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Lamentations 3:22-23

I’m naturally inclined to be a morning person. As such, I can’t begin to tell you how many nights I’ve gone to bed and wondered how in the world I’d make it through the next day.

And I’m not talking about just days I knew difficult tasks awaited (though I’ve certainly had those, too!). But, I’m talking about just regular days. How could I survive the tediousness of day-in-day-out motherhood and all that goes with it?

I absolutely love being a mom. I am beyond thankful and blessed for having my children. At the same time, I also feel the exhaustion that comes with motherhood. The constant need to put everyone else first can drain us.

Yet, no matter how worn out I’ve been as I flopped into bed, God has been there with me each night and each morning. I’ve gotten through days of very minimum sleep in ways I truly don’t understand. I’ve undertaken Herculean tasks that pre-motherhood me couldn’t even begin to fathom.

It’s all because each and every morning, God is faithful to be there for me and give me strength. Just as each and every night, He holds me close in my weariness and gives me comfort.

He is a compassionate, loving and faithful Father.


Dear God, thank you for your compassion on me. Thank you for your faithfulness to hold me close and never letting me go no matter what. Remind me of your presence and strength as I go throughout my day today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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A prayer to remember God's faithfulness

Finding God’s perfect peace in the chaos of motherhood

A short devotional for Christian moms to go from overwhelmed to peaceful

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)

It’s hard to have peace as a mom. Aside from the fact that literal peace is often nearly impossible with children around, mental and spiritual peace are also hard to come by.

We have so many things to worry about and keep track of. Keeping our mental space and our spirit at peace is a constant challenge.

One thing I’ve noticed is when I am struggling most with peace, I usually do not have my eyes on God. When I turn to Him, my inner turmoil finds rest.

Because somehow God loves my children even more than I do. I can trust Him to take care of them. I can trust Him to take care of me!

Sometimes what I need most is to pause and talk to God, focus on who He is and lean into Him. Then His peace can fill my heart and keep me going.


Dear God, thank you for loving my family and me. I praise you for your strength, protection and peace. When I start to get sidetracked and overwhelmed, remind me of your presence. Help me to trust and rest in you and your peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Peace in the chaos Bible verse
A prayer for peace

When mom life is messy, God’s grace is sufficient

A short devotional of encouragement for Christian moms

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

I can be a bit of an overachiever. In school, getting good grades was important to me. I could tell you my GPA and class ranking pretty much every day of high school my senior year. I carried that attitude into college and beyond.

Now as a mom, the same attitude pops up. I’m not competing with other moms as much as I’m competing with myself to be the absolute best mom I can be for my children. I love them so completely that I want the best for them.

Yet, I fall short and mess up. I have times of weakness where I get frustrated or selfish. I don’t say or do the right things. Just like when I’d get a lower grade in school, I can be hard on myself for not getting it right.

Fortunately, God knows this. I’ve seen His power in my weakness time and again. Sometimes it’s in big ways and other times it’s in little ways.

For example, one evening when my children were preschool and toddler age, I was too overwhelmed and exhausted for dinner. I fed them Froot Loops — not even healthy cereal. I was beating myself up about it.

Then I noticed their faces. They were utterly thrilled and thought it was such a treat. They gave me grace. I needed to give myself grace. God blessed me that I was able to even feed them!

Sometimes in our weakness and struggles, we need to give ourselves some grace, turn it over to God and just hang on. He is there in the midst of all of it!

And He doesn’t expect us to be overachievers. He just wants us to be who He made us to be.


Dear God, thank you for knowing me so completely and giving me grace even when I mess up and fall short. Help me to give myself grace and lean into you. Give me your strength, power and encouragement when I feel so weak. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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A prayer for living in grace

30 Encouraging Bible verses for moms (Free reading plan)

Scriptures for encouragement on your motherhood journey

You ever have one of those overwhelming days when you question whether you’re even cut out to be a mom? I sure have. This was a challenge as a new mom getting used to motherhood, but even now it remains a challenge in having children in middle and high school.

The truth is being a mom is hard work. The challenges of motherhood abound from organizing schedules, dealing with laundry, making sure everyone is fed, encouraging our children’s spiritual walk, staying on top of homework and on the list goes.

