White elephant gift ideas that are good, clean fun!

While figuring out gifts in general can be a challenge, one of the categories I struggle with the most is white elephant gifts.
It’s hard to find a great white elephant gift that is out-of-the-ordinary and maybe funny but also not too much money.
And also appropriate. Searches for funny white elephant gift ideas often bring up results that are PG-13 or R-rated.
So I did some searching and put together a list of the best white elephant gifts for $20 or less that are fun and will be a hit at any gift exchange!
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Office fun
This desktop wacky waving inflatable guy is a fun gift for white elephant swaps.
If you’re stuck at the office, you might as well have some fun on your break or if you’re on a long call. Enter desktop mini games like this desktop tetherball or desktop basketball game.
Neither takes up too much space and both make a good gag gift.
It’s a little gross, but this nose pencil sharpener works, could come in handy and is sure to make any group of people at the holiday gift exchange giggle. This pencil sharpener is one of the best gag gifts you’ll find! Even better, it is an inexpensive gift coming in at under $5!
Maybe it’s because I’m a writer, but I don’t feel like you can ever really have enough notepads. I love the fun of this adulting notepad that also allows you to mark off important adult things you’ve done for the day like taking a vitamin or wearing pants.
It’s also a budget-friendly gift at around the $5 price point. Whether you’re buying for a specific person or placing a wrapped gift into a pile, this is one of my top picks!
And sometimes you just need a sticker for doing serious adult living. This is one of the fun gifts for a white elephant exchange that everyone will appreciate!
If you’re going to have to cut things, you might as well do so with toucan scissors! This also works well for secret Santa gifts.
This adorable little Groot flower pot works for a plant, as a pencil holder or whatever else. It’s so stinking cute that it will be one of those white elephant gifts everyone will find for!
Funny books
I am a sucker for a good punny joke, which means this book of dad jokes would be something I’d legitimately find amusing — and I’m guessing I’m not alone.
Talk about hilarious gag gifts! This would be a big hit at holiday parties — at least if everyone has a punny sense of humor like I do!
This book of useless information is one of those funny and useful gifts that would be interesting plus be sure to spark some conversation!
Having a worst-case scenario handbook sounds like a joke, but it could actually be a practical gift. You never know!
Sometimes you just have to have a good insult in Shakespearean style and this book provides a great way to do so!
Fun socks
Novelty socks are always good for some laughs to any white elephant party.
I’ve seen socks that say “If you can read this, bring me…” But, I’ve not seen a pair that ended with “tacos” until now! There are other options, too, like coffee, doughnuts and bacon.
You can’t beat these socks that look like you’re wearing sandals with socks! We all know someone for whom this would be the perfect gift.
Golden Girls socks?! I’m not sure these are white elephant because they are just pretty stinking awesome!
Beyond being a good white elephant gift, these socks may just be the perfect present for someone on your shopping list!
This set of sushi socks is the perfect quirky and fun white elephant gift.
Fun home products
This bed-shaped sponge holder makes me grin every time I see it. It’s a silly, fun and useful gift!
For a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor, consider this cereal killer spoon. It’s a fun way to add some humor to your mornings.
Fun ice cube trays can also be some of the best white elephant gift ideas. These two options were my favorites: dogs and the United States.
Dishwasher magnets that tell you whether your dishes are clean or dirty can be a great gift like this one featuring a cute dog.
Or check out this cute open and closed dishwasher sign magnet as a great addition for your party.
I like tabletop vacuum and use one regularly. This cow tabletop vacuum cracks me up and this definitely falls into the fun white elephant gifts category.
Cactus-shaped tea light candles are pretty interesting and come in different styles to pick from. It’s an adorable gift set!
Staying with the cactus theme, check out these fun cactus shaped dryer balls. The best part is this is something anyone can use, because we all do laundry!
Funny mugs
Yep. A coffee mug is technically a home product. But with so many different funny ones they needed their own category! Here are all of my favorites:
Misc. fun stuff
And then there were a few other finds that I had to include for fun gifts for white elephant exchange ideas like this bacon flavored lip balm. I’m quite intrigued!
My son would totally love if I came home from a white elephant gift exchange with this Ninjabread cookie mix.
This basket head game could be the next family game or opened and played at your white elephant gift exchange party.
Even non-artistic folks (like me!) can handle paint by numbers, right? This adorable Bob Ross paint by number kit comes with everything needed to make tiny masterpieces.
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