
Families With Grace

Helping Christian moms create homes filled with grace, love & faith

House cleaning tips for moms (with a FREE deep cleaning challenge)

A real look at cleaning with kids at home

If you’d have told me a decade ago that I’d write about house cleaning tips, I’d have laughed in your face.

Back then, I had a 2-year-old and a 5-year-old, and I was struggling to keep up with the bare minimum.

These days, those babies are now in middle and high school. Through the years, I’ve learned a few things that work from my mom and from my own experiences.

(Find the link for the free 4-week deep cleaning challenge at the bottom of the post.)

Affiliate links are used in this post, if you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. It helps support my blog, so thank you for your support! Read my full disclosure here.

Why a clean house is more peaceful

When my house is a mess, I feel guilty. And when I feel guilty, I get grumpy.

And when I get grumpy, I’m more inclined to snap at my family for small things.

The other option is jumping into a pit of self-pity and sadness that I’m not better at cleaning my house.

I feel more pressure than my husband to keep our house clean and more embarrassment when it isn’t. I interpret our messy house as my own personal failure.

You’d think that would make me an excellent housekeeper. But it doesn’t.

House cleaning quote about the pressure of keeping a clean house that moms feel

Instead of doing something about it, many times I just beat myself up. I have had literally years at a time where I couldn’t do better for a variety of reasons and still berated myself over it.

However, I have learned some things through the years, and I’m going to share them with you in case you aren’t one of those rare folks who love to clean.

I don’t offer a detailed cleaning plan. I’ve tried those, and they stress me out and make me feel worse about all that I’m NOT doing. Instead, I’m offering real-life tips that have helped my family. 

Most of these are inspired by my mom who not only is an excellent housekeeper but truly enjoys cleaning. (I know. It’s weird to me, too!)

Employ the ABC method: Always Be Cleaning

One of my best tips is ABC: Always Be Cleaning. That might sound like a nightmare to you, because it certainly would have to the me of a couple years ago. But, hear me out.

My mom’s strategy is to clean as she goes so there isn’t a big mess to deal with later. It sounds simple, and it really is.

I do things like wipe down my kitchen sink after washing dishes (which takes an extra 60 seconds at most).

Deal with the mail immediately after bringing it in so it doesn’t end up on the countertop for days.

I wipe down the bathroom counter after I finish getting ready. Most of the time, I just use my wet washcloth from washing my face.

I pull up the covers on my bed as soon as I get up, so the bed is mostly made.

I’ve learned a lot of these tasks take a short amount of time. Seriously in 30 seconds, I can do a quick wipe of my bathroom countertop. I can unload the dishwasher in less than 5 minutes.

Keep cleaning supplies handy

If you’re going to always be cleaning, then you need cleaning supplies where you use them.

When we moved into a two-story house a few years ago, I knew myself and knew I’d either forget to bring cleaning supplies up or down the stairs or find it easy to procrastinate if they weren’t in easy reach.

So I buy enough for each location. Each bathroom has disinfecting wipes and toilet bowl cleaner. I do share glass cleaner between them.

The kitchen sink has disinfecting wipes and vinegar. I buy smaller bottles of vinegar, so I have separate vinegar bottles for upstairs.

I know this doesn’t sound ground-breaking to many people, perhaps. But it has made a difference for me.

For example, earlier this week I realized that I hadn’t yet cleaned the half bathroom downstairs and needed to. On my stop by there before going to pick up the kids from school, I cleaned the toilet in a minute. Later I wiped down the sink.

And those are the biggest areas that need weekly cleaning in there, so it worked well. If the supplies were even just around the corner in the pantry (a few steps away!), I know I wouldn’t have done that. And, quite honestly, I probably STILL wouldn’t have done it even now a couple of days later.

Cleaning isn’t all or nothing

Previously I’ve had the idea that if I can’t clean everything then I don’t even want to start.

However, I have been timing myself on doing tasks and realize that in a few minutes, I can accomplish a lot. And the things that need cleaned most don’t take all that long.

I can spend five minutes cleaning my bathroom and feel much better afterward. Yes, it still needs to be deep cleaned and floors mopped and such, but every little step counts.

Finding hours to devote to any one task is difficult. Being able to physically spend hours cleaning my house is basically impossible nowadays.

I’ve changed my mindset from doing it all or nothing to doing what I can when I can. Now I almost see it as a challenge to see how much I can get done in a set amount of time like 15 minutes.

