7 Bible verses about hope for the future to encourage moms

From the time we find out we’re pregnant, we moms think about the future and our children. And we may find ourselves stressing out with worries about what the future will hold. 

Turning to the Word of God is always helpful in times like these. I’ve pulled together seven of the best Bible verses about hope for the future that remind us mamas of God’s promises and faithfulness — no matter what the future holds.

It’s easy to put together a collection of Bible verses and declare they’ll help in whatever hard times you’re facing. But, let’s dig deeper into these verses to find the ultimate hope we have for the future in God. 

I’ve got some practical ways you can apply some of my favorite Scriptures into your daily life to grow in Christian hope and rest in God’s love.

This post is part of the “Grace-Filled Stress Relief” free Bible study for moms. Find all the details here:

Find all the details about the stress-relief Bible study for moms here

Hebrews 10:24-25

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:24-25 of Bible verses about hope for the future

Besides having the encouragement of the Scriptures, we also need encouragement from others around us. God’s intentions for us are to live in community with one another. We can do that in a variety of ways.

We must be part of a fellow community of believers. Find a church based on God’s Word and get involved.

This advice is something we hear a lot. Find believers; get involved. 

I don’t say that flippantly. As a quiet person, who is also an introvert, I know the struggle is real. I’ve been let down by God’s children often throughout my decades as a Christian.

But, God tells us to not give up meeting together. It won’t always be easy. People will let you down and even hurt your feelings. Don’t let any of that stop you.

We serve a God of hope who has good plans for each of us. Seek Him and be open to where He leads you.

Be patient.

This year, I turned 45. Having been in church my entire life and asking Jesus into my heart at age 10, I’ve been around a lot of Christians through the years. A lot!

Yet, it wasn’t until recently that I truly learned what Christian community in practice can really be like. Our Heavenly Father led us to a new church after years at the church we were at.

And, this has been such a blessing to my family. I truly understand the feeling of family at church in ways I never had previously. 

I tell you this to say don’t give up hope if it doesn’t come easy or doesn’t come right away. It may take a little while — or a long while. But there is a community of believers out there waiting for you to join them.

Find what works in your season.

I also want to mention that some phases of life and motherhood make finding a community of believers really difficult. Getting out of the house on Sunday mornings with little kids who are constantly sick or struggling is hard.

Don’t let that stop you from finding other believers you can connect with. Some seasons require us to get a bit more creative in seeking out others. 

Find a group of fellow Christian moms online to connect with. Reach out to Christian family members.

Be intentional about going after and building a community of faith to encourage you today and help strengthen your Biblical hope in the unfailing love of God.

When my children were really young, I was part of a small Bible study group with three other ladies who met weekly in a home. It wasn’t a church service, but we sincerely sought God together and lifted each other up in prayer. 

It was perfect for that season of my life.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18 of Bible verses about hope for the future

This verse comes from Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ. He is instructing the church in Thessalonica on how to live and continue to grow in their walk with God. 

A little gratitude can go a long way when we are overwhelmed and worried. Gratitude shifts our focus off the problem.

Even in looking to the future, we can have an attitude of gratitude in knowing no matter what the future holds, God will be present and faithful.

Thank God.

Make thanking God part of your daily routine. Maybe during your prayer time or other times, take a moment to reflect on and thank God for the blessings He’s given you now.

Thank Him for future blessings you don’t even know about, yet. Doing so will help you remember God is just as much part of your future as He is your present and was your past.

Keeping a gratitude journal can be a great way to do stay intentional with gratitude.

Check out these additional resources about gratitude:

Make time for praise.

Worrying about the present or future is pretty much impossible when you’re praising God. Find ways to make praise part of your daily routine.

You can spend time praising God in prayer, listening to praise music or praising God as a family at the dinner table. Or do a combination of all these things.

You can find Families with Grace on Spotify with a playlist of Christian praise music to get you started!

Proverbs 16:9

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”

Proverbs 16:9 from Bible verses about hope for the future

I’m a planner by nature. In fact, as I type this I have a physical planner sitting to the left of me and a digital planner pulled up on the screen beside me.

Oh, and my family’s weekly planner is sitting on the printer for me to post on the fridge.

So, yeah. I plan. A lot. I love lists and calendars. They soothe me and make me feel in control.

But, I’ve found the control I feel in my human mind isn’t real control at all. It’s basically an illusion.

All the to-do lists in the world can’t stop my children from getting sick and disrupting my plans. Unchangeable things happen. Weather, sickness, loss and more interrupt our plans.

I’ve learned uncertain times in my own life are not all uncertain or surprising to God. 

Don’t forget the past.

When life does go sideways, I find strong encouragement in remembering the past and how God has brought me through each and every challenge.

Taking time to dwell on the goodness of God in the strife of life is important and gives us a future hope in knowing God will be with us every step of the way. He always been faithful, and He won’t stop now.

Trust in the good things God has for you.

Another way I’ve found to encourage myself when my plans don’t come to fruition is to know and trust God wants and has good things for me both in the present and the future.

Because even when times are hard or uncertain, I am surrounded by the blessings of God. When life is really difficult and finding hope for the future is beyond our understanding, then we can at least find hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I’ll never forget one of my lowest moments when I was at church, saw the cross and felt God reminding me that when everything was falling apart, I could always fall back on the hope of salvation and love of Jesus.

Isaiah 41:10

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10 from Bible verses about hope for the future

This verse — oh, this verse! It is one of the very first Bible verses I ever memorized as a child. I truly believe the power of the Holy Spirit kept this verse on my mind and in my heart.