The good news for us overwhelmed moms is God’s Word has a lot of encouragement for us. I’ve pulled together some of the top Bible verses to encourage your mama heart right where you are.

(Find the link to download the free reading plan at the end of the article.)

The power of the Word of God for moms

I know as a busy mom that getting in time for Bible study is hard and sometimes downright impossible. Some seasons are a bit easier, and some are a lot harder.

I remember the early days as a first-time mom and feeling overwhelmed. I could barely keep up with my personal hygiene, let alone Bible study.

God reminded me time and again that He knew I was a struggling mom, He was with me every step of the way and I needed to give myself grace.

One of the best things I found for those times — and even now as a mom of older kiddos — is simple Bible reading plans. Just reading one or two verses a day gets my mind focused on my Heavenly Father — exactly as it should be!

Practical ways for moms to get in Bible study time

When you’re an overwhelmed mom, even coming up with ideas to read a verse or two a day can seem impossible. I get that! Here are some of my best suggestions for helping work it into your schedule.

  1. Pray about it. Seriously! I have many times asked God to show me how to best use my time, including how to work in Bible reading time.
  2. Try habit stacking. For example, I pray as I brush my teeth. I read my Bible as I eat breakfast or as I dry my hair.
  3. Listen to the Bible instead. If you aren’t a reader, check out the great audio options in the YouVersion Bible app.
  4. Use a simple Bible reading plan (like the ones I have for you for free!) that you can stick with.
  5. Find a Bible translation that you understand and get the most out of.

For more, check out “How to connect with God in the middle of raising a family.”

Top 5 encouraging Bible verses for moms

Ideally, you can spend the entire month reading through 30 of the most inspiring Bible verses to encourage moms. But, I also know there are hard days when you just need encouragement fast. 

So, I’ve pulled out a list of 5 of my favorite verses of encouragement for the difficult times. Read and re-read the following Bible verses whenever you’re struggling and need extra encouragement.

Isaiah 41:10

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

This is one of my very favorite Bible verses of all time. I first learned it in my third grade Sunday School class, and it’s gotten me through so many rough days and hard times.

At first, I was drawn to the first part of the verse to not fear, but as I got older and learned the entire verse, I can no longer pick a favorite part.

Because as a mom, I need the reminder that God is with me, that He will strengthen and help me, and He is holding me tightly. 

Prayer: Dear God, calm my heart today and remind me you are always with me so I don’t have to be afraid. Strengthen and help me in all that I am doing. Lord, I ask that you uphold me firmly in your hand. Thank you for being the God of all comfort I can always turn to. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Philippians 4:13 

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

One thing we need as mamas is strength. This verse is a terrific reminder of God’s strength and the power of the Holy Spirit to bestow His strength upon us.

From the middle-of-the-night feedings and struggles of new moms to the middle-of-the-night anxieties of moms with teens, God is there to strengthen us.

Just after my youngest was born, I was getting very little sleep. I was averaging around two hours a night at best. 

I cannot tell you now how I managed. It is definitely beyond my own understanding. I just know that God was always faithful to give me strength for each moment.

Prayer: Dear God, I have so many tasks before me. I can feel so easily overwhelmed by them. Give me your strength to get through every moment of my day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Matthew 11:28-29

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

There is nothing more restful than the peace of God, which is what this verse is reminding us of. One of the biggest reasons I get exhausted and overwhelmed is not giving my worries and burdens to God.

Yet, here Christ Jesus Himself is telling us to come to Him when we are too tired to keep moving forward. He will bear our burdens and give us perfect peace and rest for our souls as only God’s unfailing love can do.

It’s incredibly comforting to me to remember that I don’t have to carry all my burdens alone.

Prayer: Dear God, I am weary and burdened. I need your rest today. Teach me and help me to learn from you. Remind me of your unconditional love and provision. Strengthen me as only you can. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Psalm 46:1

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

Knowing that God is there for us and will strengthen us whenever we face trouble is incredibly comforting and encouraging. Even better is that He is there to help us no matter the trouble from struggles with potty training to sending your kiddo off to college.

I love picturing an image of God holding me in his arms when I’m weary and overwhelmed. I imagine being surrounded by God’s love and filled with his strength. 

