
Families With Grace

Helping Christian moms create homes filled with grace, love & faith

Sharing God’s goodness with our children

Encouragement for Christian moms to teach their kids about who God is

We will not hide them from their descendants;
    we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
    his power, and the wonders he has done.

Psalm 78:4 (NIV)

Throughout my decades as a Christian, I have been encouraged time and again by stories of God’s faithfulness in the lives of others. In fact, seeing God work in the lives of those around me helps me to keep my heart and eyes open to seeing more of Him at work in my own life.

Of all the things I want to teach my kids, I want most to teach them to rely fully on God. We started reading the Bible to them and praying with them when they were still babies.

Many of us come up with habits of faith to encourage our children and help them grow in their walk with God. But it can be easy to forget to share with them the things God has done in our lives – both in the past and the present.

One of the greatest testimonies we can share with our children is our experiences with God in real life. Not only does this demonstrate God in action in daily life, but it also helps them to be more open to seeing God at work in our lives.


God, give me the right words to say to my children to tell of your goodness and how you have worked in my own life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Psalm 78:4
A prayer for teaching our children about God's goodness

Easy pasta salad recipe

A simple side dish for a cookout

A few months ago, I was making dinner for our church youth group and trying to come up with an easy side that didn’t need to be served hot. I decided to put together an easy pasta salad recipe, and it was a hit.

Easy pasta salad recipe Pinterest image 6

In fact, my daughter reported that numerous youth group attendees asked her for the recipe. She and I giggled because this pasta salad recipe is so incredibly easy.

Sometimes we make it just to eat on throughout the week, but it also works well as a side for carry-ins, feeding a crowd or on holidays.

A huge bonus is that it’s easy to make ahead of time, and the flavors blend together better when you do so as well.

The pasta for the pasta salad

I use garden rotini pasta for making the pasta salad because it’s colorful and looks pretty. It’s the traditional pasta salad pasta.

However, you can use whatever type of pasta you want or have in your pantry. Boil it on the stove according to the box directions.

Strain it in a colander and run cold water over it to cool it down.

Strained garden rotini pasta for the easy pasta salad recipe

The veggies for the easy pasta salad

Set aside the pasta to continue cooling (I usually just leave mine in the sink), and prepare your veggies.

This is where you can get creative and/or use what you have on hand. Here is what I usually use per box of pasta:

  • 2-3 diced Roma tomatoes (any tomato works)
  • 1/2 cup diced onion (yellow or red)
  • 1 medium diced red bell pepper (orange or yellow also work)
  • 1 medium chopped zucchini

For the zucchini, I cut it in quarters and then chop from there.

Chopped zucchini for the easy pasta salad recipe

The final touches

I toss the veggies into a large bowl and then add in 3/4 cup of shredded Parmesan cheese. You can also use grated Parmesan cheese.

Add the pasta and then pour 1 cup of Italian dressing over the top. Mix it together well.

Let the pasta salad chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour. If needed (or desired), add 1/2 cup of additional Italian dressing and stir in before serving.

The complete easy pasta salad

You can easily double this recipe to serve a larger crowd. As is, the pasta salad as a side serves about 15 people.

Easy pasta salad

A simple, easy pasta salad recipe that will easily feed a crowd
Prep Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Salad, Side Dish, Snack
Cuisine Italian
Servings 15 people


  • 1 16 oz. box garden rotini pasta
  • 2-3 Roma tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup onion diced
  • 1 medium red bell pepper diced
  • 1 medium zucchini chopped
  • 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese shredded
  • 1-1/2 cups zesty Italian dressing regular, light or fat free


  • Boil the pasta according to the directions on the box. Strain the noodles and immediately rinse with cold water.
  • Set aside the pasta and prep the veggies as needed. Put the veggies in a large bowl.
  • Add the Parmesan cheese to the bowl.
  • Put the pasta in the bowl and add 1 cup of Italian dressing. Mix together well.
  • Let the pasta salad chill for at least an hour in the refrigerator. If needed, or desired, add 1/2 cup of Italian dressing and mix in before serving.
Keyword carry-in, carry-in recipe, feed a crowd, pasta salad, pasta salad easy

Find more crowd-pleasing recipes:

Hot dogs in the slow cooker

“Grilled” hot dogs in the oven

Cheesy party potatoes

Deviled eggs

Fire-roasted corn and red peppers

Skillet queso

Simple, no-bake desserts

How to make hot dogs in the slow cooker

An easy slow cooker recipe to feed a crowd!

One of my favorite, super easy slow cooker recipes to feed a crowd is hot dogs. It’s a simple way to put together a quick meal that will feed lots of folks.

I’ve used this for our church youth group and our church small group so far. It would also be a great option for birthday parties and picnic holidays.

How to make hot dogs in the slow cooker Pinterest image 1

And it’s so incredibly simple that I almost feel silly for making a whole post about it! Two steps is all it takes!

  1. Dump the hot dogs you prefer into your slow cooker.
  2. Set the temperature to low for four hours or high for two hours.

That’s it! Throughout the cooking time, move them around a little a time or two.

And then just serve them up with buns, your favorite toppings and easy sides like chips, simple pasta salad and cookies.

A couple of sidenotes to avoid confusion:

  • Don’t add water to the slow cooker. It’s not needed.
  • You can stack the hot dogs vertically or just plop them in horizontally. I’ve done both. If you have more to cook, then vertically probably fits more, but it’s also easier for one end of the hot dogs to get darker that way.

Making hot dogs in your slow cooker is way easier than you’d ever guess!

When you’re short on time

Any food made in the slow cooker requires a bit of planning ahead, because it takes a while. But what about when you’re short on time and need to get a slew of hot dogs made stat?

Make them in your oven! It’s even easier than on the grill. Find all the details here:

Nothing beats a good grilled hot dog, unless it's freezing outside! This baked hot dog recipe is super simple and just as tasty as grilled!

Don’t miss these other great, easy recipes as well!

Easy desserts

Deviled eggs

Fire-roasted corn and red peppers

Skillet queso

7 Prayers for overwhelmed moms needing peace and strength

Prayers to help your mama heart find peace (FREE Download!)

Being a mom is so incredibly awesome, but it’s also draining and hard. And sometimes we are just plain overwhelmed.

Prayers for overwhelmed moms Pinterest image 1

Currently I wish I had one more day each week and a couple of extra hours each day. Then maybe I could get closer to conquering everything I have to do. Know the feeling?

