
Families With Grace

Helping Christian moms create homes filled with grace, love & faith

16 Volunteer ideas for families to do together

Kid-friendly volunteer opportunities for the whole family

As Christians, we are called to serve and help those who are less fortunate. Paul states it rather bluntly, in fact:

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20:35 (ESV)

A great way to teach children this lesson is by volunteering together as a family. Volunteer work is a change to not only spend quality time together but also make a positive difference in your community.

​From the time our children were preschoolers, my husband and I found ways to help them give back that were age appropriate. Now they are older kids in the tween and teen years, and those lessons have stuck.

Our oldest has organized a variety of food and toiletry drives at her school. Our youngest has helped serve at a local food bank.

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The good news is you can find lots of volunteer activities that are a good fit for kids of all ages.

Behind-the-scenes volunteer ideas for families

Some of the best ways for families with little kids to volunteer is in a behind-the-scenes capacity. These ideas are all more hands-off and would all be a great volunteer opportunity for young children.

1. Buy for a local food pantry.

This is the idea our family first started with way back when our children were little. We divided (and still do!) their weekly allowance into three categories: spending, saving and giving.

We talked with our oldest about how she wanted to use her giving money when her brother was still too little to even get an allowance. She didn’t want to use it for church but instead to help people in need.

We found food pantries were a great place to start. We took her to the grocery store with her giving money so she had a very hands-on, visual experience with how she was giving back.

While we shopped and picked items, we talked about how they would help families. Later we prayed for the people who would be receiving them.

2. Collect or buy dog toys and supplies for your local animal shelter

If you have kiddos who love animals, buying toys for a local animal shelter or animal rescue organization is a great idea. These places are always in need of supplies to take care of the furry friends in their care.

Many shelters and rescue organizations have age requirements for volunteering, so donating is a better way to involve all your family members. 

Consider donating toys, blankets, towels, cleaning supplies, pet food, pet beds and more. 

3. Make cards for senior centers.

Many young children love dong arts and crafts. Buy or print out some inexpensive cards for holidays (Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc.) and donate them to a local senior center or nursing home.

Often senior citizens are lonely and long for connection with young people. This gives your children a chance to make a difference doing something they enjoy anyway.

4. Buy toys for a toy drive.

Toy drives are especially popular at Christmastime. This can be a great activity for families with younger children to get involved.

Share with your children that some kids don’t have as many toys and that you are shopping for a toy to cheer them up. Then let your kiddo help you pick out the toy. 

Depending on the age of your child, be prepared for the struggle of buying for others. Talking about it ahead of time, during and while donating the toy can be helpful.

5. Deliver treats to first responders.

A fun activity for little ones is to bake (or buy) treats and deliver them to first responders. Calling ahead is a good idea.

When my kids were a toddler and preschooler, we called the local fire station and scheduled a time to drop by. We brought some homemade cookies to give the firefighters.

The firefighters gave my kids plastic hats, a firetruck tour and some safety instructions. It was a win all around.

Hands-on volunteer ideas for families

Though behind-the-scenes volunteer ideas work really well for young families, other ideas work well for families with children who are older. 

These volunteer ideas for families work for preschool aged children through high school kids and beyond.

6. Participate in a park clean-up day.

If your local park is hosting a clean-up day, then get your family involved. Children who are preschool aged and older can help with carrying bags or picking up things.

Not only are you working for a good cause, you’re also having time together outside and making memories.

Even if your park isn’t have a clean-up day, you can still pick a day and collect trash as a family.

7. Work in a community garden.

This is great opportunity for children to learn life skills starting from a young age. Bring them along to enjoy getting their hands in the dirt while helping to grow fruits and vegetables to make a difference in the lives of others.

Check out your local community center or other nonprofit organizations for community garden opportunities.

8. Volunteer in a local soup kitchen.

You don’t have to serve the food to be helpful. Soup kitchens need all sorts of work families can undertake. Check with local organizations that serve food and see what they need.

Besides serving food, you may find volunteering experience for families such as cleaning, food prep, setting up tables, organizing ingredients and more.

9. Participate in a drive for school supplies.

While you can certainly stay behind the scenes by donating school supplies, working at the supply distribution is a volunteer project older children can especially benefit from.

Youth volunteers for these programs are great for running supplies where they need to be. It also allows your older children a chance to feel some gratitude for the blessings in their own lives.

10. Plan a car wash to raise money.

Whether you’re looking to help a nonprofit organization, one of your local churches or even a children’s hospital, hosting a car wash is a pretty easy activity youth can get behind. Find a location in a busy part of town that will let you hook up hoses. 

Bring along hoses, buckets, sponges, soap and signs. Make sure your signs are clear what organization or group is benefitting from the car wash proceeds.

11. Make care packages for your local homeless shelter.

Personal care items are always needed at homeless shelters and other organizations ministering to the underserved. Toiletries such as soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant and feminine hygiene products are just a few examples of needs to be filled.

Food stamp programs do not cover these items either. So any organization serving those reliant on food stamps can probably utilize these essentials.

12. Coordinate with your school counselor.

Many parents are aware teachers spend some of their own money on supplies and needs for their classrooms. But school counselors and/or sometimes school nurses do as well.

For example, my daughter learned a counselor at her school was buying various toiletries to help out students in need. So, my daughter hosted a toiletry drive at school and filled the counselor’s supply closet to overflowing.

Our entire family got involved with the project by helping collect, count and sort the items.

13. Organize a canned food drive.

Organizing a canned food drive might sound intimidating, but it’s not as hard as you might think. We’ve done this a few times at the kids’ school.

Once you have permission, you basically just need collection containers and a time to pick up and transport everything to the food bank. Publicize the food drive on social media, in the school newsletter and/or with an information sheet to help get the best results.

We’ve also found some good old-fashioned bribery works, too. Promises of an ice cream party or candy to the class who brings in the most is quite a good motivator for kids.

Our family is happy to buy some cups of ice cream or bags of candy to help keep the motivation going.

14. Volunteer at your local library.

No matter where you live, your local library could use your help. Even with paid staff, there are always tasks that need to be done.

If you have a child with a love of reading, your library may have a program he or she can participate in to read to senior citizens, dogs or young children. Other library volunteer activities could include helping set up for story time or sorting through old circulation material.

15. Help your neighbors.

Sometimes you don’t need to use official volunteer programs to reach out and make a difference in someone’s life. Look around your own neighborhood and see what neighbors have needs.

You may find an elderly neighbor who needs help with lawn care or even taking the trash cans to the curb. Or maybe a family with a new baby could use a hand watching their older kids one afternoon a week.

All sorts of people are in need around us that we can reach out and help as a family.

16. Volunteer at a food distribution center.

Food pantries certainly need help, but don’t forget about the food distribution centers that supply many pantries. The local distribution center for our family has an age requirement of 12 or older for volunteer positions.

For us, this means our oldest child can volunteer right now, but our youngest cannot. So, my daughter and I have gone a few times and done a variety of tasks from sorting onions to stapling papers. There is never a lack of need.

Creating a legacy of service

With so many volunteer ideas for families, you won’t run out of activities any time soon. These are all great ways to encourage our children to love on those around them, which is the most important thing we want to encourage as Christian moms and dads.

Set an example and get your entire family involved so your family tradition of volunteering becomes a legacy of service.

45 Positive parenting quotes that are inspirational

Positive parenting quotes to encourage moms and dads

Parenthood is wearisome and wonderful. It is exhausting and exhilarating. Sometimes on the bad days just knowing that you aren’t in it alone is encouraging. 

For that reason, I’ve put together a list of 45 inspirational parenting quotes to encourage and amuse you along your parenting journey.

You’ll find a mix of inspirational quotes, funny parenting quotes about real family life and even some good advice. 

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Through my years as a mom, I’ve learned there is no such thing as perfect parenting. But, we can all work hard to be the best parent we can be.

At the end of the day, what matters most is our unconditional love for our children. The most powerful way we can raise a good kid is simply giving our kids much love and much time. 

Whether new parents or seasoned parents, we’re all in this together!