And I’ve been shocked at how much I really CAN do quickly. (I also find more motivation to clean or straighten up if I have a time limit. I can endure cleaning for 5 to 30 minutes!)

Embrace the right cleaning products 

Sometimes it’s about working smarter and not harder. From my mom, I learned vinegar can power through hard water spots and build-up anywhere. It’s a cheap and easy solution to cleaning things!

In my years of having a smooth-top stove, I’ve learned the absolute best cleaner for getting cooked in spots off is a mixture of baking soda and water. The grit in the baking soda, helps gently remove things.

I make a bit of a paste of with it and get to work. It works better than stovetop cleaners.

Another favorite cleaning product of mine is Dawn Power Spray. It’s great for messy pans and also for pretreating laundry. I’ve had spots on clothes coming out of the dryer, Dawn Power Spray-ed them, and they came clean.

And for very specific messes, I’ve found solutions as well. If you need to get Silly Putty or slime out of fabric, rubbing alcohol will help it come out with minimal scrubbing effort needed.

If you have blood in fabric, dab some hydrogen peroxide (undiluted) onto the spot, let it fizz, then wash like usual and it will come clean. In fact, I keep a spray bottle of peroxide in my laundry room for this very reason.

Enlist help

Throughout my adult life, my physical health has taken a hit many times. And with chronic health conditions, sometimes it takes a beating and I can’t do things.

So I have learned to ask for help and be willing to accept it. My kids have their own bathroom. They’re required to clean it once a week. They divide the tasks.

I gave them a lesson on exactly what I want them to do and how to do it. They don’t always clean as well as I do, but I do check in on their progress and have had them redo things.

And it still is helping both me and them! One of these days they’ll have their own bathrooms to clean.

In different stages of my kids’ lives, they’ve been able to help in various ways. While we don’t assign specific chores most of the time, we do expect them to help when we ask. They both are good to do just that.

Kids can do things like wipe down the table, sweep the floor, take out the trash, empty the dishwasher, fold laundry (folding washcloths and pairing up socks are great starting places), put away their belongings and more.

I will say, one nice thing about kids getting older is they are able to take on more responsibilities. Just the other night, I had a few pans to wash after dinner.

My husband tasked the kids with doing that, so I could sit down — and it was really nice to do that!

Don’t procrastinate 

I’m not usually a procrastinator by nature, but I can be very good at overlooking things that need to be taken care of or put away. Very good!

I try to make sure that I’m putting things away when I’m finished with them. But in that mindset, I’m also trying to make sure that each item in our house has a home.

If I get derailed from putting something away immediately, then I make a conscious effort to take care of it next time I come across it.

Along with putting things away, I try not to procrastinate when it comes to dishes and laundry.

There are ALWAYS dishes and laundry. But, I’ve worked to simplify as much as I can.

Staying on top of the dishes

I have arranged my kitchen around my dishwasher. So the things I use most often are stored right above the dishwasher or within a couple of steps.

I can empty the dishwasher in five minutes or less and usually make myself do it the next time I am working in the kitchen (which is quite often with kids!) or ask one of my kiddos or husband to unload it.

House cleaning tips for moms overwhelmed with cleaning and laundry

I’ve also worked to be practical. My kids take their lunch to school everyday. I have enough lunch containers for two days worth of cold lunches for both kids.

That gives me two days to wash the containers in the dishwasher instead of by hand, which saves me time. If I throw in a day of hot lunch in their hot Thermos, then that helps even more.

I also have to add that I intentionally buy dishwasher safe items to make life easier and not have to wash as many things by hand.

Managing the laundry

And then there’s laundry. While I’m not as fast as my mom who folds and puts her away immediately, I definitely make an effort to deal with it in the same day.

My washer and dryer are on the second story in the middle of the bedrooms, so that really helps. We keep two laundry baskets for dirty things at all times in the laundry room: one for darks and one for whites.

I keep two additional baskets for my husband and me. One for clothes in our closet and another for towels and whites in our bathroom closet.

I can easily see when a basket is full and a load of laundry need to be thrown in. It helps keep me from getting as overwhelmed with load after load of laundry all at once.

Another bonus is that I have a set amount of laundry baskets and I have to make sure to keep laundry folded and put away so we can use the baskets as needed. (I do keep a spare one, though. I’m not THAT good!)

My handy husband also hung me a nice bar in the laundry room so I can hang up clothes straight from the dryer. If I hang up most of our pants and shirts, then I don’t have as much work to do with folding either.