It’s easy to get weary and overwhelmed when we are looking out for the needs of our families. On the days when I feel like there’s nothing left for or of myself, I struggle sometimes to even know what to pray beyond help!

I know God hears and understands our prayers, no matter how long or short they are. The Bible also tells us in Romans 8:26-27 that the Holy Spirit brings our needs to God when we can’t.

However, I also know the power of prayer and how praying based on Scripture can help me refocus on God to get peace and strength from Him when I need it most.

These seven Scripture-based prayers for overwhelmed moms are perfect for those days and times when you don’t have the words on your own.

Find a free PDF download of all the verses and prayers near the end of the post!

A prayer for rest

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

When we are tired and worn out, it’s even easier to be overwhelmed. God promises us that if we come to Him, He will give us rest.

It may not necessarily be the extra hours of sleep we crave, but spiritual rest can rejuvenate and sustain us.

Prayers for overwhelmed moms prayer for rest

Dear Lord, I come to You today feeling weary and burdened. Please grant me Your rest and peace. Help me to lay my worries at Your feet and find comfort in Your presence. Give me the strength to face each day with renewed energy and hope. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A prayer for peace of mind

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

Having peace of mind is often hard in life. As Christian moms, we have so many thoughts in our head at the same time — and that’s guaranteed to be overwhelming.

These verses remind us to turn to God with our anxieties and let His peace fill us in ways beyond our understanding.

Prayers for overwhelmed moms prayer for peace of mind

Lord, You know the anxieties that weigh on my heart. I lift them up to You now, asking for Your peace to fill my mind and soul. Help me to trust in Your plan and to feel Your calming presence surrounding me. Guard my heart and mind with Your peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A prayer for renewed strength

“He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.”

Isaiah 40:29-31 (NIV)

I love this verse and the reminder that we all get tired and weary. I have gotten upset with myself in the past for being tired or weary. It almost seems like a sin.

Yet, we are all human. In our humanity, we only have to much strength. And the truth is life and motherhood often drain us.

Prayers for overwhelmed moms prayer for renewed strength

Father, I feel so weak and exhausted. Please renew my strength and give me the power to keep going. Help me to place my hope in You and to trust that You will lift me up. Let me soar on wings like eagles and find the endurance I need to run and not grow weary. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A prayer for courage

“God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
    and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,”

Psalm 46:1-2 (NIV)

I’ve seen a quote before along the lines of courage is that small voice saying, “I’ll try again tomorrow.” That resonates with me, especially on the rough days when I am depleted.

Knowing God is there to shelter us and hold us close gives us courage to keep going and keep trying. When I trust in Him fully, my fear begins to dissipate and my strength begins to grow.

Prayers for overwhelmed moms pray for courage

God, You are my refuge and strength. When I feel overwhelmed by life’s troubles, help me to remember that You are always with me. Give me the courage to face my fears and the strength to stand firm in Your love. Thank You for being my constant help and source of strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A prayer for embracing weakness

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (NIV)

I don’t want to be thought of as weak. Physically weak, I’m OK with, but spiritually or mentally weak is not OK. Yet, I am not always strong.

Coming to God with our weaknesses allows us to draw from His strength. Time and again when I thought I couldn’t keep going, He has given me the strength to go on.

Whether it was from sheer physical exhaustion of having a newborn or overwhelming heartache making the daily work of life challenging, God truly has been strong in my weakness.

Prayers for overwhelmed moms pray for embracing weakness

Lord, I admit that I am weak and in need of Your strength. Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me. Help me to embrace my weaknesses, knowing that Your power is made perfect in them. Let Christ’s power rest on me and give me the strength to endure hardships with joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A prayer for sustenance

“Cast your cares on the Lord
    and he will sustain you;
he will never let
    the righteous be shaken.”

Psalm 55:22 (NIV)

Life shakes us sometimes. We get curveballs we didn’t see coming in parenthood. But this verse reminds us that God is always faithful, even on shaky ground.

God is there to help us carry our burdens from figuring out why a newborn isn’t getting the nutrition she needs to sorting out help when a school-aged child is struggling with reading.

God is always faithful, even in the midst of hard times.

Prayers for overwhelmed moms prayers for sustenance

Dear Lord, I cast all my cares and burdens onto You. Sustain me with Your love and strength. Remind me that You will never let me be shaken, no matter how heavy my load feels. Help me to trust in Your sustaining power and to find peace in Your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A prayer for God’s presence

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

I feel like this verse often comes up when people are embarking on new challenges from moving to starting a new job. Yet, it applies in everyday life for us Christian moms.

God’s presence gives us strength and courage. He keeps us from being discouraged.

I struggle with discouragement and feeling like I’m not good enough as a mom. When I’m overwhelmed, I especially need this reminder that God is there to strengthen me and will not leave me.

Prayers for overwhelmed moms prayer for God's presence

Lord, I often feel afraid and discouraged. Remind me of Your command to be strong and courageous. Help me to feel Your presence with me wherever I go. Give me the courage to face my challenges head-on, knowing that You are by my side, guiding and strengthening me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Download all of the verses and prayers for free here:

Free download of prayers for overwhelmed moms

Find more resources for overwhelmed moms:

A Private Facebook Group for Christian Moms

A Letter to the Overwhelmed Mom

8 Prayers for Joy for Moms Based on the Bible

7 Short Prayers for Mothers

The best easy summer desserts

5 Easy dessert recipes that won’t heat up your kitchen!

Easy summer dessert recipes Pinterest image 10

I love baking. Baking was my first foray into cooking back in high school. But when the weather’s hot, I don’t want to turn on the oven — even in a house with central air conditioning!

I’m excited to share some of my favorite easy summer dessert recipes that don’t require the oven or stovetop. These are easy-peasy recipes even your kiddos can make if they want. (I know this, because mine have!)

Whipped pudding pie

This 4-ingredient whipped pudding pie recipe is one of the most loved recipes I’ve ever shared. It’s easy and versatile. You can use almost any flavor and even make it sugar free.

You don’t have to even use your microwave for this one, especially if you use a store-bought graham cracker crust like I do. If you want to make your own graham cracker crust, then you’ll need to melt some butter to help hold together your graham cracker crumbs.

Otherwise, all you need is an instant pudding mix, milk and an 8-ounce tub of whipped topping. You do need to plan ahead a bit because this easy whipped pudding pie recipe needs about an hour to chill in the fridge.

Find all the details here:

4-ingredient whipped pudding pie recipe

Edible chocolate chip cookie dough

Another family favorite is this edible chocolate chip cookie dough recipe. You’ll need the microwave for this one to heat-treat the flour and maybe soften the butter, but that’s it!