Inspirational parenting quotes

“Encourage and support your kids because children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.” — Lady Bird Johnson, former First Lady of the United States

“You’re on a long journey. You’ll have good days and bad. And sometimes they happen all in the same day. Don’t get bogged down by the bad moments. Know that it really is worth it and whatever phase you’re in really does end.” — Stacey A. Shannon, journalist and blogger in “60 Motherhood truths

“Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” — Matthew Jacobson, blogger

“Affirming words from moms and dads are like light switches. Speak a word of affirmation at the right moment in a child’s life and it’s like lighting up a whole roomful of possibilities.” — Gary Smalley, family therapist

“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” — Jill Churchill, author

“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.” — Angela Schwindt, a mom and coach

“There are many ways to measure success; not the least of which is the way your child describes you when talking to a friend.” — Anonymous

“My children aren’t a burden or annoyance; they are my greatest masterpiece.” — Stacey A. Shannon, journalist and blogger in “Back to school blues

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” — Proverbs 22:6 KJV

“Making the decision to have a child — it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” — Elizabeth Stone, author

“A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.” — Billy Graham, evangelist

“So often, children are punished for being human. They are not allowed to have grumpy moods, bad days, disrespectful tones, or bad attitudes. Yet, we adults have them all the time. None of us are perfect. We must stop holding our children to a higher standard of perfection than we can attain ourselves. ” — Rebecca Eanes, author and positive parenting advocate

“Great memories are often made in the small moments. The greatest gift you give your children is your time.” — Stacey A. Shannon, journalist and blogger

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.” — Sue Atkins, parenting coach

Ruth Bell Graham quote about parenting

“As a mother, my job is to take care of the possible and trust God with the impossible.” — Ruth Bell Graham, author

“We’re all wondering if we’re messing up our kids or even being good parents. Moms everywhere doubt their abilities and choices. We worry if our kids are OK and fret over whether we’re spending time doing the right things with them. We are doing the best we can in the midst of the chaos and exhaustion.” — Stacey A. Shannon, journalist and blogger

“Your kids require you most of all to love them for who they are, not to spend your whole time trying to correct them.” — Bill Ayers, elementary education reformist

“The best way to make children good is to make them happy.” — Oscar Wilde, author

“We never know the love of the parent till we become parents ourselves.” — Henry Ward Beecher, minister

“Each day of our lives we make deposits into the memory banks of our children.” — Charles R. Swindoll, pastor

“Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” — C.S. Lewis, writer

“Childhood is fleeting, so let kids be kids and cherish the time you have together.” — Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President

“A Mother’s Promise”
I will love you completely and fully no matter what you do.
I will work hard to make sure you get any help you need.
I will always be your soft place to land.
I will pray over and for you as long as there is breath in my body.
I will protect you to the very best of my ability.
I will be there to lift you up when life kicks you down.
I will be your biggest fan forever and always in everything you do.
I will fail and make mistakes, but I will always do my best.
I will forever be thankful and grateful that I get to be your mom.
— Stacey A. Shannon, journalist and blogger

“Your children need your presence more than your presents.” — Jesse Jackson, civil rights activist 

“Our greatest national resource is the minds of our children.” — Walt Disney, cartoonist

“Giving birth is little more than a set of muscular contractions granting passage of a child. Then the mother is born.” ― Erma Bombeck, newspaper humor columnist

“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” ― Peggy O’Mara, journalist and publisher

“You will lose yourself for a while after the baby is born, but you’ll come back. Slowly, over time, you become more you again, yet different in a way you’re OK with.” ― Stacey A. Shannon, journalist and blogger in “60 Motherhood truths to inspire you and make you laugh

Barbara Johnson quote about parenting

“To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.” ― Barbara Johnson, literary critic

“The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them.” ― Frank A. Clark, radio broadcaster and writer

Humorous parenting quotes

“Everyone should have kids. They are the greatest joy in the world. But they are also terrorists. You’ll realize this as soon as they’re born, and they start using sleep deprivation to break you.” — Ray Romano, actor and comedian

“I came to parenting the way most of us do — knowing nothing and trying to learn everything.” — Mayim Bialikactress and neuroscientist

“You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” — Franklin P. Adams, columnist

“Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.” — Phyllis Diller, actress and comedian

“Having a child is like getting a tattoo … on your face. You better be committed.” — Elizabeth Gilbert, journalist

“The thing about parenting rules is there aren’t any. That’s what makes it so difficult.” ― Ewan McGregor, actor

Parenting quote from Robert Fulghum

“Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.” — Robert Fulghum, author

Real family life parenting quotes

“Parenthood…It’s about guiding the next generation, and forgiving the last.” ― Peter Krause, in the American T.V. series “Parenthood”

“Motherhood is a constant learning process that requires flexibility and a sense of humor. And just when you think you have it all figured out, your children like to remind you that you certainly don’t.” — Stacey A. Shannon, journalist and blogger in “Motherhood requires a sense of humor

“It is time for a return to childhood, to simplicity, to running and climbing and laughing in the sunshine, to experiencing happiness instead of being trained for a lifetime of pursuing happiness. It is time to let children be children again.” ― L.R. Knost, author and social justice activist

Family history and positive parenting quote from Maya Angelou

“No man can know where he is going unless he knows exactly where he has been and exactly how he arrived at his present place.” — Maya Angelou, author and poet

“What the world needs is not romantic lovers who are sufficient unto themselves, but husbands and wives who live in communities, relate to other people, carry on useful work and willingly give time and attention to their children.” ― Margaret Mead, anthropologist

“A broken family is a family in which any member must break herself into pieces to fit in. A whole family is one in which each member can bring her full self to the table knowing that she will always be both held and free.” ― Glennon Doyle, author

“You’ll have many moments when your husband, your children and your dog all need something from you at the exact same time. This is usually when you’re doing a frivolous activity like making dinner or washing laundry or going to the bathroom.” ― Stacey A. Shannon, journalist and blogger in “60 Motherhood truths to inspire you and make you laugh

“The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.” ― Erma Bombeck, newspaper humor columnist

Read about how positive parenting works for our family:

Funny and silly lunch box jokes for kids (Free printable)

Silly jokes perfect for your kids’ lunchboxes

Every school day, I send along a note in my kids’ lunchboxes. I promise you that I’m far from super mom. Mostly, writing is my love language, and the notes evolved from there

My youngest is now in fifth grade, so just like I have gotten creative with the food I send, I have also gotten more creative with the notes. It started with Wacky Wednesday, which is when I send funny jokes for the kids or something funny in their note.
Now it includes a theme note for each day (some of which I’ve shared on here before).

  • Motivation Monday: an encouraging quote
  • Truth Tuesday: a Bible verse
  • Thankful Thursday: something I’m thankful for about them
  • Fun Fact Friday: an interesting fact they probably don’t know

I use paper from the Dollar Tree and a sticker or two on each note per day, because I love stickers! I keep a folder of all the supplies in a drawer in my kitchen to make packing lunches easier

It’s definitely time to share some of our Wacky Wednesday funny lunch box jokes for kids. Who couldn’t use a good laugh at a good joke?! Fair warning, I LOVE puns!

The benefit of lunch box notes

I do send a note every day, because it is my thing. I used to write the lunch box notes each night. Recently I’ve started writing a whole week’s worth of notes at the beginning of the weeks, and it make my life a lot easier.

You don’t, however, have to send notes in your kids’ lunch boxes every day for them to be beneficial. Even an every-so-often note can be a great way to connect with your kids and give them a small break in their day.

My daughter, who is the oldest, has always shared her notes with the others at her lunch table. In fact, it became such an ordeal that often others would read her note before she did! My son prefers to keep his notes to himself. 

Whether you have older kids or younger kids, a simple lunch box note can be the perfect way to make them smile no matter how the day is going. It’s one of the simple things in life that can make a big difference!

How to set up a note system

If sending a note in your child’s lunch is something you want to make a regular habit, you’ve come to the right place. I started writing notes for my oldest in kindergarten and never stopped. She’s now in 8th grade!

You have a couple of options for notes. You can use paid or free printables of notes or write your own. I usually do a mix of both.

I most love writing personal notes for my children, so if I use a free printable lunchbox note or one I make myself, then I add in a personalized note from me as well.

The best way to set up physically for lunch box notes is by having the supplies on hand. I have a drawer in my kitchen where I keep a flat box filled with stickers, note paper and an ink pen. A folder also works.

You don’t have to have anything fancy. Most of my supplies come from the Dollar Tree.

A collection of cute jokes for kids

Jokes are a great start to writing lunch box notes. They’ll bring a smile to your kiddos’ faced at lunch time and make school lunches seem even tastier. 

Plus we all know that laughter is the best medicine!

Scroll on down to find free printable lunch box jokes you can start using today!

Food jokes for kids

What is fast, loud and crunchy?
A rocket chip!

What's fast loud and crunchy? A rocket chip!

Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?
Because she was stuffed.

What has ears but cannot hear?
A cornfield.

How does a lemon answer the phone?

Why did the cookie go to the hospital?
Because he felt crummy.

What did the little corn say to the mama corn?
Where is pop corn?

Why did the banana go to the doctor?
Because it wasn’t peeling well.

Why did the girl put her cake in the freezer?
She wanted to ice it.

What is cheese that doesn’t belong to you called?
Nacho cheese!

Where do hamburgers go to dance?
The meatball.

What kind of keys do kids like to carry?

What kind of key opens a banana?
A mon-key!

What kind of key opens a banana? A mon-key!

What do you give a sick lemon?

Space jokes for kids

How do you stop an astronaut’s baby from crying?
You rocket!

What do you think of that new diner on the moon?
Food was good, but there really wasn’t much atmosphere.

What’s the best way to throw a birthday party on Mars?
You planet.

What did Venus say while flirting with Saturn?
“Give me a ring sometime.”

Why did Mickey Mouse decide to become an astronaut?
He wanted to visit Pluto.