This verse reminds me of that. Even when I am struggling and don’t feel like I’m doing a good job as a mama, God is right there with me.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for being our refuge and strength always. Lord, lift me up today and strengthen me. Help me through all of the troubles I face. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jeremiah 29:11

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'”

The truth of motherhood is that sometimes we lose ourselves. We get so busy taking care of others that we slowly ebb away.

But, mama, God hasn’t forgotten about you. He has plans for your life — and they are good plans! 

He knows you are doing the good work of raising your children. He sees your sincere faith and your mother’s love that pours into her children every single day.

Our loving God knows motherhood is a high calling, and He doesn’t take it lightly.

He sees you. He wants to give you hope and a future. These days won’t last forever. Eventually, you’ll get back to being a version of yourself.

You won’t be exactly as you were before motherhood, because motherhood changes us in our inmost being. We evolve and grow, just as God planned for us.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for having plans for my life that are good. Some days right now, it’s hard to see them. Remind me of the hope and future I have in you. Give me greater joy as I go through my day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A free reading plan

The Bible is filled with so many other related Scripture quotes to encourage and uplift us. This simple reading plan will take you through 30 such verses by reading just one or two a day.

Download the PDF and print it out or use it on your phone or other device — whatever is easiest for you.

The PDF also includes reflection questions for each week’s topic. The weekly topics include the following:

  • Strength in God
  • Peace in God
  • Hope in the Lord
  • Rest in God’s love
  • God’s promises

Grow in prayer

The reading plan also includes a prayer for the months relating to encouragement for moms. Sometimes even knowing what to pray and putting thoughts together is hard in the middle of motherhood. 

You’ll also find a page to list prayers and praises for the month. This is a great way to keep a prayer journal and be able to look back later and see how God has been working in your life.

Additional ways to grow in faith

Sometimes you might find yourself with more time. Or maybe you’re like I am with older kiddos in school.

There are some other great ways to meditate on these verses.

  • Read the verse out loud multiple times, emphasizing the words in different ways each time.
  • Pick a verse a week (or month) and memorize it.
  • Write the Bible verse by hand.
  • Dig deeper and find out the full context of shorter Scripture quotes.
  • Involve your whole family by having a verse of the week for everyone.

A final word of encouragement

When it comes to Bible study and getting into the Word of God, we need to make it a priority while also giving ourselves grace.

The truth is some days are just harder to find a moment of quiet time than others. I recently had one of those days myself with a sick child. The next day, I had more time and got caught up.

Your motherhood journey isn’t one you were meant to go on alone. Get into God’s Word, feel His presence and find encouragement!

If you’re looking to connect with other Christian moms like you, be sure to check out our private Facebook group, Christian Moms with Grace, where we have daily discussions to encourage one another along the way!

30 Encouraging Bible verses for mom download

Don’t miss these other encouraging posts for Christian moms:

7 Prayers for overwhelmed moms needing peace and strength

To the moms of little ones

Encouragement for when you feel like you’re failing God

To the mom who is overwhelmed

20 Encouraging Bible verses about peace of mind

Couple goals every Christian marriage needs

12 relationship goals to set with your spouse for a stronger marriage

For a while, I often saw #CoupleGoals on various photos of couples on social media. Usually these were couples being lovey-dovey and usually I was doubtful how authentic they were. 

But these aren’t the kind of couple goals that we need as Christian couples in marriage. We need to focus on our own relationship and not worry about anyone else’s.

My husband and I started off our marriage on a different path from many other couples from the very beginning. We got married in between my sophomore and junior years of college. 

Many people were naysayers about us getting married so young. And I understand that. It’s not the right choice for most, but it was the right choice for us. I’ve never regretted becoming a missus at age 20.

So early on, my husband and I learned to pave our own path with our marriage and relationship. In the 25 years since then, we’ve made our path work, and I love it. 

We didn’t sit down on our wedding day and come up with intentional goals. But, before we got married and in all the years since, we have talked about our relationship and our plans.

We’ve worked together to envision what the future looks like for us as a couple. That’s what I think truly encompasses couple goals and what goal setting looks like practically in successful marriages.

Whether you’re about to get married, one year into marriage, 10 years in or 25 years in, it’s never too late to talk about your marriage and what you need. This is the perfect time to set couple goals, starting with some of these ideas.