This simple recipe comes together quickly and really does taste like chocolate chip cookie dough. Since it doesn’t have any eggs in it, you can nosh without worry!

We literally just eat the edible chocolate chip cookie dough by the spoonful in my family. You could also add it into ice cream or milkshakes you make at home.

This decadent dessert uses ingredients you probably already have on hand: flour, brown sugar, butter, vanilla extract, milk, salt and semi-sweet chocolate chips.

Find all the details here:

Edible chocolate chip cookie dough Pinterest image

Oreo ice cream cake

Ice cream is the perfect summer treat and this Oreo ice cream cake is a long-standing family favorite. I’ve been eating it since I was a child!

Through the years, my mom has gotten this recipe down to an art and nowadays only needs four ingredients to make it happen. Ice cream, Oreos, hot fudge sauce and whipped cream come together in a flavor explosion.

I am totally partial to this easy summer dessert recipe because I love, love, love it! The only heat required is the microwave to heat up the fudge sauce warm enough to be pourable.

This one takes some time because you have to let the ice cream soften and firm a few times, but it’s so easy — and yummy — that you won’t mind.

Find all the details on how to make this 9×13-inch Oreo ice cream cake here:

Oreo Ice cream cake recipe

Puppy chow

Whether you call it puppy chow or muddy buddies, the combination of peanut butter and chocolate on crisp rice cereal is so delicious!

I went through a phase of obsession with puppy chow and got the recipe down to an art. Using rice cereal instead of corn, adding a bit of vanilla extract and using Skippy peanut butter are my top tips.

Puppy chow is a great easy summer recipe because you only need to use the microwave to melt the chocolate chips, butter and peanut butter together. It’s a great recipe to make with your children!

Find all the details here:

The best puppy chow recipe Pinterest image 2

Mint chocolate chip mousse

Mousse sounds like such a fancy dessert to make, but this mint chocolate chip mousse recipe is incredibly easy and only needs five ingredients!

The cool mint flavor is refreshing for summertime. And you don’t need any heat at all for making this recipe. You do need a bit of time for it to chill, though, so be prepared for that.

While I make this with mini chocolate chips, you could also used crushed chocolate cookies, another type of chocolate or no chocolate at all.

Find all the details of the mint chocolate chip mousse recipe here:

Mint chocolate chip mousse recipe Pinterest image 1

8 Prayers for joy for moms based on the Bible

Finding the joy of the Lord in motherhood

Joy isn’t something we celebrate as a culture, especially in motherhood culture. Joy seems like a nice concept, but not something to work for. 

Yet God’s Word tells us that joy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. In fact, it’s one a Fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. 

While joy can be hard to find on our own, we can utilize prayers for joy based on Scripture. These seven prayers are designed specifically for Christian moms to find the gift of joy in the midst of motherhood.

What is joy?

Before we start praying for the fullness of joy, we need to understand what true joy is in the Bible. The joy of the Holy Spirit is more than just general happiness. 

When we’re talking about joy as defined by God, we are talking about a different sort of joy than just general happiness. The Greek word for joy is chara, which shares the same root as the Greek word for grace. 

So that means joy and grace come from the same place. God’s grace and everlasting joy go hand-in-hand.

Joy isn’t based on the things we have or can do. Instead, joy is a gift from God that we receive when we’re in relationship with Him.

A prayer for daily joy

Dear God, I ask that you fill me with your joy throughout every day. Help me to keep my focus on you so my attitude and spirit will remain joyful. Let my family see your joy in me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Examples of joy in the Bible

If we want to live a joyful life, we have to understand that it takes time. Just like literal fruit, the Fruits of the Spirit take time to cultivate and grow.

Back in college, I had a friend who was full of joy. She radiated it. When I was going through a time of grief after losing a loved one, I resented her joy. 

In fact, I found myself thinking she didn’t understand hurt like I did or she wouldn’t be filled with so much joy.

As I got to know her better over the next couple of months, I learned that she knew hurt well. She had suffered a tremendous loss in her own life, yet she still had joy. 

God opened my eyes to see that having joy in spite of grief and pain is possible because He is the source of all joy — not anything else. 

There are lots of examples in the Bible of God’s people going through trials of many kinds yet living in the joy of God.

A prayer for growing in joy

Dear Heavenly Father, Please help me to cultivate your fruits in my life. Help me to grow to be more joyful in and through you. Open my eyes today to see you at work, no matter what. In the name of Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.

Nehemiah’s joy

God tasked Nehemiah with rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. What Nehemiah was really rebuilding, though, was the culture and legacy of the Jewish people that had been destroyed.

He had all sorts of challenges and struggles in this rebuilding. Even just keeping his workers motivated and on task for such a big project was difficult. Yet, he kept his eyes on the God of hope  as his source of joy. 

In the 8th chapter of Nehemiah, we read about Nehemiah reading to the people from the Book of Law – their Bible. The people were weeping over its instruction and wisdom. 

Nehemiah saw what was happening and said in these Bible verses from Nehemiah 8:9-10 (NIV):

Then Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the priest and teacher of the Law, and the Levites who were instructing the people said to them all, “This day is holy to the Lord your God. Do not mourn or weep.” For all the people had been weeping as they listened to the words of the Law.
Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Nehemiah 8:9-10 (NIV)

Nehemiah is reminding his people that God is their strength. They have no reason to weep. 

Even in difficult circumstances, which will inevitably come, God is our strength and that fact can bring us great joy.

A prayer for joy from Nehemiah

Dear Lord, give me joy like Nehemiah is talking about. Help me to put aside my worries and concerns and just rest in the joy of your salvation as I go throughout my day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

David’s joy

King David spends the entire book of Psalms going back and forth between despair and the wonderful joy of the Lord. He talks about stressful times and good times both. 

And while he certainly had his challenges, David understood God’s steadfast love, even when he didn’t following through on doing the will of God.

In Psalm 30, we see that David was in a season of life where he’d been through hard times and gained perspective that darkness and pain don’t last forever.

For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

Psalm 30:5 (ESV)

Sometimes our joy comes just in knowing that challenges don’t last forever and eventually good things will come along as well. 

Another way David reminds us to find joy is by simply looking around us. Psalm 92:4 (ESV) says that very thing:

For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy.

Psalm 92:4 (ESV)

God’s creation inspires Christian joy. David realized when finding joy and gladness seemed impossible, he could always find it in looking at God’s creation from nature to loved ones and more.