Life is scary. Looking at the future is scary. Yet, God is with us — always. 

I clung to the first part of this verse most when I was a child and afraid of unknown things in the dark. When I got older, I learned the rest of the verse, and the hope it has given me is beyond my own understanding.

Because not only can I let go of fear and trust God is on top of things, I can also lean into and rely on His strength, help and protection. I can imagine no safer place than in the right hand of God.

Memorize a helpful verse.

This verse may not be your verse, so to speak, like it is for me. But find a Bible verse to remind you of the Lord’s great love and His perfect peace.

If you’re not sure what verse is right for you, pray and ask God to guide you and open the eyes of your heart to find the verse He has for you. 

Write it out, post it on your mirror, recite it over and over or whatever you need to do to dwell on and remember the verse. Our God is a God of living hope and His Word reminds us of this throughout both the Old Testament and New Testament.

Check out these posts full of Bible verses for some ideas as well.

Visualize yourself with God.

Another thing I’ve done with this verse in particular is visualize myself resting in God’s hand. It may sound a bit silly, but it brings me comfort to know Someone bigger than me who is trustworthy is on duty when I feel like I can’t go on.

Find an image that brings you peace and comfort from our Heavenly Father. Close your eyes and imagine that when you start to feel overwhelmed in life. 

Ask God to give you thoughts of peace in the midst of the struggle and worry.

Psalm 100:5

“For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

Psalm 100:5 from Bible verses about hope for the future

If I think about all God has brought me through in my life, I can see the great mercy of God and the steadfast love of the Lord. I praise Him for that and am so thankful.

Somehow, I am even more thankful God is merciful, faithful and loving to my children. Knowing not only is God good and constant, but He will be there for my children and future generations makes me want to shout for joy.

As moms, we want good for our children, just as our Heavenly Father does for us. We can trust Him to take care of our children even when we can’t.

Pray over and for your children.

The Lord delights in the love of His children, which includes our own children. Pray over and for your kids to know God personally. 

Nothing matters more than helping our children grow in and build a relationship with God. Prayer is foundational for this.

Check out “14 Powerful prayers to pray for your school children” for more inspiration.

Stand on God’s promise of faithfulness.

During those times when you do feel overwhelmed and worried about what the future holds for your children, stand on promises like the one in this verse.

God has been faithful to every generation since Adam and Eve. He will continue to be faithful to your children’s generation and beyond.

Psalm 37:5

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this.”

Psalm 37:5 from Bible verses about hope for the future

These words from King David in the Bible are encouraging. In fact, the verses following this one go on to talk about how God will reward our righteousness, and we don’t have to worry when wicked seems to be prevailing.

Just a little faith can go a long way. In fact, David, who was called a man after God’s own heart, had his own faith struggles.

Throughout the book of Psalms, we see David’s emotions go up and down as he wavers and wonders.

But he always comes back to the Lord God, who never lets him down, just as He never lets us down.

Keep going on your faith walk.

When we feel overwhelmed, stressed, discouraged and fearful of the future, it’s easy to start pulling away from God. We can find ourselves resisting going to church, reading the Bible, praying and more.

Yet, these are the very times we need to keep going and commit our way to God. Even when you feel like you may only be going through the motions, don’t stop. 

Those motions will eventually lead you right to your Savior Jesus Christ who is patiently waiting for you to get back in line with Him.

Don’t get ahead of yourself.

It can be hard to not try to fix things ourselves. We think we know what’s best most of the time, and perhaps especially for our children.

This verse reminds us God doesn’t expect us to have all the answers. We just need to commit ourselves to Him and have faith in Him. 

He will do the rest.

Philippians 1:6

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 1:6 from Bible verses about hope for the future

We’ve all started projects and not finished them. Or we’ve delayed working on them. Life gets busy and other things take precedence.

God is not the same. He has a work of faith going in you, and He won’t stop until the end. He doesn’t get distracted or sidetracked by life.

Remember God is working in your children’s lives.

Just as God will remain faithful to carry out the good work in our lives, He will do so for our children as well. We can trust and rest in that promise firmly.

Along with having the hope of eternal life for ourselves and our children, we also have the hope of God’s faithfulness and help every step of the way until we get there. 

We can be encouraged to know God won’t forget about the good work He started in our children, even when we see them falling short.

Think in the long-term.

Thinking in the long-term sounds a bit counterintuitive when we are talking about not having fear for the future. But, let me explain.

Sometimes we can get caught up in our present sufferings and things we see coming right away. God, however, sees the big picture beyond what we can see.

So thinking in the long-term can help us have perspective about whatever we’re currently facing. We have the hope of glory no matter what happens.

For example, I’ve gained a lot of perspective in life as I’ve grown. Teenage me found small things to be a much bigger deal than adult me does, because I’ve got more perspective.

If we can wrap our minds just a bit around the long-term plan of living for God, then we can more easily let our earthly worries and fears dissipate.

About the Author: Stacey A. Shannon

Stacey A. Shannon is a freelance journalist and blogger who has been published internationally. She's also a Christian, a wife and a mom of two school-aged children. She started Families with Grace in 2019 to encourage Christian moms as they create homes filled with grace, love and faith.

Be sure to get the FREE family devotion book, "Finding Grace at Home: 7 Days of 5 Minute Devotions for Families." It's a great way to help your family draw closer to each other and to God.

Motherhood can be lonely. You weren't meant to go on your motherhood journey alone. Connect with Stacey and other Christian moms like you in the private Facebook group, Moms with Grace!

And check out the books from Stacey A. Shannon as well!

Bible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s futureBible verses to give you hope for your children\'s future