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1. Go on regular date nights.

In the first decade of our marriage, going on regular date nights wasn’t much of a challenge. We didn’t have kids! 

But, especially since having our oldest 15 years ago, we learned we need to make spending time alone together a couples goal. 

I remember when our oldest was a toddler and my husband and I had an evening to ourselves. In our conversation that evening, my husband told me he thought we’d have some work to do to reconnect with each other once the kids were grown and moved out.

We decided we needed to be proactive to keep from growing apart during the hectic years of having small children.

We have found it easier to not have a set date night we adhere to, because life is unpredictable at best. Instead, we make use of the time we do have. And we have found creative ways to do so. 

One of the best ways we’ve found to connect is by going out for a quick breakfast after dropping off the kids at school. It’s a little thing, but having time to connect with each other is so important.

Another wonderful way to make date nights happen when you have young children is by having date nights in after the kids are in bed. You can talk, play a game or whatever works for you. The goal is to make a conscious effort to have special time together.

(Check out this free worksheet with 55 conversation starters for Christian couples or ideas for date night at home.)

2. Find new ways to connect.

In making dates a priority, we also work to find new ways to connect with one another. We do enjoy date nights of going out to eat and/or to a movie. 

But, we also want to find new ways to connect with one another. We have gone to paint pottery together in the past. We’ve walked through home stores and dreamed together.

More recently, we’ve tried out date night boxes. For Christmas, my husband gave me a subscription to a date night box from Crated with Joy. Each box is themed and comes with suggestions for movies, food, games and activities. 

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Our first box, for example, included a gratitude journal for us to each fill out for 14 days about our partner and focus on our marriage relationship. The boxes have been a great way for us to reconnect and have fun in new ways.

On our recent wedding anniversary, we went to a nearby city and created candles together from scratch. Doing different things together connects us and helps us make great memories as well.

3. Enjoy hobbies together.

If you’d have asked me when we were first married whether my husband and I would find hobbies we’d do together, I probably would have been confused. My biggest hobbies are solo ventures. 

But, within the first few years of our marriage, I started taking an interest in his hobbies. I love him, and so I wanted to know more about the things he loves.

And that’s how I became a gamer. My husband has enjoyed role-playing games since long before I met him. (Since we met when I was 14 and he was 16, that’s pretty significant!) 

I never quite understood the draw to them. I decided to combine my hobby of reading with his hobby of role playing by reading a fictional book series based in the Dungeons and Dragons setting. Before I knew it, “The Legend of Drizzt” series became my all-time favorite, and I eased my way into gaming. 

Having shared hobbies is an important couple goal because it lets you connect in different ways than usual.

4. Worship together regularly.

As a Christian couple, my husband and I have always felt like God is the third person in our marriage. And so one of our couple goals is to connect with God together. A great way to do that is through worship. 

A few months after we got married, my husband started a class that took place all day on Sundays. For a year, I went to church alone as a married woman.

When his class ended and we were able to go to church together once again, I appreciated it all the more. I love sitting beside him in church and joining together to worship and grow spiritually. 

Just this past Sunday, I closed my eyes during our praise songs and was blessed to hear my husband singing on the left of me and my kids singing on the right. My heart was full and I reminded that no matter what is going on, I am so very blessed!

The power of God is an important part of your marriage and having time worshipping Him together helps form healthy relationships.

5. Find ways to discuss big topics peacefully.

Communication has to be on any list of couple goals. No matter how well you and your spouse get along, there are hot-button topics that need to be discussed and resolved. I’m talking about the big stuff like finances and parenting. 

When we were figuring out finances as a couple, we decided to work on them together, but I’d be the primary person dealing with bill paying. Mostly that’s because I stress a lot less when I know what’s going on! 

However, that also meant whenever we had a discussion about our finances, especially if money was tight, I’d take it personally. I would feel attacked and assume I was messing up.

We had to work through that. Now, I still can have moments when I start to take it personally, and my husband will pause to remind me (nicely) that I don’t need to. We’re just having a conversation. 

Figure out each other’s hot button topics and then learn how to communicate in spite of them. You don’t want to use those against each other, but rather to help each other. 