A prayer to see more joy

Dear God, open my eyes today to see all the wonderful blessings that surround me. I thank you for all of your blessings and your faithfulness. Thank you that I can have joy in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Habakkuk’s joy

Habakkuk was living in a time when the Jewish people were being overthrown and overrun by the Babylonians. Life was miserable. 

The crops and livestock were being taken away. A wicked country seemed to be winning over God’s chosen people.

Habakkuk was confused. How could God be letting something so bad happen? Where was His justice? Why wasn’t He doing something? 

All three chapters of Habakkuk are his conversations with God. He poses these same questions and God responds that He knows what He is doing.

Finally, by the third chapter, Habakkuk has come to understand that he can trust God has a plan even when it doesn’t make sense. Even in the midst of suffering, he finds joy in God. 

This is what he says in Habakkuk 3:18-19 (ESV):

yet I will rejoice in the Lord;
            I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
         God, the Lord, is my strength;
            he makes my feet like the deer’s;
            he makes me tread on my high places.

Habakkuk 3:18-19 (ESV)

When times are hard — like they were for Habakkuk — we can find a joyful heart through the power of the Holy Spirit by remembering our salvation. 

A prayer to be full of joy

Dear Jesus, help me to rejoice in you today. I ask that you fill me with  joy so that I can live a life full of hope. Let that joy and hope radiate in and through my life. In your name, Amen.

Joy in the struggle

People in the Old Testament were certainly not the only ones who had to cultivate a life with greater joy. In Romans, Paul encourages the early church to have joy because it is beneficial in other ways as well.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Romans 15:13 (ESV)

Joy goes hand-in-hand with hope. In the struggle of life, we need hope. It helps us to stay motivated and keep going. 

A life without hope is a dismal one indeed. By having peace and joy in believing in God, we will be filled to overflowing with hope.

James goes even further to tell us to be joyful about trials in James 1:2-4 (NIV):

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

James 1:2-4 (NIV)

Finding joy in facing trials sounds impossible and downright ridiculous. But that is what James is telling us to do, because facing trials increases our perseverance and ability to keep going so that we fully mature and can do the work God has for us to do. 

So there is joy to be found even in the hard stuff.

A prayer for joy in the struggle

Heavenly Father, I ask that you help me to remember who you are so that I can have joy and hope in you even when life is chaotic and hard. Lord, I know I don’t have to rejoice about the struggle, but help me to rejoice in you in spite of the struggle. Let me be an example to my family and those around me. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Practical ways to find joy

Along with powerful prayers asking for God to give us more joy, some other steps can encourage us to live with more of God’s joy in our own lives. The best news is that none of them take a tremendous amount of time.

Remember Jesus.

The first thing we can do is remember Jesus. This sounds trite, but hear me out.

During one of the most difficult times of my life, I sat in church overwhelmed and at a loss. Nothing made sense and I couldn’t even bring myself to sing the worship songs. 

My mind was racing so much that I wasn’t able to focus on the preaching. I was crying out to God for help and then I noticed the cross sitting on the platform.

God poked my heart. Did I believe that He sent His Son to die for my sins? My answer was yes. 

Then nothing else truly mattered. He was still the same in the midst of my hurt and despair. I just needed to remember Jesus.

In fact, the shepherds heard the same message from the angel on the night Jesus was born. The angel declared the good news that “great joy” had come into the world. 

Jesus is and can be our joy all the time. When we are struggling to find anything joyful, we can remember the love of Jesus and rejoice in that.

Stay connected to God.

If God is the source of our joy, then we need to stay connected to Him. One important way to do that is by finding a group of fellow believers to connect and worship with. 

The best explanation for why we should go to church came from a preacher I heard decades ago. He said that he’d been married for many years. His wife did all the cooking. 

He couldn’t begin to list what he’d had for dinner every night of his marriage, but he knew he was fed.

Church is the same way. I can’t begin to list every sermon or Bible study lesson I’ve been a part of. But they have all fed me spiritually. 

We need that connection to God to remain in Him and receive His joy.

Look to the future.

As a mom, I can find joy in the tediousness of motherhood by knowing one day it will pay off. 

When I was potty training my children – a task I completely loathed – I continued to do so with the hope and joy of knowing one day they would no longer need diapers. 

Each phase brings its own challenges and thoughts of future rewards.

Sometimes when we are lacking in joy, we need to take a moment and look to the future. We know that joy is coming. 

In the middle of the struggle, take a moment to close your eyes and just imagine the perfection of heaven and being in the presence of God. 

Imagine Jesus pulling you in for a tight, warm, comforting hug. That is joy.

A practical prayer for more joy

Dear God, show me the practical ways I can live my life to have more joy in it. Help me to form the right connections I need to find encouragement on this journey so I can be joyful. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A final prayer for joy

A prayer for more joy

Dear God, I thank you for all the gifts you’ve given me. Father, I thank you that you give me joy in this life no matter what happens. You are faithful and good. You have created so incredibly many good things that bless us and can bring us joy. Thank you for those blessings.

Lord, I ask that you fill me with joy. Remind me of who you are when I start to get sidetracked. Help me to keep my focus on you so that I can have joy in my heart every day.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Joy doesn’t mean life is perfect. Instead, it means that you serve a God who is. And that is something to celebrate daily!

Want to learn more about the Fruit of the Spirit? Be sure to check out these numerous resources!

Fruit of the Spirit worksheets for adults and teens (with 12 FREE resources)

Fruit of the Spirit for Moms YouTube Videos

The importance of love in the Bible and how to live it out

20 Encouraging Bible verses for peace of mind

Cultivating Joy: A 9-week devotional journey for moms through the Fruit of the Spirit

5 Ideas for a great Father’s Day celebration

How to give him a meaningful Father’s Day celebration

Coming up with ideas for a Father’s Day celebration can be tricky, to say the least. If the men in your life are similar to the ones in mine, they are low-maintenance guys who will tell you they don’t care what they do for Father’s Day. They aren’t rolling in suggestions of what a perfect and meaningful Father’s Day celebration would be.

So, I’ve been doing some thinking and a bit of chatting with my own husband to come up with ideas I think most dads would really love for celebrating Father’s Day. I looked at ideas across the internet and found most of them weren’t actually created with dads in mind.

Maybe some dads would love to do a family workout, scavenger hunt or puzzle to celebrate Father’s Day, but I don’t think the guys in my life would.

Instead, I’ve got some low-key and meaningful ideas for a Father’s Day celebration, because more than anything we want the dads in our lives to know how much we appreciate them and love them.