What kind of music do planets sing?

Animal jokes for kids

Why does a seagull fly over the sea?
Because if it flew over the bay, it would be a baygull. (This one does well read out loud!)

What animal is always at a baseball game?
A bat.

What do you call two birds in love?

Why couldn’t the pony sing a lullaby?
She was a little horse.

What do you say to a rabbit on its birthday?
Hoppy Birthday.

What do you call a sleeping bull?
A bull-dozer.

What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull-dozer!

Where do cows go on their first date?
To the moooooovies!

Why do fish live in salt water?
Because pepper makes them sneeze.

What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A gummy bear.

What do you get when you put three ducks in a box?
A box of quackers!

Why was the fish excited to go to school?
He heard they had bookworms.

What’s a cat’s favorite color?

What is a snake’s favorite subject in school?

What bone will a dog never eat?
A trombone!

Nature jokes for kids

What is a tornado’s favorite game to play?

What do you call a funny mountain?

What does a cloud wear under his clothes?

Why is grass so dangerous?
It’s full of blades.

What did one volcano say to the other?
I lava you!

What did one volcano say to the other? I lava you!

What happens when it rains cats and dogs?
You have to been careful not to step in a poodle.

What did the ground say to the earthquake?
You crack me up!

What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A palm tree!

School jokes for kids

Why did the math book look sad?
Because he was full of problems!

Where did the music teacher leave her keys?
In the piano!

Which school supply is king of the classroom?
A ruler!

What did the piece of paper say to the pencil?
Write on!

Where do math teachers like to go for vacation?
Times Square!

Why did the dog do so well in school?
He was the teacher’s pet!

Why did the dog do so well in school? He was the teacher's pet!

What did the buffalo say at school drop-off?

More fun jokes for kids

What did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?
In case he got a hole in one!

What kind of shoes do robbers wear?

What did one traffic light say to the other?
Don’t look! I’m changing!

What did one traffic light say to the other? Don't look! I'm changing!

Why didn’t the skeleton do well in school?
His heart just wasn’t in it.

What did one wall say to the other?
I’ll meet you at the corner!

Why do bicycles fall over?
Because they’re two-tired!

Fun printable lunch box jokes

Life is busy. To make yours easier, check out these fun printable lunch box jokes you can send in your kids’ lunches and give them a little laugh!

18 free lunch box jokes for kids

Check out these other options of Bible verse lunch box notes for children as well:

Christian lunchbox Bible verse notes for kids
Christian lunch box Bible verse notes for younger children

The best Easter basket ideas for tween boys in 2024

25 Easter gifts tween boys will love

A few years ago, the best Easter basket ideas I had for my son included toys. I’ve tried to not go too overboard on candy through the years and include some fun, small gifts in my kids’ baskets as well.

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However, figuring idea for my tween’s Easter basket is a little trickier. My daughter was easier as a tween because there are all sorts of little gifts that were easy to add to her basket from lip balm to jewelry.

In fact, filling my teen’s Easter basket is a bit easier since my current teen is a girl with definitive likes and dislikes. For my tween boy, though, I struggle a bit.

Tween and teenage boys are in the middle of growing. They aren’t so into toys, but they also aren’t usually as into accessories and such as their female counterparts. 

Figuring out fun gifts for tween and teenage guys that are affordable Easter basket stuffers can be challenging. Once they’re past toys, technology and video games seem to be their next best thing. And those are pricey!

​The good news is, though, that there are a lot of great Easter basket ideas for tween boys that won’t break the bank and are great Easter basket fillers.

Affiliate links are used in this post, if you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. It helps support my blog, so thank you for your support! Read my full disclosure here.

Fidget toys

Fidget toys are the perfect Easter gift for tween boys. They aren’t toys per se, but are still a fun gift for older kids. And, most of them are small enough to fit into plastic eggs, which will make life easier for the Easter Bunny!

Fidget toys are the perfect Easter gift for tween boys. They aren’t toys per se, but are still a fun gift for older kids. And, most of the are small enough to fit into plastic eggs, which will make life easier for the Easter Bunny!

These transformable fidget spinners were actually on my tween boy’s Christmas list this year. They’d be a great addition to the Easter basket of your tween or teen boys this year. They’re a great way to keep hands busy whether in class, at home or in the car. 

In fact, I’ve enjoyed playing with these as much as my son has. And if your big kids is still on the younger end of the tween years, like my newly minted 11-year-old is, they’ll also have all sorts of fun ideas for what to turn these fidget spinners into and come up with imaginative play ideas.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: transformable fidget spinners

Another great gift in the fidget toy category are magnetic rings. Grab a set of three magnetic rings that your tween will have fun twisting around on his fingers. 

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Magnetic fidget rings

If you’re looking for a fidget toy he can take to school, check out this magnetic pen. I got this for my three nephews last year when they turned 14. My tween son thought they were such cool gifts that I ended up getting one for him just because!

While it is a functional gift in that it is a usable pen, it’s also a fun gift because the pen cane be made into all sorts of shapes.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Magnetic fidget pen

Next up is these sensory robot toys. They put more of the “toy” in fidget toy, but they are small and would be a fun addition to his collection of fidget toys.

Not only are they small enough to easter fit into your tween boy’s Easter basket, they’re also small enough he can stick them in his pocket and take them along when he has a long car ride or another lengthy, boring task.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Sensory robot toys

Squishy fidget toys

Transformable fidget toys are a perfect gift for tween boys, but so are squishy fidget toys. Honestly, I still love squishy fidget toys myself. 

I have a stress ball on my desk that I play with while I’m brainstorming. They’re a fun way to focus and release some frustration as well!

First up is a three-pack of sensory stress balls that are color changing. These stress ball are certainly one of the fun Easter basket ideas that your tween and teen kiddos will enjoy!

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: 3-pack of color changing stress balls

A second great idea for stress balls are ones filled with small water-holding balls inside of them. With a different feel to them than the dough-type balls like above, this three-pack of squishy balls also works well for your tween boy’s Easter basket.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: squishy stress balls

If you’re looking for Easter goodies that aren’t chocolate bunnies that will give your child a sugar high, these squishy animals are a great filler for plastic Easter eggs. This set of 24 mini squishy toys come in a variety of options, including forest animals and Easter.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Easter squishy toys

Puzzles and games Easter basket gift ideas

Though he may be getting older and outgrowing some of his toys, your tween boy still enjoys fun things. Puzzles and games are great Easter gifts to provide some age appropriate fun.

Puzzles and crafts

​As a bit of a larger Easter gift idea, Foldology, an origami puzzle game, will provide hours of mind-challenging fun for your tween. It will take him skill and concentration to fold each of the 100 pages just right to reveal the picture.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Foldology

Another cool boredom beater game is Kanoodle and with 200 puzzles contained in a small case, this is perfect for Easter. The balls and shapes have to fit into the case just right and there are all sorts of options.

This is one game the whole family can enjoy whenever you’re traveling or have downtime. It’s much trickier than it looks — trust me!

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Kanoodle

​For tween boys like mine whose favorite subject is art, crafts are also a great Easter basket gift idea. Check out this rock painting kit that comes with 10 rocks, 12 paints, stickers, glitter glue, googly eyes and gems.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: rock painting kit

This catapult wars kit from Boy Craft gives guys a chance to build a fun game they can then play.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: catapult wars from Boy Craft

Card and board games

Games are a great addition to your tween boy’s Easter basket. While games of the digital variety are pricey, card and board games aren’t so much. 

Plus, anything that encourages them to be device-free and spending time with the family or their friends is definitely a perfect gift idea!

A fun card game option is Sussed. The game poses questions and answers. Players vote on how each other would answer. It’s a great way to spark conversation and get to know each other better.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: card game Sussed

One of the most hilarious card games your whole family will love is What Do You Meme? Family Edition. It’s become a favorite of our entire family, including my parents, my aunt and my in-laws!

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: What Do You Meme Family Edition

As a child during the 1980s, I’ve got to include this fun, unique board game that’s like the old video game Frogger. It’s a blast from the past that your tweens will enjoy in a whole new way.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Frogger board game


Don’t overlook jewelry as a perfect gift idea for your tween boy this Easter. My son is very into jewelry right now. And the good news is that it’s not expensive jewelry he’s drawn to.

The other good news is that jewelry is small enough to fit into plastic Easter eggs in his Easter basket.

Rope bracelets are a great choice for tween boys. This one is personalized with the first letter of his name.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Initial rope bracelet

If you’re buying for more than one tween or teen guy or you want a variety of options for your son, this 12-pack of bracelets include options that are leather, beaded and wooden.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Bracelet pack of 12

Outside of bracelets, the other wristwear my son is into right now is watches. This digital sport watch has a huge amount of color options.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: digital watch

There are some smart watch options that won’t break the bank, like this MgaoLo smart watch that includes a fitness tracker, heart rate monitor and sleep monitor. It comes in four different colors.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Smart Watch

And then there are necklaces. A cross necklace makes for a great Easter gift for tween boys. This simple cross necklace on a 16-inch chain comes in 11 different color options.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Simple cross necklace

With a two-sided design, this cross necklace features the American flag on one side and a Bible verse or quote about strength on the other. It comes in nine different options on a chain that goes up 24 inches.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: Two sided cross necklace


Finally, books are also one of the best Easter basket ideas for tween boys. Even if your tween isn’t a huge reader, there are still some great book options for him.