Because the reality is even in a strong marriage, a tough time can come along and set things askew. You might even consider setting up check-in times to intentionally discuss hard topics so you both know what to expect.

6. Laugh together regularly.

As a married couple, you want to have fun together. Nothing is more indicative of fun than laughter. Make laughter a priority. Make it a main goal in your relationship. 

Find ways you can laugh together. As my best friend, my husband gets my sense of humor and makes me laugh more than anyone else in the world. He always has. 

Life is hard. Keeping a sense of humor is important. Once you’re in the habit of laughing together regularly, you can even indulge in gallows humor to get your through the hard times. 

For example, a few years ago, as I was recovery from one of my pelvic surgeries, I was slowly walking laps around our living room to try and get some movement in. It was a struggle. 

My second time around, my husband started playing the “William Tell Overture.” I was off to the races! He gave me a much needed laugh.

7. Study the Bible together.

Another great couples goal for Christian marriages is to get into God’s Word together. This has had a few iterations in our decades of marriage. 

We have done specific couples Bible studies just the two of us. We have family devotion time with our children. And, more recently, we’ve been leading a small group Bible study through our church. 

One of the things I love most about studying the Bible with my husband is hearing his insight. He is such a smart man. I’m thankful to hear his perspective on spiritual topics, which is sometimes different from my own. 

He makes me think, and I’m glad for that. I hope I do the same for him. Our emotional connection to each other grows stronger as our faith grows as well.

8. Parent together.

We approach life as a team. That teamwork mentality has continued into parenting. Before we even had children, we talked about how we wanted to raise them. 

And since having children, we’ve continued having those discussions. We talk about how we want to discipline, the lessons we want to teach them and how we can parent them better. 

We have agreed on many things, while on others we haven’t and have had to work through them to come to a solution. Our goal is to present a united front to our children. We want to be on the same page so they don’t get confused or anxious as a result.

The bottom line is, approaching all aspects of life together is a beautiful thing. Parenting lasts for years and has a huge impact on your marriage as well. Being on the same page together is a good idea.

​The best thing for us has been spending time talking about our children and parenting choices away from our children. We are careful to keep our conversations from only being about the kids, but talking through parenting together helps maintain a great marriage.

Talking through our parenting choices also helps us to better have each others’ backs when it comes to making decisions for our family. We are able to present a more united front to our children, which is important for their stability.

9. Don’t make threats you don’t mean.

When we got married, my husband and I made it a goal to not threaten each other with things we didn’t mean. Sometimes when people are upset, they say things to be mean or hurtful in order to lash out. 

For example, we decided early on that if either of us talked about divorce, we’d better mean it. Divorce wasn’t a threat to throw around lightly. 

Threats are just hurtful to a relationship and have no place in good communication. Make it a goal to not use threats with your spouse.

10. Pray together and for each other.

Prayer is an important part of Christian marriage. My husband and I pray for each other more than we pray together, because that’s what works for us. But both are important. 

Coming before God jointly is powerful in your relationship with each other and with God.

Praying on your own for each other is powerful as well. I pray daily for my husband as he is dealing with life, work and family. 

When he is having a difficult time with something, I remind him I’m praying for him and do so. Knowing someone loves us enough to bring us before God is a wonderful thing.

11. Speak kindly to and about each other.

Another great couple goal is to strive to use kind words to each other. This goes as far as asking nicely for the other to do a chore that needs doing. 

If I can speak kindly to strangers I encounter at the grocery store, surely I can speak kindly to the man I’m sharing my life with. Yet, sometimes it can be difficult. So, sometimes I just keep my mouth shut!

We also work to speak positively about each other outside of our relationship. Neither of us are perfect. I know my husband has things he could grouse about when it comes to me. And I have the same about him. 

But, we don’t focus on those things, and we don’t talk about them with other people. Instead our goal is to speak positively about each other to our children and everyone else.

We decided early on that one of our set goals would be to only talk with each other about a problem we had with the other person and not with outsiders, including friends and extended family.

12. Give each other grace.

You know I have to include this one! I think giving grace to each other should be a couple goal for every marriage. Giving grace is one of the most important things you can do to build and maintain a healthy, strong marriage.

I want so much to have a grace-filled marriage. I want my husband to give me grace when I fall short because I’m not perfect. 