Affiliate links are used in this post, if you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products and services I use and love. It helps support my blog, so thank you for your support! Read my full disclosure here.

1. Let him rest.

Parenting (and adulthood in general) is exhausting. Especially dads who are living with young kiddos at home could use some rest.

While I love a good nap, my husband loves sleeping in. Whatever rest looks like for your guy, let him enjoy some rest and downtime on Father’s Day.

Maybe it doesn’t mean sleeping in or napping. Maybe he wants to watch a show in peace or read a book. Let him have some downtime.

2. Keep it low-key.

So, I will say that maybe not all guys would love low-key Father’s Day celebrations, but the ones I know really would.

In the past, I’ve tried asking my husband for ideas of what he wants to do. Honestly, I think it just adds more pressure to him.

Of course he wants to be recognized and appreciated for all he does, but he also doesn’t want a big to-do that means he has to act really excited about something he really doesn’t care so much about.

You can ask him if he has anything he wants to do, but keep it low pressure. If he says he doesn’t have anything he wants to do, then let him be. Use some of the ideas on this list.

Dads are under so much pressure in taking care of their families and managing work and everything else that the last thing we want to do on a day that’s all about them is add more pressure!

3. Do his favorite activity.

Think about things your husband likes to do and figure out a way to make that happen as a family.

For example, if he loves golf, plan a trip to play mini golf or at a driving range. If he loves watching movies, plan an afternoon movie you can all watch together with his favorite snacks.

Maybe your guy is like mine and enjoys playing games. Pick a game your whole family can play and make memories.

The other thing I know about dads is that it’s often hard for them to find time for their hobbies or things they enjoy in the midst of all they have going on. Taking the time to plan something you know he’ll enjoy will make his Father’s Day celebration all that much better.

Getting to do that activity with his family is great, because dads like making good memories and having fun with their kiddos. Father’s Day is a great time to be intentional about making that happen in a way your guy will love.

The bonus we’ve found is that anything my husband or I are into or excited about, our kids are also at least interested in it as well. They want to be involved in things we’re interested in or excited about.

4. Eat his favorite food.

Whether it’s from a restaurant or from your kitchen, your guy’s favorite food should be on the menu for his Father’s Day celebration. Even if it’s a dish you make all the time, if he loves it then Father’s Day is a great time to make it.

Or take him out to eat at a restaurant he loves or a restaurant he chooses.

While my love language is food, my husband’s isn’t so much. But still knowing you’ve made the effort to have food he enjoys will make him happy.

5. Give thoughtful gifts.

You can find all sorts of gift ideas for Father’s Day, but the gifts that mean the most are the ones with the most thought behind them.

Father’s Day is one of those holidays where it really is the thought that counts. Dads want to know they’re appreciated. They want some acknowledgement that their family sees and appreciates their hard work.

When I stop to truly think about what all our husband does for our family, I am overwhelmed and humbled.

He makes sacrifices the kids aren’t even aware of. He is a steady, calm presence that makes us all feel secure.

My husband can make the kids and me laugh like nobody else. The list goes on and on. Father’s Day is the perfect time to let him know you see what he’s doing and you appreciate it.

Go for a card (homemade or store bought) that you write in. Have the kiddos draw pictures or write what they love about dad.

Buy him a gift you know he wouldn’t get for himself. Give him a photo of the kids (or him with the kids!) that he can put on his desk.

Heck, you can even give him a cheesy mug or t-shirt proclaiming how great he is along with a nice card. He’ll enjoy being appreciated. We all need that acknowledgement and dads are certainly no different!

Be sure to check out this post full of last-minute, personalized Father’s Day gifts that don’t cost more than a couple of bucks!

Father's Day gift ideas from kids square image

Fun family activities to do on July 4th with your kids

40 Fun things to do for your family’s Fourth of July celebration (with FREE coloring pages!)

Each year when America’s birthday rolls around, I want to figure out the best family things to do on July 4th. My goal is to come up with funs ideas my whole family can enjoy.

The fun activities I plan for July 4th have varied depending on how old my children are. For example, when they were babies and toddlers, we watched a fireworks show on television rather than in person. It was a better way for our family to see fireworks during that season.

Nowadays, though, my children are older and finding fun ideas our whole family will enjoy is important to me. Our best memories are made with family fun!

I’ve pulled together a list of all kinds of Fourth of July activities for families. Some of these my family does ourselves, and others are new ideas I can’t wait to try!

Affiliate links are used in this post. If you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclosure here.

Traditional celebrations

Whether you live in a small town or large city, most areas have a variety of events throughout the day in honor of the Fourth of July. And the majority are family friendly!

Attend a local parade.​

Check social media and other online resources to find out if there is a local parade happening near you. Parades are especially fun for younger kids.

But even with older kids, parades are a fun way to celebrate any holiday. 

Have a Fourth of July cookout.

Whether you call it a cookout or a backyard barbecue, July 4th is notorious for grilling up hot dogs and hamburgers.

Plan some easy sides like potato chips, baked beans, macaroni salad and deviled eggs, then host a cookout in your own backyard. You get bonus points for making food in red, white and blue!

You can also turn this into a potluck and invite friends or family over to spend time all together.

Put up patriotic decor.

Everyone is more inclined to get into the holiday spirit if you have some star-spangled banner decor around. You don’t have to spend a fortune to make it happen.

One creative way to decorate is with coloring pages that your family colors. You not only get to spend quality time coloring together, you also get to display artwork you’re proud of!

Download this set of 6 free July 4th coloring pages!

6 Free July 4th coloring pages

Go see a fireworks display.

Nothing is more traditional on July 4th than fireworks. Find the best places to go in your area and attend a big display with your family.

If you are able to do your own fireworks, give those a go if you’d rather. Our family usually does a mix of both. We get some small things, like sparklers, to do at home. Then we go see the big fireworks in a nearby park. 

And another option, especially if you have younger children or a family member who is noise sensitive, is to watch fireworks on television. We’ve done this a few times, and it’s one of the best ways to see fireworks without the heat and hassle!

Outdoor adventures

You can find all sorts of kid-friendly activities in the great outdoors that are perfect for July 4th weekend. Even inside folks like me can find a fun game to play!

Play outdoor games at home.

Without even leaving home, there are lots of fun yard games your family can play. From corn hole to croquet, options abound. 

But don’t forget other great options for the warm weather we have in July, such as having a water balloon fight. This remains one of my children’s favorite things to do in hot weather!

Simple games like hide and seek or tag are fabulous options as well.

Have a picnic at the park.