As my kids have gotten older, they’ve been more involved in the whole process. My daughter now does her own laundry, which is sometimes a challenge to make sure her laundry is getting processed in and out of the washer and dryer.

They can switch out laundry, hang up clothes and fold laundry. Usually one evening a week, we’ll have a “laundry folding party” and spend about 15 or 20 minutes in my bedroom folding laundry together.

Give yourself grace 

This is my final tip. No matter what systems I have in place, no matter how much progress I’ve made, I’m not perfect and I’m not going to be.

Life is going to get in the way. My health will flare for a week. My kids will get sick. Things happen.

I have learned to not beat myself up if I get out of routine and don’t clean my bathroom this week. It doesn’t mean I’m never going to get back on track. I will, and I do.

Can I say that in the past I was just a total slob and wasn’t doing my best? No way. I really was doing my best.

There are some seasons of life where it’s easier to clean than others. Having babies and toddlers make cleaning a huge challenge.

Going through physical and/or mental struggles makes cleaning a huge challenge.

Doing the best you can? Then it’s enough. Don’t beat yourself up for not being perfect or having the perfect home!

A reminder for moms to enjoy their families more than they focus on cleaning and making everything perfect

Here’s the thing: I’m never going to transform into someone who loves cleaning. (At least I will be shocked if I do!)

I won’t ever keep as spotless of a house as my grandma or my mom. But, that’s OK.

I try to be realistic in my goals and work for what makes my family and me the happiest. We are all happier when we have clean dishes and clothes.

We are all happier when there aren’t piles of papers all over the table we have to clean off every time we want to eat a meal.

We are all happier to go into a bathroom that smells fresh and doesn’t have weeks of build-up.

However, my family life isn’t going to dissolve into chaos if I let clean dishes sit in the dishwasher for 24 hours or a load of towels stay in the dryer for a couple of days.

I do my best, but I also remember my priorities. I don’t want to be so busy taking care of my family and my home that I don’t remember to enjoy my family.

Take the 4-Week Deep Cleaning Challenge

Get a jumpstart on house cleaning with this free 4-Week Deep Cleaning Challenge from Families with Grace!

It’s divided into four weeks with seven tasks each week as well as space to write in your own items. There are also some tips and encouraging verses to keep you motivated!

Deep Cleaning Challenge download

Lessons from mothers in the Bible

Encouragement and practical wisdom for the modern Christian mom

A mother’s love is one of the most powerful forces in the world—deep, selfless and enduring. While motherhood is full of joy, it also comes with exhaustion, doubts and hard days.

Sometimes we can feel like the struggle of motherhood in today’s world is vastly different from our foremothers. Yet, there are numerous lessons to learn from mothers in the Bible.

God’s Word is packed with examples of mom who loved their children fiercely and who had to learn about patience, sacrifice and trust in God.

Let’s take a look at five different mothers in the Bible and what each of them can teach us today.

This post is part of a series on Biblical love. Find all the details and links to other posts here.

A Free 28-Day Bible study for moms about love

Hannah: A mother’s love through surrender

Hannah longed for a child, and in her deep pain, she turned to God in prayer. She vowed that if God gave her a son, she would dedicate him back to the Lord.

“‘I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.’ And he worshiped the Lord there.”

1 Samuel 1:27-28

When God answered her prayer and she gave birth to Samuel, she kept her promise, bringing him to the temple to serve the Lord.

Hannah’s story reminds us that motherhood is an act of surrender. We don’t have control over everything—our children’s futures, choices or even their safety.

But just as Hannah entrusted Samuel to God, we can trust that God loves our children even more than we do. On days when worry grips our hearts, we can cling to these words from the Apostle Paul:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7

Surrendering our children to God doesn’t mean we stop being involved—it means we cover them in prayer, seek His wisdom in our parenting and trust His plan even when things don’t go how we expected.

Practical application

Pray continually and specifically – Just as Hannah poured out her heart to God about Samuel, we can lift our children up in prayer daily. Whether it’s praying for their friendships, decisions, faith or future, we can trust that God hears us.

Keep a prayer journal to track prayers and see how God moves over time. You can also start with pre-written powerful prayers for your children.

Trust God with their future – Hannah dedicated Samuel to the Lord, fully trusting God’s plan for his life. As moms, we often want to control our children’s paths, but true surrender means trusting that God’s plan is greater than ours.

When worry creeps in, remind yourself that God not only has a plan to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11), but He has the same plans for your children as well.