In return, I need to also give him grace when he falls short. We all have bad days and bad moments. Marriage should be about unconditional love through it all.

Oftentimes, a little grace can go a long way to avoid arguments and hurt feelings. And it makes us feel more loved and understood in the end.

The Christian Couple's Journal

Don’t miss this release from Families with Grace and Stacfey A. Shannon: “The Christian Couple’s Journal.” Elevate your marriage and faith with “The Christian Couple’s Journal.” 100 days of prompts, Bible verses, date ideas and reflections to strengthen your bond. Grow together in just minutes a day!

20 Encouraging Bible verses about peace of mind

Comforting Scriptures for when you need inner peace

In modern society, we talk about living in times of war or peace. Peace in the Bible, however, isn’t about the absence of conflict but is about the presence of something – or Someone – who brings wholeness and wellbeing.

Fortunately, there are many Bible verses about peace of mind that can encourage us and remind us of God’s perspective on peace. They remind us we can have God’s peace regardless of what is going on around us in the world or in our daily lives.

As a mom, sometimes I have longed for literal peace and quiet, but this goes deeper to peace of our soul, hearts and minds. And that is the perfect peace that only comes through God’s presence in our lives.

Knowing that Biblical peace comes from the presence of God coincides directly with the Fruit of the Spirit. We can only live out and display the Fruits of the Spirit by walking with the Spirit – walking with God. And God is the one whose presence gives us true peace of mind.

So, simply striving to walk with God and live out the Fruits of the Spirit through the power of the Holy Spirit leads to peace. Having peace with God not only leads to living in connection with Him, but also living in harmony with others — including our own families.

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Sources of great peace​

As we talk about the concept of peace and God’s promises for times of trouble, we have to turn to the Word of God to find out the sources of peace available to us.

​Unsurprisingly, the words of Jesus teach us a lot about peace. 

Jesus talked about peace often with His followers. Those messages apply to our lives today. 

During His final dinner with His disciples before His Crucifixion, Jesus told them about the coming of the Holy Spirit – or Comforter – who would follow Him. 

Jesus was assuring His disciples that though He wouldn’t always be physically with them, they could have peace and rest in the Holy Spirit and in knowing Jesus was stronger than anything the world could throw at Him. 

These things remain true for us today.

Thieves of peace​

Just as we have sources of great peace, we also battle thieves of peace. I’m sure you’re as familiar with them as I am.

​We don’t have to look far to find strife and struggle in the world around us. It’s everywhere.

Envy and selfish ambition steal our peace. And both these things have a root in our own desires. 

I’ve struggled with looking at someone else and thinking their life was so easy or what they had was better than what I had, even though I worked harder. During those times, I’ve never felt peace.

However, when I instead focus on God and His wisdom, I feel much more peace and goodness. Simply keeping our minds on heaven will instill in us traits very closely related to the Fruits of the Spirit like being considerate, submissive, full of mercy, producing good work, being impartial and being sincere. It all starts with keeping our focus on God.

Bible verses about peace of mind

“Peace” appears in the King James version of the Bible 429 times. While wordings differ from one translation to another, this is still a high number no matter what.

The good news is there are more verses about “peace” than there are days in the year. Our Father knows we need reminders constantly of His peace.

(Find a link near the end of the post to download these verses as a PDF.)

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” — Galatians 5:22-23 (ESV)

The verses preceding these tell us of the desires of the flesh before explaining the good fruits that come from God and the Holy Spirit. Walking in step with the Holy Spirit and His fruits strengthens us in our relationship with God and with those around us.

I am a better wife, mother, friend, daughter and person when I am walking in the Fruit of the Spirit.

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” — Colossians 3:15 (NIV)

God’s Word reminds us that we serve a God of peace who has called us to live peaceful lives as well. Part of living in peace is being thankful.

​As we focus on the blessings of God — in both hard times and good times — we have more peace from our Heavenly Father.

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” — Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)​

Trusting in God gives us peace and assurance. We can relax in Him and feel His peace.

In this verse from the Old Testament, Isaiah is talking with the Israelites about their future and the work God would do in them if they followed Him. These words explain well how to have peace individually.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” — John 14:27 (NIV)​

Christ Jesus uses these words to remind us that through our Heavenly Father, we are able to have peace beyond what is possible in the world.