Another great way to celebrate July 4th is by having a picnic in the park. Often parks where fireworks displays are set to happen are filled with all sorts of options ahead of time from free live music to food vendors. 

Pack up your family and head to the park early to enjoy free concerts and tasty treats in addition to what you pack yourself. And don’t forget, it’s a good idea to bring along both sunscreen and bug spray!

Go for a bike ride.

If your family loves riding bikes, then biking can be a fun Fourth of July activity to do together. Ride to a local park or a local ice cream store for a refreshing summer treat. 

Or just go for a ride together around your neighborhood. With most folks off work for July 4th, it’s a perfect time to use your free time for family-friendly activities.

Game time

From video to board games, a little friendly competition on July 4th can be the perfect way to spend at least part of the day. And my family loves games!

Play patriotic games.

The best options for patriotic themed games are going be printable ones. And that’s actually good news, because they are less expensive than store-bought options!

Print out a pack of 4th of July themed games and have fun as a family! This July 4th game and activity pack includes a wide array of options for the whole family:

  • July 4th What’s on your phone?
  • July 4th Crossword with answers
  • Three July 4th mazes
  • July 4th Selfie scavenger hunt
  • July 4th Never have I ever
  • July 4th Word scramble with answers
  • July 4th Charades or draw the word
  • July 4th Photo scavenger hunt
  • July 4th How many words can you make?
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Connect the dots game
  • 2 July 4th Coloring pages
Bundle of 4th of July family games

Play card or board games.

Independence Day weekend is a great time to play a new game or a family favorite when you have time off to do so. Some of our favorites include the following:

Play video or electronic games.

Video and electronic games don’t especially sound like great family things to do on the 4th of July, but they really can be!

Find a game you can play cooperatively and try it out together. Recently I’ve had fun playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with my husband and son.

Or go for more traditional electronic game options like Jackbox Party Games. We’ve played these with our family and with my parents as well. All of us enjoy them!

You just need a console, computer or Apple TV. Each player will need a device on which to play, such as a phone or iPad. Easy to set up and lots of fun to play!

Even more ideas for July 4th

And if none of these options are what you’re looking for in a family-friendly event or you want some more ideas, check out this additional list of 30 family things to do on the 4th of July:

  • Beach Day – Spend the day swimming, building sandcastles and relaxing.
  • Patriotic Crafting – Make flags, wreaths or other themed crafts with the kids.
  • Historical Reenactment – Visit a historical site or watch a reenactment of a Revolutionary War battle.
  • Ice Cream Social – Set up an ice cream bar with various toppings.
  • Outdoor Movie Night – Set up a projector and screen a family-friendly film.
  • Fireworks Sparklers – Light sparklers and enjoy the sparkly fun.
  • Attend a Baseball Game – Many local teams have special July 4th games and events.
  • Family Talent Show – Let everyone show off their unique talents.
  • Scavenger Hunt – Create a patriotic-themed scavenger hunt around your home or neighborhood.
  • Visit a National Park – Take in the beauty of nature and enjoy outdoor activities.
  • Host a Pie Eating Contest – See who can eat the most pie in a fun, messy competition.
  • Patriotic Face Painting – Paint each other’s faces with flags and other patriotic symbols.
  • Make Homemade Lemonade – Set up a stand or simply enjoy a refreshing drink together.
  • Fourth of July Parade Float – Create a mini float for a neighborhood parade.
  • Camp Out in the Backyard – Set up tents and tell stories under the stars.
  • Patriotic Storytime – Read books about the history of Independence Day.
  • Host a Flag Ceremony – Teach kids how to properly handle and display the flag.
  • Nature Hike – Explore a local trail and enjoy the great outdoors.
  • Create a Time Capsule – Include items that represent this year’s celebrations and open it in the future.
  • Patriotic Baking – Make cupcakes, cookies or a cake decorated in red, white and blue.
  • Kite Flying – Spend the afternoon flying kites in an open field.
  • Visit a Farmer’s Market – Enjoy fresh produce and local goods.
  • Red, White, and Blue Tie-Dye – Make tie-dye shirts in patriotic colors.
  • Listen to Patriotic Music – Create a playlist of American classics and sing along.
  • Visit a Museum – Learn about American history and culture.
  • Parade Float Contest – Organize a neighborhood competition for the best-decorated bikes or wagons.
  • Charity Run/Walk – Participate in or organize a 5K for a good cause.
  • Boat Parade – If you live near water, join or watch a parade of decorated boats.
  • Balloon Release – Release red, white and blue balloons (using eco-friendly materials).
  • Photo Booth – Set up a booth with patriotic props and take fun family photos.

No matter what you decide to do, remember that you are making memories with your family. Not everything will be perfect — and that’s OK. But you can still enjoy the time together!

The best free summer date night ideas for parents

12 summer date ideas that are free or nearly free

Finding time for a summer date night can be challenging for parents. But we still need quality time together and summertime is the perfect time for some free date ideas you’ll love!

Whenever I hear the word “summertime,” I immediately hear the George Gershwin song in my head: “Summertime and the livin’ is easy.” 

But I’m guessing Gershwin didn’t have kids. Or he at least wasn’t in charge of them. 

Summertime is busy and hectic with kids at home. So, I’ve got the best summer date ideas for parents that you can do at home while your kiddos are asleep or otherwise occupied. 

My husband and I have learned we have to be intentional about ways to connect, especially during summer months. And this summer, with the cost of everything on the rise, coming up with some free summer date ideas is a great plan. 

You can connect, even without a babysitter or spending money. There are plenty of opportunities to have a great date if you just learn how to spot them!

Summer date idea #1: Sit outside. 

One of the more simple summer date ideas is to sit outside together on nice summer evenings after the kids are in bed. The great outdoors — even from your own porch or patio —  is a great place to unwind and reconnect with one another.

Summer date night ideas for parents Pinterest image 2

When our children were babies and toddlers, we’d take the baby monitor outside with us. Once they were older, we knew they could come and find us, but made sure to mention that if they don’t see us, then to look on the porch or patio.  (It was the back patio at our old house and front porch at our new house.)

Having time to sit together and just reconnect after a busy day of life is nice. Pick a night and plan 30 minutes to an hour of just sitting together and talking.

Agree that you’ll stay device free and really focus on one another.

Don’t miss these free 55 conversation starters for Christian couples to get the conversation flowing!

Summer date idea #2: Find a series to watch together.

A fun date idea you can do in your own living room is watch a good movie or TV series together. Many shows go to repeats during the summer, so it’s a great time to binge a series together after the kiddos are in bed or whenever you have time together. 