Model faithful obedience – Hannah followed through on her promise to God, even when it was difficult. We can surrender our children by modeling an unwavering faith—showing them what it looks like to trust God in hard times, worship Him in all circumstances and make faith-filled decisions.

When they see us walk in obedience, they learn to do the same. Sometimes this can be as simple as praising God out loud in front of them or involving them in a volunteer project with us.

The Canaanite woman: A mother’s love that perseveres

The Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:21-28 showed unshakable persistence when pleading with Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter. Though Jesus initially seemed to turn her away, she did not give up. Her faith moved Him, and He healed her daughter.

Motherhood requires perseverance. Whether it’s advocating for our children at school, praying over their struggles or simply surviving sleepless nights with a newborn, we are called to keep going.

This woman’s story encourages us to pray boldly for our children and to never stop believing in God’s power to move in their lives.

Even when our prayers feel unanswered, we can cling to God’s promise that no good is wasted:

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Galatians 6:9

Sometimes, our greatest act of love is to keep showing up—through the tantrums, the teenage rebellion or the tough seasons of life.

Practical application

Pray boldly and persistently – The Canaanite woman refused to give up when seeking Jesus’ help for her daughter. As moms, we can follow her example by praying persistently for our children, even when we don’t see immediate answers.

Lessons from mothers in the Bible Pinterest image 1

Keep bringing their needs before God, trusting that He hears and will act in His perfect timing (Luke 18:1).

Advocate for your children – Just as this mother boldly sought healing for her daughter, we are called to stand up for our kids. Whether it’s ensuring they get the help they need in school, guiding them through challenges or teaching them to make wise choices, perseverance means never giving up on them, no matter how hard the journey gets.

Cling to faith in difficult seasons – The Canaanite woman didn’t let discouragement stop her. When parenting feels overwhelming, we can persevere by holding onto faith.

Trusting God through tantrums, teenage rebellion or struggles with faith itself requires endurance. But just like this mother, we can believe Jesus is still working, even when we don’t see it yet.

Mary: A mother’s love that trusts God’s plan

Mary, the mother of Jesus, had to trust God in ways most of us will never fully understand. From the moment the angel Gabriel told her she would bear the Son of God, Mary responded with faith.

She watched her son grow into His ministry, knowing He was destined for the cross. As Jesus suffered, Mary stood nearby, witnessing His pain but trusting in God’s greater plan.

As moms, we often want to shield our children from hardships. But sometimes we must stand by them and trust God is working, even when we don’t understand. These verses are great to cling to in times like these:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Whether we’re watching our children navigate friendship troubles, big decisions or struggles with faith, we can follow Mary’s example by trusting God’s plan for their lives.

Practical application

Say “yes” to God, even when it’s uncertain – When the angel told Mary she would give birth to Jesus, she responded with trust, even though she didn’t have all the details (Luke 1:38).

As moms, we won’t always understand what God is doing in our children’s lives, but we can choose to trust Him. We can follow Mary’s example of surrender by releasing our fears about our children’s future or stepping out in faith as He leads our family.

Walk beside your children through their hardships – Mary didn’t try to stop Jesus from fulfilling His calling, even when it led to suffering. Likewise, we must resist the urge to shield our kids from every difficulty.

Instead of fixing everything for them, we can pray for them, offer wisdom and remind them that God is always with them (Isaiah 41:10). Because the the truth is not everything is fixable, and our children must learn to deal with challenges.

Trust that God is writing their story – From the manger to the cross, Mary had to trust God had a greater plan for Jesus. In the same way, we don’t always see what God is doing in our children’s lives, but we can believe He is at work.

Even when their journey doesn’t look like what we expected, we can trust that His plan is better than ours (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Jochebed: A mother’s love that protects

Jochebed, the mother of Moses, faced an impossible decision. When Pharaoh ordered all Hebrew baby boys to be killed, she knew she couldn’t kill her child.

So, she hid her son for three months before placing him in a basket in the Nile River (Exodus 2:1-10). She trusted God with his life, and He provided—Moses was found by Pharaoh’s daughter and eventually led Israel out of Egypt.

Jochebed’s story reminds us that protecting our children sometimes means making hard choices. From setting firm boundaries to making sacrifices for their well-being to covering them in daily prayer, we are called to guide and protect them.

We may not always see immediate results, but like Jochebed, we can trust that God is at work.

Our children may not be facing threat of death from a king, but we still must protect them making tough choices. We do things like monitor their friendships, limit their screen time and say not to something “everyone else” is doing.