If your tween or teen boys have a book series or author they enjoy, then definitely go for some of those books. “Wings of Fire” is a super popular series for my son. It has both written novel and graphic novel options available.

For more general picks, we’ve got some fact and riddle books that work for readers and non-readers alike.

Advice books

Let’s start with an advice book of “101 Things Every Boy Needs to Know.”  Filled with life advice for teenage boys, this is a good choice for tweens as they are heading into a time of change.

It covers general life advice and doesn’t delve into the my personal (aka embarrassing) topics.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: "101 Things Every Boy Needs to Know"

Another fun advice book is “Wilderness Survival Guide for Kids.” If your tween boy is into camping or outdoors and/or just likes to think about how he’d respond in every different scenario like mine, this is a great book option for him.

It includes things like where to find help if you get lost, how to defend yourself, how to build a fire and more.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: "Wilderness Survival Guide for Kids"

Riddle and fact books

Riddle and fact books are popular for tween boys. They love absorbing new information that is random they can pull out and share. I know that’s certainly true for mine!

These are more fun books to read as well  because they are usually written in smaller chunks of text that aren’t as overwhelming.

First up is “Interesting Facts for Curious Minds.” This book has 1,572 random and surprising facts on everything from science to pop culture to history.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: "Interesting Facts for Curious Minds"

Another option for fact books is “Super Interesting Facts for Smart Kids.” It has 1,272 facts about animals, earth, sciAnd, finally, riddle books work well as an Easter gift and fit into your tween boy’s Easter basket nicely. “Difficult Riddles for Smart Kids” has 300 difficult riddles and brain teasers that will entertain your kiddo.ence and more.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: "Super Interesting Facts for Smart Kids"

And, finally, riddle books work well as an Easter gift and fit into your tween boy’s Easter basket nicely. “Difficult Riddles for Smart Kids” has 300 difficult riddles and brain teasers that will entertain your kiddo.

Easter basket ideas for tween boys: "Difficult Riddles for Smart Kids"

How to stop eating out as much: 10 Tips for busy families

Simple ways to eat at home more often 

If you’d have asked me a couple of years ago whether we eat at home more or eat out more, I’d have told you that we eat at home more. While that’s probably true, I realized it wasn’t nearly as true as I thought when COVID struck. 

In the couple of years since then, I’ve learned more about how to stop eating out as much. We still do eat out, but it’s usually just a meal or two a week.

Combining my years as a mom, a wife and two years during the pandemic, I’ve learned a few tips for how to stop eating out as much. We enjoy having home-cooked meals more now than ever. 

In fact, I’ve had more times that I chose to eat my own food at home rather than eat restaurant meals! 

1. Don’t feel pressured to cook big meals every day.

Once my kids were old enough to eat meals with us, I started feeling the pressure to have a menu plan and prepare a specific meal for us all every night. If cooking dinner didn’t work for me for whatever reason, then I was stuck on what to serve and more inclined to order pizza or hit up fast food places. 

How to stop eating out Pinterest image 3

I quickly realized, though, that my husband and children really didn’t care if I spent an hour in the kitchen preparing dinner or if I spent 5 minutes slapping together peanut butter sandwiches or — gasp! — pouring bowls of cereal. Let go of the pressure to cook big meals every day. It’s not necessary.

The best thing is having family time and getting your family members fed. Easy meals are one of the best ways to avoid dining out.

2. Keep easy options in stock.

Another way to stop eating out as much is to keep easy-to-make options and even convenience foods in your pantry or freezer. One of my easy go-to meals that I have on a regular basis is premade pizza crust. 

For our family of four, I make two 12-inch pizzas by putting toppings on and popping them in the oven. My son and husband usually have pepperoni. My daughter and I usually have barbeque sauce with chicken and onion. I used the precooked grilled chicken from the refrigerated section to make prep easier. 

Other things I like to keep on hand and rotate through include Spaghetti-Os, bagel pizzas, frozen French toast stick bites, salad kits, frozen fajita chicken mix, frozen pizza, cereal, instant oatmeal and frozen waffles or pancakes. 

When you have a busy night or a night you just don’t feel like cooking, having quick meals and easy prep items on hand are a good idea to make it easier to eat home rather than ordering out or going out to eat. 

Use some favorite recipes for quick dinner options that work for busy nights.

3. Find a good way to meal plan.

I’m guessing you aren’t surprised to see meal planning come up in this post. But, it really does help, especially when you’re managing a busy schedule! 

I typically do meal planning on Sunday evenings and pick up groceries on Monday afternoons, but find whatever time works best for you. I’m a big fan of keeping things simple. 

Often I use a list to write down what meals I have planned for the week. Recently, I’ve gotten back into the habit of planning what night we’ll eat what meal, but that’s mostly because our schedule has been busier lately.

Find a weekly meal plan system that works for you that you can easily use, and stick with it. Meal planning helps reduce food waste and gives you options for what to make for dinner when you are too tired to figure it out at dinnertime!

4. Try new recipes.

Making homemade food can end up with you getting stuck in a rut and rotating through the same recipes. And that makes you feel more inclined to want to eat out (or at least it does me!). 

Instead, try new recipes regularly. In fact, in these past few months, I average two new recipes each week. Using meal kit delivery services initiated that change, and I’ve stuck with it. 

One eye-opener for me is that I don’t have to always prepare meals our entire family will like. My guys are more particular eaters than my daughter and I are. So when I try new recipes, I usually make sure most of them will work for all four of us. I also try new recipes that are easy to customize for the guys. 

For example, next week we are trying asparagus spaghetti carbonara. I’ll keep the sauce and pasta separate and let my guys have spaghetti with traditional sauce from a jar instead.

And then sometimes I make recipes only my daughter and I will like and plan to do something from the super easy list for the boys like grilled cheese, toasted peanut butter sandwiches or bagel pizzas. 

Recently I made this super easy baked chicken recipe for dinner that became one of my favorite meals of all time!

5. Involve your family.

Getting your family involved with what to cook at home is another great way to stop eating out as much. If you’re all excited about what’s in your own kitchen, then you’re less tempted to want to eat out! 

My daughter is the one who initially had our family try meal kit delivery services. But even before that, I’d ask my family as I was meal planning what sounded good to them. 

And when making new recipes, I’ll ask their opinions oftentimes about what sounds best to try between two choices. Knowing my family is on board for the night’s dinner plan makes it easier for me to want to cook at home as well. 

Even better are the times when somebody helps me with meal prep. These past few months, my daughter has done that most and has learned quite a few new cooking skills. I’m quite proud of her!

6. Change your mindset.

Remove eating out as an option in your mind. It sounds overly simple, but it works. Once you know that in order to eat dinner, you’ve got to figure out something at home, then you’ll do so. 

Whether you need to change up your budget to reduce how much money you have for eating out or work with your spouse to keep yourselves accountable, figure out what works best for you.

During these past couple of months, my daughter has had an activity most weeknights from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. I knew if we were going to eat, I’d have to have the food ready to go early, and we didn’t have time to even consider eating out. 

Eating at home more is not only conducive to a more healthy lifestyle and spending less money on restaurant food, it’s usually less stress. We get to visit with each other more and be more relaxed. 

Determining that eating at home is the only option most of the time really has helped me make it a reality.

7. Make sure you have what you need.

This kind of goes along with meal planning, because part of meal planning is making sure you know what you’re making and also what ingredients you need. To stop eating out as much, make sure your kitchen is stocked for the week (or however long you go between grocery store trips). 

If you don’t have the ingredients to make something you were planning to, then you are more likely to give up and order in or go out. (Been there, done that!)

Keep regular items well stocked. I have some shelves in my garage where I can store non-perishables and a chest freezer to store extra frozen food. Both of those help me keep stocked. 

There are many items that I always have an extra one on standby. For example, I love Honey Nut Cheerios. I keep an extra one on my garage shelf. When I run out inside and go get that extra box, then I add it to my grocery list and replace it. That way I don’t run out. 

This has become even more important for me during recent years when some items were harder to come by. That way if I wasn’t able to find something in stock during one grocery shopping order, I would have at least one more time to try and get it before we ran out.

Also, be sure to keep healthy snacks on hand that will make your life easier in the long run with your children. Fresh and dried fruit, applesauce and peanut butter crackers are some good food options for kids to grab for lunches or snacks.

8. Keep a list of meals for the week handy.

My head is full of so many things that I can easily forget the meal planning I did on Sunday by the time Wednesday evening rolls around. What’s for dinner? Uh. I can’t remember what I have ingredients for! 