You can find all sorts of ideas online or your favorite streaming service. If all else fails, re-watch a series or movie together. 

Either way, focus on finding something you both like, put down your phones, snuggle up and watch together. Add in your favorite snacks and you’re good to go!

Summer date idea #3: Eat a cold treat together.

If you can find a babysitter or if your kids are old enough to be home alone for an hour, go out for ice cream together. Going out for ice cream is one of the fun summer date ideas, because ice cream goes great with warm weather. 

Plus sitting and chatting while eating a sweet, cold treat is a fun way to spend time together. Ice cream (or fro yo) doesn’t cost as much as going out to dinner. For $10 or less, you can eat get a cold treat.

And if you just can’t find a sitter, then plan an ice cream date at home — without your kids. During naptime or after bedtime, sit at your table with homemade ice cream sundaes or other frozen treats.

Either way, having a cold treat together is a good time to reconnect and remember why your spouse really is your favorite person!

Summer date idea #4: Go for a walk together, and hold hands.

My husband and I are very much fair weather folks. He doesn’t handle heat well and my skin doesn’t get along well with the sun. 

But, find one of the nice summer days and go for a walk together. Walk around your neighborhood during your kids’ naptime. 

Take a stroll along a nature path or hiking trail nearby and let your kids explore (if they are old enough and it’s safe to do so) while you and your husband meander slowly behind them. 

A local park is also a perfect place for this if you have the kids along. You can walk and talk while the kids play on the playground nearby.

It can be the perfect summer date idea if you hold hands to connect physically and emotionally! 

Summer date idea #5: Color together.

If you have kids, chances are really good that you have some art supplies around. A cute summer date idea is to hang out together and color one evening after the kids are in bed. 

My husband does some really great coloring with markers and shading. I, on the other hand, am much more basic. I use crayons and just color princesses. 

It doesn’t matter what you’re coloring, though. What matters is that you’re spending time together. Sometimes doing a mindless task can be a better time to talk and connect than sitting facing one another. 

Summer date idea #6: Tackle a project together.

This sound suspiciously like work, but my husband and I enjoy having time to be productive together and do tasks that have been hanging over our heads. One of the best things is you can get tasks accomplished while also having extra time with your spouse to improve your relationship. Win-win!

Recently, for example, my husband and I spent a couple of hours working together on hanging wall decor in our home that we’ve needed to do for three years. Our kids were too worried about getting roped in to work that they both disappeared to their rooms and occupied themselves. We had a great time working and laughing together. 

Just be sure to keep a good attitude about it and be willing to accept some unsolicited advice that could come your way. (I’m not saying that happened to me over the weekend, but I’m also not saying it didn’t!)

Summer date idea #7: Go geocaching together.

Geocaching was super popular a few years ago, but it still around now. If you can get some kid-free time, download a geocache map and head out together to find some geocaches. 

Take your vehicle or, to make it a completely free date, combine it with an excuse to bike ride together. The longer days of summer lend themselves well to getting out in the evening during warmer weather and doing things.

Geocaching is one of the fun summer dates you can go on, because it also creates memories every time you drive by local landmarks or other places you found geocaches.

Summer date idea #8: Play a game together.

This is perhaps my favorite summer date idea. Plan a game night date night for after the kids go to bed. 

My husband and I love to play games together. I’m not at all a night owl and am definitely more of an early bird. So for post-bedtime game nights, I tend to like short and easy games rather than longer ones. 

Whether it’s a video, card or board game, playing games together can be a great way to spend time together and enjoy a cozy night in. Bonus points if you add in some good food or affectionate prizes!

If you’re looking for a little competition along with fun ways to connect, hop over to printable date night games and activities for couples with some free downloads!

Summer date idea #9: Go for a drive together.

This one isn’t completely free because you’d have to spend money on gas, but sometimes a drive on country roads near your house can be a great summer date idea. 

Roll down the windows if you want and let the wind blow through your hair, listen to music together or just chat and catch up. You might end up finding new things in your area you didn’t even know about. 

If your kids are small and will sleep in the car, make naptime mobile one afternoon and hit the road. Otherwise, you would need a babysitter or have kids old enough to be home alone for an hour.

Summer date idea #10: Read a book together.

I’m a huge fan of books. Read a fiction book together or listen to the audio version together. (Don’t overlook your local library as a great and free resource for these!) 

You can even read on your own and then talk about it like your own book club. Nonfiction books on relationships or any other topic you’re interested in are also great for summer date nights. 

Summer date idea #11: Check out the sky.

Neither of you have to be an astronomer to have fun looking at the stars together. Download a stargazing app, spread out a blanket in your favorite place in the yard and marvel together at the galaxy.

Summer is a great time to take advantage of the beautiful weather and find clear skies with warm temperatures. And nighttime is even better for outdoor activities on hot days.

Summer date idea #12: Go to a free concert.

This one does need a babysitter if your kiddos aren’t old enough to be home along. But another one of our summer date night ideas is to go to a free concert.

Check out a nearby park or other popular venue to find free concerts in your area. Pick one that sounds good for you two and enjoy the time together listening to music and remembering what it’s like to not always have to be mom.

Printable date night games and activities for couples

Creative date night ideas with FREE printables

Finding time to connect with our spouses in the midst of the whirlwind of carpool lines, meal prepping and endless loads of laundry can feel impossible. Printable date night games can kick your next date night at home up a notch.

Home date ideas work incredibly well while juggling a family. You don’t even need a babysitter or extra money to have a fun time making your love life a priority.

With a little creativity and some fun printable date night games, you can have a special date night filled with laughter and meaningful conversations – all from the comfort of your living room.

Why date nights matter

In order to build, strengthen and grow in our marriages, we need to spend time together. Being intentional about carving out time as a couple is important, especially in the midst of parenthood.

Staying connected to your spouse is important. Scheduling date nights is one of the best ways to make sure you’re prioritizing each other.

In long-term relationships, we can easily get complacent and forget to have time together. Date nights are a fun way to rekindle the romance and spark in your relationship. 

But, I also know finding the time and resources to plan elaborate date nights is challenging. You’ve got to deal with child care and budgets and all the things.

Planning a simple evening in with a printable date night game bundle can be just the thing to help you connect after you have the kiddos tucked in for the night.

Printable date night games Pinterest image 8

Setting the scene

But just because you’re staying in doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the romance. You can pretty easily create a romantic atmosphere at home, I promise!