These things take courage and strength, but Proverbs 22:6 encourages us:

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

Practical application

Take wise action while trusting God – Jochebed didn’t just pray for Moses’ safety—she also took action by hiding him and then placing him in a basket in the Nile.

As moms, we can take practical steps to protect our children, such as setting boundaries with technology, choosing the right influences and teaching them about God’s truth. At the same time, we trust that God is in control beyond what we can do.

Let go and trust God’s plan – As painful as it must have been, Jochebed had to release Moses into God’s hands. We, too, will face moments when we must let go—it’s the very nature of parenthood to prepare them for life on their own.

Letting go isn’t easy, but we can rest in the promise that God loves them even more than we do (Isaiah 41:13).

Pray for God’s protection and guidance – Jochebed couldn’t follow Moses into Pharaoh’s palace, but God was with him every step of the way.

Likewise, we can’t always be with our children, but we can cover them in prayer, asking God to protect and guide them through all they face. Our prayers invite God to work in their lives (Philippians 4:6-7).

Lessons from mothers in the Bible Pinterest image 10

The widow of Zarephath: A mother’s love that trusts in God’s provision

In 1 Kings 17:8-16, a widow and her son were facing starvation when the prophet Elijah came to her. She had just enough flour and oil for one last meal, but Elijah asked her to make bread for him first.

She obeyed, and God miraculously provided—her flour and oil never ran out.

Motherhood often comes with seasons of scarcity, whether it’s finances, time, energy or patience. The widow’s story teaches us that when we put our trust in God, He provides.

When we feel like we have nothing left to give, He fills in the gaps. Throughout the Holy Bible, we can find promises of this very thing.

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19

Practical application

Trust God even when resources are scarce – The widow was preparing what she thought would be her last meal when Elijah asked her to make him bread first. Instead of giving in to fear, she trusted God’s provision.

As moms, we often worry about whether we’re providing enough—food, opportunities, emotional support and on the list goes. But God promises to meet our needs, and when we trust Him, He provides in ways we never expected.

Obey God even when it doesn’t make sense – The widow’s obedience to Elijah’s request led to God multiplying her flour and oil so she never ran out.

Sometimes, God calls us to trust Him in ways that don’t make immediate sense. It may be choosing faith over fear, stepping out in obedience or making sacrifices for our family.

Even when we don’t see the whole picture, we can trust He is working for our good.

Rely on God’s strength in hard seasons – Later in her story, the widow’s son became sick and died, and she cried out in grief (1 Kings 17:17-18). But through Elijah’s prayers, God brought her son back to life (1 Kings 17:21-22).

When we walk through painful seasons with our children—illness, struggles with faith or other difficult circumstances—we can bring our heartache to God. He hears our prayers, and while His answers may not always look how we expect, He is always near (Psalm 34:18).

Encouragement for moms: Living out a mother’s love

Motherhood is a journey filled with love, joy and sacrifice. Like the mothers in the Bible before us, we will have moments of surrender, perseverance, trust and protection.

But through it all, we are never alone. God walks with us, giving us strength for each day.

On the days you feel overwhelmed, remember this verse that talks about the special place moms have in God’s heart:

“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”

Isaiah 40:11

God sees your love, your effort and your heart. Keep leaning on Him, knowing that the love you pour into your children is a reflection of His great love for you.

No matter what season of motherhood you are in—from cradling a newborn to guiding a teenager to praying for an adult child—you are seen, valued and loved. Your love as a mother is a beautiful reflection of God’s love, and He will sustain you every step of the way.

5 Characteristics of good mothering for Christian moms

How Christian moms can teach their children about God

8 Prayers for joy for moms based on the Bible

7 Prayers for overwhelmed moms

30 Encouraging Bible verses on stress for moms

Christmas gift ideas for people who are hard to shop for

40+ Christmas gift ideas under $30 for those on your list who have everything

The most challenging part of Christmas shopping can be coming up with good inexpensive gifts for someone who has everything. Figuring out the best gifts for someone you don’t know so well is also challenging.

Inexpensive gifts for someone who has everything Pinterest image 8

While I can usually come up with ideas for kiddos I don’t know as well, I often struggle to come up with ideas for adults. After talking with a few friends, I quickly realized I am not the only one!

So I scoured the Internet for some ideas and spent time on Amazon tracking down 40 awesome Christmas gift ideas for the hard to shop for folks on your list. 