Even when we are in stressful situations and dealing with a worried heart, Jesus gives us peace and a reminder that He is on the throne and in control.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” — John 16:33 (NIV)​

I love God’s promise here that He is always with us. We can have peace through God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit even in the midst of trouble. 

​Jesus doesn’t gloss over the fact that life is hard, and we’ll face trials. But He does encourage us to keep going because He is greater than anything we face.

“For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” — James 3:16-18 (NIV)​

After being pure, wisdom from heaven is peace-loving. It goes against envy, selfish ambition and evil practices, which are certainly the opposite of peace.

Instead, these verses tell us living and sowing in peace will have great results in our lives. As Christian moms, we most want to sow faith in peace with our children so that later we can rest in the effect of righteousness as they walk with God themselves.

“Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” — Hebrews 12:9-11 (NIV)​

Discipline is hard on both sides. As a parent, I must really love and be invested in my children to discipline them. I must put myself and my own needs aside to do what’s best for them. 

Growing up, I had to endure discipline from my own parents. I can look back on that now and be thankful, but I can assure you I didn’t feel so thankful at the time! Sometimes God needs to discipline us and work in our lives so that in the end we can have peace.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. — Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)​

Living a life filled with God’s peace in a chaotic world sounds awesome. It also sounds challenging and perhaps unattainable. But just like with all the Fruits of the Spirit, God gives us instructions for how to best live them out.

By praying, submitting to God and giving Him thanks, we receive His peace which is beyond our own understanding. 

“The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” — Numbers 6:26 (NIV)​

This verse is part of a blessing the Lord gave to Moses to use for the Israelites — His chosen people. I can think of no greater blessing than to have God turn his face toward me and give me peace.

Indeed, as believers we can enjoy God’s favor and peace. In turn, that gives us strength to be the people — and moms — He has created us to be.

“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” — Romans 5:1 (ESV)

The Apostle Paul is reminding us in this verse that our very Christian faith allows us to have peace with God. Jesus came so that we may be connected closer to the Father and understand more fully God’s love for us.

He is truly a God of hope who longs for us to have peace in the middle of struggle.

“Consider the blameless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek peace.” — Psalm 37:37 (NIV)​

In Jeremiah 29:11, God tells us that He has a hope and a future for each of us. This verse follows right along those lines.

When we pursue peace, we are assured of a future and hope with God.

“For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.” — Ephesians 2:14 (ESV)​

Jesus broke down all the walls dividing people. No longer was faith and God just for a select few. The arrival of Jesus showed that God is for all of us.

Jesus Himself is our peace just in knowing that through Him we have favor with God.

“They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.” — 1 Peter 3:11 (NIV)​

Not only can and will God give us peace, but it is OK for us to pursue it through Him. And one of the ways we do that is by turning from evil to do the good things of God.

When we are living lives for God, we can more easily have His peace no matter what is going on.

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” — 2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NIV)

What a powerful way for Paul to end his letter to the church of Thessalonica. This blessing is one we can pray for ourselves and pray over our families.

“God, give my family and me peace at all times and in every way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” — Romans 12:18 (NIV)​

We want to live with God’s peace within ourselves, but for peace in our whole spirit, we must do our best to live at peace with everyone as well.

One small way to do this is focusing on the positive attributes of those around us instead of the negative ones. One small attitude shift can make a difference in how we respond to others.

“Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.” — 2 Corinthians 13:11 (ESV)​

In order to live in peace with others, Paul tells us to work on our relationships. If there is division, seek restoration. Comfort those who are hurting.

Doing such things allows for the peace of God to rule in our lives in every way.

“The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” — Psalm 29:11 (NIV)

​This verse can also easily become a pray for ourselves and our families.

“Lord, give my family and me strength. Bless us with peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” — Isaiah 9:6​

This Bible verse often gets relegated to the Christmas season and we don’t dwell on it so much outside of December. But, of all the names given to Jesus, one of them is the “Prince of Peace.”

Peace was important enough to God that he even emphasized it in the attributes of His own Son!

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” — Psalm 4:8 (NIV)​

When I’m dealing with anxiety, one of the times I notice it most is when I’m lying in bed with no distractions. Resting and sleeping are hard to do when we are anxious and upset.