So to stop eating out during these times, I find it helpful to keep a list handy of the meals I have food for the entire week. I have posted it on my fridge, kept it on my phone digitally and written it in a notebook. 

Do whatever works best for you, whether you are planning specific meals for specific days or just maintaining a list of what you have to cook throughout the week.

9. Print out your recipes for the week ahead of time.

If you’re trying new recipes (and why wouldn’t you?!), then make sure you print them out or save them on your phone as you’re meal planning. 

I don’t like to use my phone for recipes because it’s too easy to get messy. So, I still print recipes. 

When I’m meal planning, I print them out and then store them in a folder in a drawer in my kitchen island. All I have to do is open the drawer and pull them out when it’s time to get dinner made.

It’s a small thing, but it’s helpful and one less step to bog you down in the fray of dinnertime. And one less stop bogging you down means you are less tempted to just order in or go out.

10. Allow for DIY dinnertimes.

I have days when thinking of making and cleaning up dinner are just too much for me. I’m too tired physically and emotionally and all of it. 

I’ve learned that my family can do DIY dinners and not complain. Utilize leftovers, easy prep foods or whatever it takes. 

My son loves frozen bagels. He can heat one in the microwave to thaw, pop it in the toaster and mostly spread the peanut butter on himself. Being older, my daughter can do even more. 

I sometimes keep “special” cereal on hand for a DIY dinner and enjoy a bowl of Froot Loops with a side of toast spread with strawberry jelly. It works! 

Simple DIY resurrection eggs (FREE printable!)

Simple DIY resurrection eggs perfect for toddlers through elementary aged kids

A few years ago, I was searching for ideas to help my kids understand the meaning of Easter. They were 2 and 5 at the time. I knew the 2-year-old wouldn’t grasp too much, but the 5-year-old definitely would. So I began my search for something simple, yet effective, and discovered resurrection eggs.

Resurrection eggs were a new concept to me. They weren’t something I grew up with or had ever heard of. I did some research and learned you can buy or make them. Most of them were for 12 days, which seemed overwhelming to me. 

Then I found a plan that used six eggs. I did some tweaking for my own set of resurrection eggs, and we gave it a try four years ago. Our own DIY resurrection eggs were a hit and worked really well. 

My kids are older now, and they look forward to our resurrection eggs each year. I love that the eggs help us stay focused on the story of Jesus, which is why we celebrate Easter. 

It is very similar to what we do with our Christmas countdown using Bible verses to tell the Christmas story. Each evening we open one of the plastic eggs and have the kids tell us what has been happening in each part of the Easter story so far.

Simple DIY Resurrection eggs Pinterest image 5

​Why 6-day resurrection eggs work well for younger children

Finding ways to teach young children about the real meaning of Easter can be challenging. The true meaning of Easter is serious and parts of it are frightening.

So making your own Easter story eggs is a creative way to help little minds understand Jesus’ crucifixion in a fun and tangle way. Resurrection eggs are a perfect new tradition for Christian families with young children!

Making the eggs

I am not one bit a crafty person, so I can assure you this resurrection eggs DIY project is really simple to pull off. Start with six, large plastic Easter eggs. 

While the smaller eggs you’d us in an Easter egg hunt could work, the large eggs give you plenty of room to fill them with a small strip of paper and small objects that represent the story of Christ.

Label the eggs one through six using a permanent marker. 

Next download and print the free printables of Bible verses below, cut them into slips and place them into their corresponding egg. Each slip tells you what is needed for each day.

Download the verses for the 6-day simple DIY resurrection eggs

If you use the large eggs, then storing them in an empty egg carton won’t work. I keep mine in a large zip-top bag for storage and then place them in a bowl when it’s time to start on them the Tuesday before Easter Sunday.

The good news is, you will most likely already have everything you need to fill the eggs, so you can make free resurrection eggs in just a few minutes at home! 

Day one

The first egg talks about the Last Supper. Place the verses from Luke 22:14-15 inside the appropriate egg along with a small piece of bread to represent the body of Jesus.

I don’t get fancy with the bread and pinch of pieces of sandwich bread or buns we have in the pantry. I do recommend adding the bread the day or so before the eggs begin to avoid it getting hard.

Chances are good your children will want to eat the bread, so be sure to have enough for all of them.

Day two

The second egg is about Jesus’ crucifixion. It uses verses from John 19:17-18. 

Along with the Bible verses, put a cross into this egg. You can use any cross that will fit in the egg, including a printed picture of a cross or simply a cross shape you’ve drawn on a piece of paper. 

Two years ago, my dad made us wooden crosses that we can use every year. I love that his work has become part of our Easter activity to focus on the story of Easter!

Day three

For the third egg, include the Scripture verse John 19:40 to focus on Jesus being buried. The best way to represent Jesus’ tomb is with a piece of cloth like what He would have been wrapped in.

If you are like me and don’t tend to have extra cloth lying around, a great idea is using a paper towel instead.

Day four

For day four, the corresponding Scripture comes from Matthew 27:59-60 and talks about the rock being placed in front of the tomb of Jesus Christ.

A great way to symbolize this is with an actual rock. I just get one from my yard. 

If you have older children, you can even have them help you put together the eggs and find a rock that fits into the egg for day four.

Day five

In the fifth egg, we get into the story of the resurrection and the good news of the Easter story! This egg will only have the paper with Luke 24:1-3. 

You don’t use anything else in this egg to emphasize the empty tomb of Jesus found on the third day!

Day six

The last egg celebrates the good news that Jesus is alive using Matthew 28:5-6. For kids, one of the most fun activities is always anything that involves sweet treats. 

​Use some small candy, such as fruit snacks or whatever your kids enjoy, to celebrate the sweet news of Jesus being alive.

Other ideas for celebrating the resurrection of Jesus

This 6-day DIY resurrection eggs are ideal for younger children, especially. They’re a great way to really help your children understand the meaning of Easter.

There are lots of great ways to teach kids about Easter no matter their ages. Along with the resurrection eggs, we love reading the Easter story together.

I’ve read it in many versions of the Bible, but my favorite is “The Jesus Storybook Bible.” It’s written for children, but I don’t think I’ve ever read it to my children without feeling God’s touch.

Check out this video of me reading the Easter story from “The Jesus Storybook Bible” below:

Looking for an even easier version?

Check out my paid version on Etsy that comes with images to cut out and put in your eggs as well. All you need are eggs!

Find more Easter ideas

Ideas to teach kids about Easter

200 Easter basket ideas that aren’t candy

Free printable Christmas lunchbox notes and jokes

Spread Christmas cheer with these printable Christmas lunch notes!

I started putting a lunchbox note in my daughter’s lunchbox when she was in kindergarten — and I never stopped. We love lunchbox notes and having Christmas lunchbox notes is lots of fun.

What I love about putting note cards in my children’s lunchboxes is that it is a great way to encourage them in the middle of their school day. With premade free printable Christmas lunch notes, sending along a fun little note during the busy holiday season is even easier.

How lunchbox notes help our children

Lunchbox notes are a great way to encourage and connect with our children. One of the things I love about sending along a note in my kiddos’ lunches each day is that it gives them a pause to remember how loved they are.

Christmas lunch notes Pinterest image 5

We all love encouragement and support, and lunch box notes are an easy way to do that for our children.

The notes are also a great way to connect with our children throughout the school year. Even with children who are older, I love sharing something special with them each day in their lunch.

Lunchbox notes can also be a great way to build confidence in our children. They remind our kiddos of their support system and give us a chance to cheer them on, even when we’re apart.

And, finally, lunchbox notes can even be educational in a fun way. When my daughter was in first grade, for instance, I wrote a note for her on Fridays that included her spelling words. 

She had lunch before her spelling test, and I figured her seeing the words one more time before the actual test would be helpful!

All about creative lunchbox notes

Because I send a daily note in each child’s lunch box, I have to come up with things to write for them, so I have themed days. 

  • Motivation Monday: An inspirational, encouraging quote
  • Truth Tuesday: A Bible verse
  • Wacky Wednesday: A joke
  • Thankful Thursday: Something about them for which I’m thankful
  • Fun Fact Friday: A random, interesting fact

That remains the same throughout the holidays. So having themed lunchbox notes as a digital download comes in handy!

Christmas joke lunchbox notes

During the Christmas season, I like to use Christmas themes as much as I can. I started with Christmas jokes.

These free printables include 16 Christmas-related jokes that will tickle your kids’ funny bones! I’m actually planning to use some for our elf to deliver and hide around the house for the kids to find!

Kind lunchbox notes

And then these free printable lunchbox notes also include eight kind lunchbox notes filled with a sweet message for the middle of the day. It’s a simple way to remind your kiddos that you’re thinking of them and hope they have a good day!

​A sweet note with a bit of a pun is so much fun, and many of these notes include little jokes along with kindness.

How to get the Christmas lunch box notes

The last thing busy moms need are more hoops to jump through. So I’ve got these Christmas lunchbox notes for you as an instant download you can use right away!