And I kept it budget-friendly at $30 or less to keep your bank account happy as well! The perfect gift doesn’t have to be pricey.

You’ll find a variety of categories to help you find just the right gift and save you shopping time with your busy schedule as a mom!

Affiliate links are used in this post, if you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. It helps support my blog, so thank you for your support! Read my full disclosure here.

Savory food Christmas gift ideas

Even the people on your list who have everything still need to eat. Food gifts are great options for a Christmas gift idea if you aren’t sure what to get for someone. While you can put together your own basket of items for someone, I am a big fan of gifts I can just order and they’ll take care of themselves. 

I’ve also found it’s usually cheaper to find a pre-made basket than to try and make one myself. Not only is that great for a tight budget, but the best part is it’s also easier!

Popcorn is one of my favorite things and really the perfect snack food in my opinion. I love this popcorn set from Urban Accents that includes three different kinds of popcorn and five premium seasonings. This Christmas gift idea would come in handy for movie night at home for the entire family. And, even better, it encourages family quality time, which is a win-win!

Another popcorn option is this Popcornopolis 12 Cone Snack Pack. It includes zebra, cheddar cheese, caramel and kettle corn in adorable Christmas themed cones. You can get a 12 Cone Snack Pack that isn’t Christmas themed as well.

Because I’m a fan of puns, I can come up with some groan-worthy puns to go along with this gourmet holiday nut gift basket. Your friends and family will go nutty for this tray of delicious Kabukim, honey roasted peanuts, American peanuts, honey glazed peanuts, salted roasted peanut, toffee coated peanuts and chocolate coated peanuts.

Gourmet nuts

If you’d rather go for a mix with more than just nuts, this nut and dried fruit gift basket from Oh Nuts! might be the perfect Christmas gift idea. The vegan treat includes kiwi tidbits, papaya bites, royal dates, dried pears, raisins, plump apricots, dried summer plums and peaches, exotic pineapple, apple rings, heart-healthy pistachios and premium roasted almonds.

This set of organic infused and smoked maple syrup from Runamok Maple Sugermaker’s in Vermont comes in an assortment of flavors. Who wouldn’t want to cover their pancakes in vanilla cinnamon real maple syrup?! Christmas is the perfect time of year for this unique gift idea since families often have more cooked breakfasts at home.

This 5-pack of gourmet organic spices from FreshJax is a great gift for anyone, especially someone who loves to grill or is an avid home cook. There are a few different variety packs available. Each seasoning lists what food items it would be good for. For example, Grill Master works well for burgers, veggies and kabobs. Cheeks is tasty on ribs, pork, chicken and even popcorn.

FreshJax is a small, family-run company who donates a portion of their profits to feed children in need. So that makes buying from them feel even better!

My maternal grandpa loved good summer sausage. I remember snacking on it with him sometimes as a kid. It’s still a meaningful gift for me, so I always think of Hickory Farms gift boxes as a great Christmas gift idea. This set includes two summer sausages, 4 ounces of sharp cheddar, sweet hot mustard, crackers and 8 strawberry candies.

Food gifts don’t have to be gourmet or fancy. Especially as families are home more throughout the holiday season, snacks are always appreciated. Pretty much anyone would like this snack box variety pack. It’s a practical gift that’s perfect for families with children.

Sweet food Christmas gift ideas

Treats are a great option for anyone who has a sweet tooth. And these affordable picks include gourmet chocolate for at a great price.

First up, this Hazel & Creme Biscotti gift box looks as pretty as it does delicious!

Christmas gift ideas that include chocolate get me excited! And Godiva chocolate is some of the best there is. It’s so creamy and delicious. I love this great deal on a whole box of chocolates.

Godiva Belgium Goldmark Assorted chocolate
Godiva masterpieces
Godiva signature milk chocolate hot cocoa

Chocolate covered pretzels always seem like a treat and this large box of gourmet chocolate covered pretzels from Hazel and Creme would be a good gift for just about anyone.

Hazel and Creme also has this gift box of chocolate covered cookies that looks absolutely divine. The lucky recipient of this gift may not want to share!

Around the home or office Christmas gift ideas

Decorative items for the home or office are good ideas of inexpensive gifts for someone who has everything. These budget-friendly gifts are perfect for throughout the home from the coffee table to the kitchen counter to the living room. 

I love the versatility of bowls. They can be used for their named purpose (like holding fruit) or for decoration or really whatever your gift recipient has in mind.