Praying and asking for God to give us His peace in these times is more than OK. I have often pictured myself literally resting in His arms to have peace to sleep.

“‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” — Isaiah 54:10 (NIV)

Finally, this verse is reassuring and promising. It reminds us that even when the world around us seems to be crumbling — and we all have seasons like that — the God is not shaken.

He has not forgotten us and is waiting for us to lean into and on Him. God will give us peace beyond what we can understand when we need it most.

List of 20 encouraging Bible verses for peace of mind

Want to learn more about the Fruit of the Spirit? Be sure to check out these numerous resources!

Fruit of the Spirit worksheets for adults and teens (with 12 FREE resources)

Fruit of the Spirit for Moms YouTube Videos

The importance of love in the Bible and how to live it out

8 Prayers for joy for moms based on the Bible

Cultivating Joy: A 9-week devotional journey for moms through the Fruit of the Spirit

Finding worth in the unseen

A short devotional for unappreciated Christian moms

“Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”

Colossians 3:24 (ESV)

Being a mom is hard and constant work. We are constantly on-call and have very limited time off ever.

In fact, if we wrote a realistic job description for a mom and offered the position to someone with a salary of $0, people would laugh in our faces.

And then add in that our children don’t often think to thank us or give us rewards, so to speak, for all the things we do, motherhood is a pretty thankless job most of the time.

However, in addition to serving our children, we are also serving God as mothers to the children with whom he’s blessed us.

While we may feel a bit downtrodden and wonder if the things we are doing really matter that much in the grand scheme of things, God says we’re doing exactly what we’re supposed to be doing.

We can trust that even if we don’t get rewards here on earth, one day we will in heaven. That’s an encouraging reminding to keep going and being the Christian mama He has created you to be!


Dear God, thank you for the promise of reward in heaven. Encourage me and strengthen me to keep going and trust you have a plan for all I do, even when it seems tedious and thankless. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

A Bible verse of encouragement for moms who feel unseen
A prayer for the mom who feels unseen

Overcoming doubts in parenthood

A short devotional for Christian moms to manage doubts

“When my spirit faints within me, you know my way!”

Psalm 142:3

In the earlier days of motherhood, I’d have moments of being overwhelmed or even surprised by the fact that I was the one in charge. As a new mom, so many things are overwhelming.

I questioned every decision and worried I’d do the wrong thing. I imagined my daughter one day talking with a therapist about how all her problems started back when she was 4 months old, and her mom let her grab a pair of scissors from the floor.

Even now, my children are older as a tween and teen. I still question my decisions and worry I’m doing the wrong thing. Navigating parenthood is hard.

Through all of my struggles so far, though, God has been right there. I have lost track of how many times I’ve prayed in the midst of difficult conversations with my children and pled for His wisdom and words to come out of my mouth.

I don’t always know the way. In fact, I sometimes think I may even be turned completely around. But, thankfully, I do know and can trust in the One who not only knows the way by created it just for me.


Heavenly Father, I thank you for having a plan for my life. I ask that you continue you to guide me and show me the right way to go in all that I am doing and facing as a mom and in general. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A bible verse for when you feel overwhelmed
A prayer for when you feel overwhelmed

The key to contentment

A short devotion for Christian moms about finding joy in God

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

One of the lessons all parents invariably teach their children is the difference between needs and wants. It’s easy to get caught up in our wants, even as adults.

I have thought about how often God tries to teach us those same lessons. He wants us to have good things – nice things, even. But He promises to supply our needs, not all of our wants.

When my children have pleaded with my husband and me to buy something they want, I’ve often pointed out to them how much I buy them: food, shelter, clothes.

That challenges me as a child of God. How often I have pleaded with Him for things I want to make hard times go away, to heal a loved one, to provide a financial blessing and on the list goes.

Yet, I know I haven’t just as often thanked Him for providing for my needs. Ouch. That’s hard. In the moments we stop to thank God for His provision, we find contentment. Getting past our “wants” leads to more joy in God.


Dear God, help me to see your hand at work. Show me the ways you’ve met my needs that I haven’t noticed before. Thank you for your faithfulness to take care of me always and even providing some of my wants. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Bible verse image of Philippians 4:13
A prayer for contentment