The image below will take you to a digital PDF file that you’re welcome to use personally. This file is not for commercial use. It’s a Christmastime freebie!

Click here to download the free printable Christmas lunch notes

I hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas season!

Free Family Devotional

Boy mom vs girl mom: How they’re different and the same

What happens when you’re a both mom?

I’ve seen many posts from other moms on social media and elsewhere talking about being a boy mom or a girl mom. But, that leaves me wondering, where do those of us with both fit?

I’d rather not think necessarily of it being boy mom vs girl mom. We have a lot of common ground whether we’re moms of boys, moms of girls or moms of both! At the end of the day, just because our children may be a different gender, we are all still moms and the struggle and blessings are real!

Girl mom

I was a girl mom first, because my daughter is my oldest. She is the one who broke me in as a mom. Motherhood is incredibly awesome, but it can also knock you right off your feet as suddenly you become irrelevant in your own life. Everything revolves around a tiny person who is demanding and dependent on you for survival. And you love that tiny person more fiercely than you’ve ever loved anything before. It’s exhilarating and exhausting!

Boy mom vs girl mom Pinterest image 3

Finding out I was having a little girl was exciting. I wasn’t someone who had a strong desire for either gender. I was just excited to be growing our family. Once we knew we were having a girl, we did some girlie shopping. I found a beautiful pink outfit to bring her home in.

Though we did our best to not place them upon her, my daughter fulfilled gender stereotypes as a young girl.

My daughter is full-fledged girl. From the beginning she’s enjoyed things that are pink and sparkly. She loved baby dolls more than any other toy. She’d whip up food in her play kitchen. My sweet girl enjoyed tea parties and princesses.

While she took her time with more physical skills, her verbal skills came early. 

From the beginning, I had fun dressing her up in adorable outfits for baby girls. And now that she’s older, she has fun dressing herself up in adorable outfits. She has girl energy in being able to sit and do one task quietly for a long time. That was true by the time she was a preschooler and has only gotten more true as she’s getting older.

Boy mom

My baby boy arrived just over three years after my daughter. From the beginning, one of the major differences was his temperament. He was more demanding. 

While my daughter was pretty even-keeled, my son was happy or not happy. He didn’t have much in between. Not much has changed even now that he is older.

As the mom of a boy, I found adorable boy clothes. There were tiny suits and tiny jeans. His winter coat when he was 2 was a small bomber jacket. His nursery was decorated with superheroes. He also talked early, but he was also more physical earlier than our daughter. 

We learned early on that our son was a ball of little boy energy. Thinking back now, a few years later, I hardly remember him walking. He was one of those toddler boys who seemed to go from crawling to running almost overnight. Even without seeing weapons, he could pick up random toys and make them something to fight with.

He didn’t have as much patience for sitting still for activities like coloring. He liked to go-go-go. Even now at nearly 11, he most likes to do something while he is listening to our book being read. Sometimes he snuggles, but other times, he just quietly moves around his toys or pets the pup.

Getting the jokes

Lots of posts and comments about being a boy mom vs girl mom are about funny truths of raising girls or boys. A mom of girls will joke about glitter getting everywhere. It does. I have had glitter in the lint trap of my dryer more often than not over the past decade.

Fellow boy moms talk about body parts, pee on the bathroom floors and gross jokes. Those things happen. My son cracks up at anything related to flatulence and so on.

I get it. Boys and girls both tend to have their own qualities. Some of them seldom overlap. And they are often confusing to the other gender. 

For example, my children were recently going to spend the day with my parents. My son pulled on clean clothes from his drawer without paying too much attention to them. My daughter labored over her decision of what to wear and how to style her hair.

I heard my son say to her, “It doesn’t matter what you wear. We’re just going to Lolly’s!” (They call my mom Lolly.) I could only think, “Bless his heart. He doesn’t understand how things work for some girls.”

Being a both mom

I don’t begrudge solely girl moms and solely boy moms their role. And I don’t feel like they are leaving me out in any way. But I do want to give a shout-out to my fellow both moms. 

We get the best and worst of both genders. We get the sweet snuggles and silly fart jokes from the boys. Our girls give us warm hugs and commentary on our fashion choices. Both moms get to do all the stuff. We get the girlie things and the boy things. We get a mix of both. And our kids learn from each other. Having grown up in a family where I only had an older brother, I feel like I learned more about how boys behave than I would have if he’d have been a sister. I think the same is true for my own two children. Younger brothers teach their older sisters about boy stuff and vice versa.

Because as both moms, we also have an easy excuse to encourage our kids to try things that they wouldn’t be attracted to otherwise. My son has played with dolls. My daughter has played with matchbox cars. They have access to toys and activities that maybe are different than what they would be drawn to. I like that!

We both moms also have to help our kids understand each other. Not only are they different ages (unless you have multiples) who can be in different phases , they are also different genders. There are times my kids just completely don’t understand where the other one is coming from. 

Boy mom vs girl mom quote

My daughter doesn’t understand her brother’s anger and his struggle to not act it out physically. My son doesn’t understand his sister’s desire to accessorize. As family members, we work together to better understand each other.

Of course these things happen for girls moms and boy moms. Because even as the same gender, each kiddo and person is different. I would daresay, though, that we both moms have that happen even more because of the gender difference.

The joy of mom 

In the end, it doesn’t really matter who is a girl mom, a boy mom or a both mom. We are all just moms, doing our best to be a better parent. 

Our journeys aren’t identical, because we all have our own challenges. But we are all striving to raise our children well. Each day we struggle through homework and meals. We remind kids to bathe and form a special bond with each of our children. 

We’re all wondering if we’re messing up our kids. Moms everywhere doubt their abilities and choices. We worry if our kids are OK and fret over whether we’re spending time doing the right things with them. We are doing the best we can in the midst of the chaos and exhaustion.

Whether you’re a girl mom, boy mom or both mom, you’re doing well, mama. The best thing is you get to do the rewarding, exhausting and precious job of a parent. You’re taking on motherhood like a boss. 

How to be a more organized mom with free printables

16 Practical tips plus free organized mom printables

Through my years as a mama, I’ve learned a few things about how to be an organized mom. I thought I was good at being organized before I had babies. But after my first child was born in 2009, I learned how real mom brain is. Keeping track of what needs to be done and deadlines when you’re constantly interrupted and sleep deprived is difficult!

I’m less sleep deprived nowadays; however, I still need strategies to keep organized and on top of everything in our lives. From work to chores to school assignments to daily tasks and beyond, being an organized mom helps me not drop the ball too often. It still happens sometimes (I’m far from perfect!), but these easy tips help keep me sane and organized. 

We all have good intentions and plans to be a more organized mom, but it’s easy to get distracted. Using some organized mom printables like the ones you’ll find here, will help you stay on track and have more family time whether you’re a working mom outside or inside of the home! 

Affiliate links are used in this post. If you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclosure here.

1. Set and label alarms on your phone.

I have joked with my family that I live my life by alarms. It’s 100% the truth! Alarms are part of my daily routine.

Right now, for example, I’m working on this post until my next alarm goes off and I stop to pick up my kids from school. Earlier today, I kept myself on track with doing loads of laundry by setting timers for switching from the washer to the dryer.

I use alarms liberally. (Interestingly enough, I don’t use my phone alarm for waking up in the morning. I prefer an alarm clock for that!) If we have somewhere to be, I have an alarm set for it. I set the alarm for five minutes before I need to leave if I’m just getting myself ready and out the door. If I’m getting everyone out the door, I usually go for about 10 minutes before we need to leave.

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Labeling alarms is a life saver as well. I have labeled them as things like “Leave for the doctor,” “School pick up,” “L. appointment” and so on. Nothing fancy, but there’s no doubt in my mind what the alarm is for. They keep me organized and from scrambling around, missing things or being late. 

Another bonus is setting alarms lets me relax and not stress about checking the time. I don’t need to worry that I’ll miss doing things at specific times, because I have alarms for that!

2. Use your phone’s calendar for reminders and to-do items.

Since I pretty much always have my phone with or near me, I utilize it to my advantage. You can totally get apps for to-do lists, but I use my calendar. Everything is in one place. I have some things recurring. Like every Thursday morning at 7 a.m., I have an “event” pop up to remind me that we need to take out the trash. Daily at 7 p.m., I have an event reminder set to take my medicine.

While I use my digital calendar (which is synced with my email account) for actual appointments, I also use it for a variety of reminders. It makes me a more organized mom. 

For example, if I’m getting ready for bed and remember I need to email my son’s teacher the next day about bringing in cupcakes for his upcoming birthday, I set a reminder on my phone’s calendar for the next morning at 9 a.m. when I know I’ll be sitting at my desk. And I’m able to not keep worrying about it in fear of forgetting.

I even use calendar items to remind me of more personal things as a busy mom. In the last few months, I have set appointments on my calendar to remind me to pray for a church member in a ministry meeting, reach out to a friend to check in and send a thank you card for a gift.