Turn the bowls into thoughtful presents by adding in homemade treats or other small gifts.

And if you think the bowl may need a filler, consider including some decorative rattan balls with it as well. These 2-inch balls are available in a wide variety of colors as a pack of 24.

Sometimes the person who has everything doesn’t have some unique kitchen gadgets. Some small appliances are an amazing gift idea for the person who has everything or is otherwise hard to buy for.

My family got this Nostalgia electric indoor s’mores maker a few years ago and we absolutely love it. It’s so much fun and a delicious way to feel like you’re in the great outdoors during colder months. 

An easy way to take this gift up a notch is by pairing it with s’mores ingredients.

I keep coming across this hot dog toaster and hearing incredibly good reviews of it from people I trust. It’s a bit quirky, but it would also make an excellent Christmas gift. (There is also a 4-slot hot dog toaster, but it costs $40.)

Another helpful kitchen item that just about anybody would like is a pizza cutter. My husband prefers the rocker pizza cutters. This one from Checkered Chef is stainless steel, dishwasher safe and comes in 14-inches or 16-inches.

And then I have to throw in this pizza wheel from Fred and Friends that looks like a saw. It’s certainly one of the more unique gifts on this list and would make an ideal gift for those who use saws regularly!

Candles are also a great gift idea for those who are challenging to buy for. You can go for a scented candle gift set like this aromatherapy one with four different scents that burn for 120 hours.

Or you can go for a battery-powered, flameless candle like this set of three. With flickering LED lights, they look like burning candles without the risk of the flame. There are four vibrant colors and styles to pick from.

Along with decorative items, everyone can always use tools around home. A couple of multi-tools are ideal for a kitchen drawer for anyone.

Book Christmas gift ideas

While I’m an avid reader, I know that not everyone is. However, there are still books that work for just about anyone, even those who aren’t book lovers. Check out these books that just about anyone would like.

Pampering Christmas gift ideas

Who couldn’t use some pampering once the holidays are over? I love pampering products as a thoughtful gift for anyone. 

Lotions and bath gels are almost always a hit with women, especially. Light, clean scents instead of stronger scents are the best option for a perfect present if you aren’t sure what she’ll like.

Bath bombs are another great pampering gift idea. From Life Around 2 Angels, these handcrafted bath bombs are made in California.

Quirky Christmas gift ideas

Sometimes you ned a Christmas gift idea that’s just a bit quirky for the person who has everything. (If you need more of these ideas, be sure to check out my post of quirky, fun gift ideas under $25 for everyone on your list.)

If you’re looking for Christmas gift ideas for someone who has everything, consider this gift that they surely don’t have: a star. You can order this kit and complete paperwork to name a star after someone. You can do it for them or let them do it themselves. How fun is that!

While we are celestial, check out this really cool moon nightlight. It comes in three sizes and is USB chargeable. The light works by touch to adjust its brightness.

Another space-related gift idea is this 3-inch plasma ball. It’s sensitive to touch and sound as it safely conducts colorful electricity.

Coming back to earth, this mini zen garden with rakes, rocks and figures is a fun Christmas gift idea!

Mini zen garden kit

Another fun option is this set of 100 Scrabble magnets. You could practically write your grocery list in magnets on your fridge!

I’m not sure it gets much more quirky or fun than this tortilla blanket from mermaker. The double-sided blanket is 71 inches and comes in three different colors as well as in pizza or waffle.

And because it’s 2020, I just had to add in this final quirky gift for your friend who has everything, including a sense of humor! This 1,000-piece puzzle is covered in toilet paper rolls and should certainly keep your friend or family member busy putting it together during times of quarantine and self-isolation. (Funwares also makes a 1,000-piece puzzle covered with face masks!)

Looking for more ideas? Don’t miss these lists full of gift ideas!

30 White Elephant Gifts Under $20

Quirky, fun and unique Christmas gift ideas under $25

15 Christmas gift ideas under $25 for everyone on your list

Christmas gifts for men under $35

Gag gift ideas that are clean and fun

8 Practical tips for building a Christian home

How to create a Godly home for your family

Building a Christian home is important for our families and their wellbeing. The world can be a harsh place, so we want to create an atmosphere that provides a safe place for our family to rest and rejuvenate.

As Christian parents, my husband and I work together to keep our household running calmly and smoothly. It not only decreases our stress levels but it also encourages a stronger family life with our children, which is so important.