  1. Tidy Up: Clear away the clutter. A clean, organized space can instantly make your home feel more relaxing and inviting.
  2. Lighting: Dim the lights and add some candles or fairy lights. Soft lighting can transform your living room into a cozy, intimate space.
  3. Music: Create a playlist of your favorite songs or soothing background music. Music can set the tone and bring back memories of your early days together.
  4. Dress Up: Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you have to stay in your sweats. Dress up a little – it can make the evening feel more special.

Being intentional

While the games provide a framework for fun, the true magic of date night lies in the intentional connection you create. Go into date night at home prepared to let go of other distractions.

Put away your phones and other electronics. Do chores ahead of time or let them go during date night. Think of this time as sacred – a gift to focus solely on each other.

Start the evening with prayer by asking God to strengthen your marriage, give you guidance, reflect on your blessings and have fun together. God created marriage and wants yours to thrive. It’s OK to ask for help making that happen!

​If you are doing a date night in while the kiddos are home, have a plan for how to handle interruptions. Maybe you take turns dealing with kids who get up or you have rules for your children to only come get you if someone is throwing up or bleeding. 

What that actually looks like will depend on the ages of your children and how your family works.

Taking the extra step

Your date night in doesn’t have to be mundane in any way. If you’re planning for dinner, order from your favorite restaurant or cook a meal together. 

​If date night is happening after dinnertime, consider having some snacks and/or sweet treats on hand for something special as you go through your evening.

While you don’t want to spend the night on your devices, keep your phone’s camera handy to take a couple of photos as you go so you can remember your fun game night!

Connect with printable games

Printable date night games are a great idea to have a good laugh with your spouse while reconnecting and making memories. And couple games are one of the best ways to spend time with one another.

Printable games work well because you don’t have to plan ahead or spend much money. All you need is a home printer for games that are an instant download, and you’re good to go.

Not only are printable games an easy way to add spice to date night without having to leave home, they are also more budget friendly. Being the wife of a gamer, I can guarantee printable games are much cheaper than traditional party games for sale online or in-person!

FREE DIY date night jar

A date night jar is pretty simple. You use a jar (or envelope), put you favorite date night ideas on slips of paper and draw one out when you’re planning your date.

Use this free download of 35 date night jar ideas for a fun date night at home. With detailed instructions, you can easily create a date night jar in a matter of minutes.

Free DIY Date Night Jar for Fun At-Home Dates

Printable date night games

Printable date night games are quick and easy to prepare and don’t cost much at all. In fact, you can get 15 printable couples’ games and activities for less than $5!

You’ll have loads of fun with the following items:

  • This or that? – Have fun discovering what each of you prefer between two options such as “travel to a new place every year” versus “revisit your favorite spot every year.” These are great for sparking conversation and will probably include some laughs as well!
  • Memory Lane – Get a bit sentimental with this game that has the two of you strolling down memory lane together. Reminisce about your first date, your wedding day and more. Answer them out loud together or separately on paper and then discuss them. This game can be a great opportunity to get to know more about your spouse’s love language based on what they remember most.
  • Couple’s Quiz – Answer questions about yourself and your spouse separately to see how well you know each other. You’ll write things like their favorite color, dream vacation, first car and more. Compare your answers to find out who knows whom better!
  • Scavenger Hunt – Take a walk together and find a variety of items such as a bench, a fallen leaf and a dog on a walk. Mark off the list or take photos to remember everything you saw. 
  • Truth or Dare – Have fun with this slumber party favorite that has 28 truths and 28 dares. You’re guaranteed to have some laughs with this one!
  • Most Likely To – Separately answer questions about yourself and your spouse about who is the most likely to do things, such as cook a gourmet meal, start a new hobby or try an extreme sport. Compare your answers and have fun!
  • Picture This – Pick 10 of 27 ideas for taking photos together and create those photos as a couple. You’ll find fun ideas like snapping a photo under a blanket fort, and sweet ideas like capture a romantic kiss.
  • Have you Ever? – You may think you know everything about your spouse, but this Have you Ever? game will teach you new things. Honestly answer the questions about whether you’ve done things like skipped school, been on a blind date or lied to get out of trouble. The best part of this game is sharing fun stories as you go! 
  • Couple Charades – This classic game is designed with ideas of activities couples can do together. Act them out and be ready to laugh!
  • Match Minds – See how much you think alike in this game that offers one word and a blank to finish the phrase. Answer them individually and compare to see how many of your responses match. 
  • It’s a Draw! – Play a date night version of Pictionary by taking turns drawing famous couples and letting your spouse guess which couple you’re drawing. No words allowed!
  • Love Scramble (with key) – Challenge each other to unscramble 15 words about love. See who can do it quickest or get the most correct. (And don’t worry, an answer key is also included in case you get stumped!)
  • Bucket List – Along with having fun together, spend some time dreaming together. Make a list of all the things you’d like to do. Then pick your top five as a couple and list them. See what you can do to make some of those dreams a reality in the next five years!
  • Gratitude Prompts – Whether you write down the answers or say them aloud, going through these gratitude prompts together will draw you closer as you let your spouse know what you appreciate about them but don’t get to say often.
  • A to Z Music – Race to see who can come up with the most song titles about love in 5 minutes. The catch is you need a song title that begins with each letter of the alphabet.
15 printable date night games

Conversation starters

​Conversation starter cards are a great way to get the conversation flowing on date night so you can really connect with your spouse. Check out the free version of 55 Christian conversation starters for couples or get them as cards to print out, cut apart and draw at random.

These conversation starters cover a wide variety of topics, including spiritual connection, personal growth, memories and reflections, family and relationships, and dreams and goals.

FREE 55 Christian Conversation Starters for Couples
55 Conversation starter cards for Christian couples

Date night idea cards

If you are looking for date night cards that could take you out of the house, be sure to check out these 80 printable date night idea cards. You’ll get a mix of new date night ideas that are both at home and out and about.

You can pick the cards at random or go through them together and choose your favorite date night option. Find ideas such as create the perfect playlist, make an ice cream sundae bar, play laser tag, shop for each other, go horseback riding and more.

80 Printable date night idea cards

Remember, a thriving marriage doesn’t happen by accident. It requires effort, intentionality and a commitment to quality time.  

By incorporating printable games and creating a romantic atmosphere, you can keep the spark alive and grow closer together, all while honoring the sacred covenant of marriage.  

So, clear your schedules, print out some games and get ready to reconnect! Your marriage – and your children – will thank you.

Be sure to also check out these 10 free summer date night ideas for parents and tips for how to connect with your spouse while raising children!