I also create calendar events to follow up with people for work and personal reasons. Often when I contact people for work, I don’t hear from them and need to follow up. I set calendar events to remind me to do so. Other times I may need to follow up with someone at my children’s school about something they need. 

3. Don’t dismiss old school tools.

I love my notebook and planner. A lot of what I put in my phone’s calendar goes into my paper planner as well. Having the visual list of things to do helps me stay on task. I am a fan of lists and use them all the time. All. The. Time. Because I can beat myself up for things being left undone on my daily list, I try to plan by the week and break it down from there.

I’ve found that having a to-do list for the week to prioritize all the big tasks what I must do and what I need to do helps. Then I have a daily to-do list with all the minute tasks I need to do.

Like most moms, I wear a variety of hats. Having my own business and working for multiple clients and publications means I can often have a lot to juggle. My lists keep me sane.

One of my favorite organized moms printables is The Christian Woman Life Planner. I put it together with a variety of options to help you and me both stay organized! Each page has a Bible verse to encourage and uplift you as you go. Use the PDF files digitally or in hard copy.

Honestly, this mini-planner has helped me stay organized and focused on my tasks for each day. I can sometimes get distracted when I think of another task that needs to be done while I’m in the middle of a first task.

Now I have everything prioritized for the day at a glance and just write down the other task to be done while finishing what needs to be done! With a daily planner, weekly schedule, monthly calendar, yearly planner and more, it helps moms of busy families stay organized!

Check out The Christian Woman's Life Planner on Etsy

4. Post a family calendar.

I keep a calendar on the side of our fridge that lists main activities for our family. It’s an easy way for any of us to get an overview of what’s going on. If my kids have activities, doctor’s appointments or meetings, I write them on the fridge calendar. Days out of school are also marked. Each morning as I mark an “X” on the day before, I can easily see what the day has in store.

Hands-down, my all-time favorite family calendar is a weekly calendar that is an editable PDF. It incorporates a weekly meal planner along with family schedules and notes. I use this every single week!

Using calendar printables works best for my family in planning weekly meals and schedules. I’ve seen the Pinterest images of giant white boards that are color-coded. Honestly, I find that overwhelming. (If you don’t, go for it!) 

Download a free weekly planner

5. Don’t put off tasks that don’t take long to do.

One of my best cleaning tips comes in handy in areas of my life beyond household chores. My philosophy is that if a task takes less than two minutes to do it, then I complete it right away rather than let it stew. If I need to make a phone call to schedule a teeth cleaning for my kids, I do it instead of adding it to my to-do list. When my kids get home from school, we immediately take care of their lunchboxes and containers. 

Being an organized mom is being on top of things. Doing little things in the moment can save so much time and stress in the long run. Sometimes I ask myself if future me would thank me for the choice I made. Along with how long a task takes, it’s a great way to assess whether I need to get to work on chaotic days and calm days alike!

For this reason, organized mom printables like this cleaning checklist can help you stay on top of things at home.

Check out the Editable Cleaning Checklist on Etsy

6. Find a meal planning solution that works for you.

You can find lots of meal planning solutions. Figure out what works best for you and your family and go with it. Whether you’re planning a meal for every single day, a theme for certain nights of the week, a list of foods on-hand or a delivered weekly meal kit, use it! 

I’ve tried a variety of meal planners and styles. What has worked best for our family for the past year is sitting down on the weekend and making a weekly meal plan and grocery list for the next week. Then I order groceries for the week from my shopping list and pick them up. I post the meal plan on the weekly calendar on the fridge so any family member can easily check what’s planned for dinner along with what activities are going on.

Another way to meal plan is through using meal kit delivery services. Whenever we do them, I get two or three meals from per week, but that helps me figure out the plan more easily for the rest of the week.

We are actually eating at home even more as a result. Win-win and a way to more easily justify any extra cost of the meal kit delivery service.

Don’t miss one of the fabulous organized moms printables to help you with meal planning for free!

Free weekly meal planner

7. Prepare ahead of time.

I’m not a natural-born procrastinator. I think it’s my anxiety talking, but I don’t generally like to put off tasks until the last minute. Preparing for even regular things ahead of time can help you be more organized and take less time. 

For example, I pack lunches for my kids the night before. (And, yes, they often help!) I usually plan one hot lunch day per week and heat up the hot food in the morning, but I pack sides the night before. It keeps me sane and makes for easier mornings. It also reduces my risk to forget something — like sending an applesauce cup without a spoon. 

Before my kids could pick out their own clothes, I laid out their clothes each evening so they were ready to go in the morning. When I’m planning a birthday party for my kids, I figure out what we’ll need a few weeks ahead of time and start purchasing things. It gives me time to find the items I want, but also I don’t have to worry if something keeps me busy just before the party.  

8. Have designated spots for daily use to-go items — and use them!

Losing track of things adds stress and chaos — the opposite of organization! Having designated spots for daily-use items is a must. 

I’m all about simple. We don’t have a complex system in place for things. I love the photos of organized mudrooms with lockers or cubbies for each child to hang backpacks and coats. But that’s not practical for us. (If it is for you, go for it!)

Instead, we have a bench with a coat rack attached and a shoe holder underneath. The kids know that’s where their coats and shoes go at the end of the day. Their backpacks go on a door hanger next to it. We also have cords set up on the countertop just beside this area where they charge their school iPads. So when morning comes and we’re rushing out the door, everything everyone needs is in one spot. 

It makes all of our lives easier! We’ve also found the perfect time for the kids to do homework is usually right after they have a snack when they get home from school. And when homework is finished, I require the kiddos to put it back in their backpack immediately so it doesn’t get forgotten.

We also have designated spots for car keys, my purse, hats, sunglasses and even chewing gum! But, we are still human. Sometimes things end up in the wrong areas or forgotten. At least 97% of the time, though, things are where they belong and we are more organized as a result.

9. Ask for help without feeling guilty.

A couple of months ago, my oldest daughter put in a load of clothes to wash for her and her brother. She saw they were piled up. I meant to do laundry for them the day before and got busy. I felt a nudge of guilt that my daughter was doing laundry and I was slacking. 

Then I squashed that guilt right down. First, my 14-year-old is capable of doing laundry. She saw it needed done and did it. I should be celebrating that! Second, she’s learning responsibility. Third, I truly can’t do everything all the time.

Being an organized mom doesn’t mean that we do it all ourselves all the time. It’s OK to let go and ask for help. You can be organized and delegate. 

In fact, I’d daresay delegating allows you to be even more organized because multiple people accomplish more tasks quicker. So, ask for help. Kids can help with so many chores from packing part or all of their lunches, folding laundry, emptying the dishwasher, helping a younger sibling with homework, putting away laundry and so much more. Use their help to teach them responsibility, finish quicker and enjoy more fun time together!

And don’t forget your spouse. I’ve learned in 24 years of marriage, that my husband doesn’t always know what needs to be done. Instead of getting irritated with him, I tell him what I need him to do. Ask for help and ditch the guilt! 

10. Get yourself ready first or last, whichever works best for your family.

I don’t like being late or doing things in a rush. It stresses me out! Getting our family ready and out the door smoothly requires some planning and organizing. 

Start with figuring out whether you do better getting ready first or last. If we are all going somewhere at the same time, I often do best to get ready first. Then I can easier help with whatever tasks come up. Invariably someone will need help or have questions while getting ready. When my children were younger and needed more (or complete) help with getting ready, having myself ready first just made life easier.

When we don’t have to be somewhere all at the same time, I usually get ready last. For instance, on school mornings, my husband drives the kids to school. I get up and do all the organizing tasks like make sure everyone has breakfast, stays on track getting ready, finalize lunchboxes, fill backpacks and whatever else needs done. Then after the kids leave, I eat breakfast and get myself ready. I could get up earlier and get ready first (and I’ve done so), but this way works best right now.

If you feel like you are always rushing to get yourself put together to get out the door, try getting ready first. Or if you are able to get everyone organized and on their way before you have to get ready, do that. Figure out what works best for you and your family and go with it. It may even change based on the day, and that’s OK!

11. Stick to daily routines and schedules.

One of my favorite ways to be an organized mom is by using routines and schedules to my advantage. We have some tasks so much part of our routine that we just do them without thinking any more and it really does make life easier. Like keeping backpacks by our shoes or doing homework right after school. On and on the list goes. Our routines and schedules keep us on top of things and ends up with less nagging and chaos in the end.

I don’t find myself scrambling around to make sure everyone has their homework in their backpacks if I know they put it in there the evening before. Being an organized mom definitely leads to less chaos. Routines and schedules help with that so much.

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12. Sort school papers and mail immediately to save or toss.

I’ve totally lost track of paperwork that got lost in the shuffle. With schoolwork coming home plus mail and random other things, it’s easy for paperwork to pile up. I have learned the best way to avoid that is to immediately deal with said paperwork as soon as my hand touches it. Dealing with a little bit at a time is much easier than dealing with a heaping stack!

When we bring in the mail, I look at it right away and toss any junk mail. I put things I need to deal with on my desk to file or deal with accordingly from there. 

When my kids bring home papers and/or art projects from school, I immediately look through them. I sign forms and put them back in backpacks right away. I look over assignments, ask any questions I have and then toss or keep them. 

For school assignments or projects I want to keep, I use an easy filing system to organize them per school year. I have a file folder for each child for each school year to keep things. 

13. Prioritize.

I mentioned in part one of how to be an organized mom that I love lists. I highly recommend lists. One way I use lists is to prioritize what I need to do. 

While my daily planner and calendar are great for writing down items, I found that using a list with daily top priorities and weekly must-do tasks helps most.  

(Check out The Christian Woman Life Planner to download and print your own lists that will help you prioritize your daily, weekly and monthly tasks!)

As someone who works from home, I’ve found that organizing my daily plan for work and home into one page works best for me. That might be different for you.

All of that said, don’t forget what your overall priorities in life are. While I have lists of tasks to be done, my faith and family are my biggest priorities. If I need to leave tasks undone in order to be there for a loved one, then so be it. Never have I heard of anyone regretting on their death bed that they didn’t complete all their to-do lists each day.

14. Make a daily to-do list.

More about lists! They really do help me be an organized mom. A daily to-do list is a must, I think, when it comes to organization. One of the new resources I’ve been using is an overall project list for both home and work, a weekly overview with time blocks and then a daily schedule with goals and a space for home tasks as well as work one. 

I organize what I’m working on in time blocks for each day. From there, I plan my whole day in increments to stay focused on what needs to be completed. It makes such a difference!

Seeing your to-do items in writing helps you focus. Whether you write them down on paper or make the list digitally, give a daily to-do list a try. It keeps you from forgetting what you need to do.

These two different options of organized mom printables will make your life easier. Grab one for free or head to Etsy to get the full set!

A free simple daily planner
A simple weekly planner set on Etsy

15. Pick a time to organize yourself for the week.

At the beginning of each week, I look over the upcoming schedule and note what needs done. For me, Sunday evenings or Monday mornings work best. 

Find the time that works best for you to take a few minutes and prepare yourself mentally for the week. Look at appointments coming up. Figure out any logistics you need to deal with. Add items to your daily and/or weekly to-do lists. Even just five minutes of thinking and planning ahead can make a big difference to your organization.

I mix both work and personal tasks in this weekly prep time, but you might need separate times for each. Figure out what works best for you and go with it. Set reminders if certain laundry needs done before your kids’ next game. Or put a big meeting at work on your calendar with prep time scheduled beforehand. Organize yourself, including some downtime. We all need it!

16. Give yourself some grace.

Be kind to yourself. Not every day is going to be great. You’re not a perfect mom or a perfectly organized mom. Do your best, but don’t beat yourself up when you fall short. Just learn from it and move on. 

I’ll never forget the time in PreK when I missed my son’s show-and-tell day. We were scheduled to bring in the snack, and he could bring in something to show off. I totally forgot it because of some other things going on. I felt awful.

However, he doesn’t even remember that happening. So many things I beat myself up for at the time are not that big of a deal in the long run. At the end of the day, what matters most is doing my best and making good memories with my family. If I can accomplish both of those things, I call that success! 

Fun kid-friendly New Year’s Eve activities for families

The best NYE activities for families to ring in the new year

Growing up, my family would always watch the ball drop together. That was back in the days of Dick Clark. We often got together with extended family and had our our New Year’s Eve celebration.

Through the years our New Year’s Eve celebration evolved as we kids grew up. Now I have children of my own and have come up with some New Year’s Eve traditions that work for us.

Whether you have older children or younger children, I’ve got some NYE activities for families you’re going to love!

Affiliate links are used in this post, if you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. It helps support my blog, so thank you for your support! Read my full disclosure here.

NYE Activities for families with younger kids

Before we talk about this idea, start with giving yourself grace for whatever stage of parenting you’re in right now. When my children were babies and toddlers, we didn’t celebrate New Year’s Eve in much of any way. In fact, I was lucky to even be awake at midnight!

Don’t put pressure on yourself to have a memorable New Year’s Eve party when you’ve got littles. Know that you will have plenty of family time to come with the kids are older and you’ll be able to enjoy it much more.

Noon Year’s Eve

Once your children are past the toddler stage, but still not in the stay-up-late stage, Noon Year’s Eve can be a great way to ring in the next year without messing up everyone’s schedule.

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You can quite literally do a pseudo New Year’s Eve celebration at noon or pick another time and work with it. When my children were little, a few friends and I got our families together. We did some simple online research and discovered England would be ringing in the new year at the perfect time for our families to celebrate.

We found some creative ways to celebrate in British style from a different perspective. My artist friend made a large paper picture of Big Ben for the wall. We brought in snacks. Our entire family had a great time together. We played games, ate food and donned festive party hats for a New Year’s Eve countdown to midnight in London.

It worked so well, and our kids were all tucked into bed around their usual time that evening. Noon Year’s Eve is a great NYE activity for families with younger kids!

Focus on New Year’s Day

Another fun way to celebrate an upcoming year is by celebrating New Year’s Day. This is another one of those great ideas I pulled from my own family. Our whole family would also gather for dinner on New Year’s Day each year. In fact, it was such a tradition, I was quite a bit older before I realized not every family does this!

Before we had children, I continued this tradition and hosted New Year’s Day dinner at our house. Once we had children, I carried on this tradition for a few years. What better way is there to look forward to a new year than with those you love?

I took it a step further and added in an option for each of my family members to write down a prayer request for the year. I’d put them in an envelope that I sealed without looking at anyone’s request. Then I’d pray over the requests all year long. 

It was a whole family affair of focusing on God together. And it was an added bonus the next year for everyone to see their requests and reflect back over the past year as well.

NYE Activities for families with older kids

One of the fun things about kids getting older is their schedules are more flexible, and they can do more things. With kids who are 10 and 14, we’ve had a chance to figure out fun New Year’s Eve activities that work best for our whole family. 

Take some of these New Year’s Eve ideas and make them your own this year!

Eat good food

What’s a party without good food? Try some new delicious recipes! Snacky food tends to be the biggest hit for New Year’s Eve at my house. 

You can serve an assortment of appetizers, charcuterie with kid-friendly fare or even just sandwiches and chips. Another great option is to let your children help you decide what to have. Mine have surprised me by asking for food I never would have thought of.

One of the biggest hits we had one year included apples with caramel dip I bought at the store. Super easy, yummy and not too bad health-wise! Definitely plan for some evening snacking, too.

Play games

Games are a great way to have quality time as a family no matter what time of year. But, they work especially well on New Year’s Eve because you have a long time together for family connection.

We love everything from board games to role playing games to video games. We are a gaming family, in fact! Games are always part of our NYE celebrations.

Some fun games my entire family enjoys include the following:

And then a surprisingly great game my entire family has enjoyed for years is Toilet Trouble. This one works for toddlers to grandparents! It is simple but brings lots of laugh. Just keep a hand towel nearby!

Watch movies

Watching movies together as a family can be a special time to snuggle and relax. Finding something you all agree on might be challenging, so I suggest talking about it ahead of time. Or at least have a list of movies in mind that your family can pick from. 

Some of our recent family favorite movies that would work well as NYE activities for families include the following:

Watch the ball drop

Nothing is more quintessentially American New Year’s Eve than watching the ball drop in Times Square. One of my family’s fun ideas is to do this encamped in our bedroom. 

The first year, we did an extra fun option of making a fort out of blankets and putting glow sticks in balloons of different colors. Now, we inflate the air mattress for the kids in our room, and my husband and I get into bed.

We watch the ball drop and spend the last night of the year cozy together. At the stroke of midnight we wish each other happy new year; my husband and I exchange a kiss. Our kids then have the option to sleep in our room or retire to their own rooms. 

Usually our son stays in our room and our daughter heads to her own, but being all together in our room is one of the best places to be as we welcome a new year.

Pray your way into the new year

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One tradition my husband grew up with was going to church on New Year’s Eve to ring in the year. Most churches (at least around us) no longer have Watchnight Services, but you can still spend time in prayer whether at midnight, before or after.

Pray together as a family. Ask for God’s blessings, guidance and protection for whatever the new year brings. 

Talk about New Year’s resolutions

My daughter and I are both planners. We actually do enjoy talking about New Year’s resolutions as a family and our goals for the coming year. For the most part, we try to avoid the word “resolutions” and replace it more with “goals.”

Thinking ahead for the new year always feels productive. The possibilities somehow seem much more endless heading into a new year!

Enjoy whatever NYE activities for families you pick

No matter what fun activities you pick for New Year’s Eve this year, enjoy the time together. It’s not going to be perfect. There will be squabbles or spills or people dozing off before midnight. 

However, this is your family right now. The end of the year and beginning of a new one marks how quickly time is passing. Our kids won’t always want to be with us for a New Year’s celebration. Embrace the messiness, craziness and everything this New Year’s Eve brings!