And, if you’re like I am and no good at interior design, having a Christian home doesn’t have to do with decor. Instead it’s about creating a peaceful atmosphere where your family can relax, regroup and reconnect with each other and in their spiritual journey.

These 8 ways for how to build a Christian home are a great starting point for your family. They’re also part of the “Grace-Filled Stress Relief” free Bible study for moms. Find all the details here: 

Find all the details about the stress-relief Bible study for moms here

1. Take care of your own relationship with God. 

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)
Isaiah 26:3 image

The first thing you need to do in order to build a Christian home is to take care of your own heart. Make sure you are reading God’s Word, spending time in prayer and are seeking spiritual wisdom from other Christians.

When we are connect to Christ Jesus, then we are more at-peace and less stressed. We’re also able to better fulfill God’s plan for our lives.

We cannot teach our children about God without having knowledge of God ourselves. Keeping your own relationship with God strong will help you be a better Christian mom and create a Godly home.

Be sure to check out these resources on how busy moms can find time for God:

2. Stay connected to your husband. 

“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

Ephesians 5:33 (NIV)
Ephesians 5:33 image

Keeping your marriage strong is an important part of Christian family life. Sometimes church members get caught up in the verses about marriage that focus on the husband as the head of the home. However, God’s purpose for marriage is to be a loving, joint relationship. 

You must love and respect one another to keep  your relationship strong. No home is going to be peaceful with parents who are at odds with one another all the time.

In order to live on Godly parents, you must spend time together and talk about parenting in order to best minister to your kids’ hearts and physical needs.

Be sure to check out these resources on how to have a stronger Christian marriage:

3. Pray for God’s wisdom and peace in your home. 

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”

Colossians 3:15 (NIV)
Colossians 3:15 image

If we want a home full of peace and calm, then we need to live as one body. Each member of the family needs to feel included and be part of family life. 

As Christian families, we can help accomplish this through prayer. We pray for our family’s needs, but we must also pray for God’s wisdom and peace to be part of our family lives and part of our homes.

You can pray this together as a family or make a commitment in your own prayer life to ask for guidance and help from the Holy Spirit in your family life and home.

4. Monitor the content your family consumes. 

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Philippians 4:8 (NIV)
Philippians 4:8 image

You don’t have to be constantly reading family devotions or watching Christian content. But, you do need to use the Word of God as a guiding principle in deciding what content to let into your home.

This will change through the years as your children grow. Things they are permitted to watch now aren’t the same as when they were toddlers. 

We want to raise young people in the world but not of the world. Both of my children have groused about not being allowed to watch certain shows or movies their friends can watch.

However, we don’t use foul language in our family, and content rampant with it is not permitted in our home. Part of living a Christian life means that we are to be aware of what goes into our heads — and that certainly extends into Christian parenting and what we are putting into the heads of all our family members.

5. Make quality time with one another a priority. 

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”

Psalm 133:1 (NIV)
Psalm 133:1 image

Having a strong and calm Christian home also means spending time together just your family and letting the outside world fall away for a bit. You can do this however works best for your family.

For us, time around the dinner table is important. We talk about our days and what’s going on. We also spend time together watching movies and playing games. 

How to build a Christian home Pinterest image 7

And having two children is an ideal situation for us to divide equally time with them. Each of them has two nights throughout the school week they get to hang out with their dad and me solo. 

Most of the time, we do fun things together during this time. Once a month, we have a check-in night with each child to talk about any concerns they have in any area of their lives.

Find more resources on having quality time with your family:

6. Cheer for and encourage each other. 

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)
Ephesians 4:29 image

The Apostle Paul tells us that we are to use our words to build one another up. Jesus Christ tells us to treat others how we want to be treated in Matthew 7:12. In fact, Jesus’ words here are often referred to as the golden rule, because they best sum up God’s purposes for us to live in love.

Using kind and encouraging words within your home is important. Our children are always listening and learning from the things we say and do. We cannot tell them to speak nicely to one another, when we are not modeling that behavior in how we speak.

Our family has a principle that what’s good for one of us is good for all of us. Competition is left for games only and in no other way. 

Our children support and cheer for one another just as their dad and I do. 

Find more resources on speaking kindly:

7. Pray for one another. 

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)
Ephesians 6:18 image

Prayer is important for spiritual growth to happen in the lives of your family members. We should pray for our families but also encourage them to pray for each other as well.

These can be prayers as simple as “God, be with my child today at school” or “Jesus, help my brother.”

Our children’s prayers will grow and evolve with them, but we want to start them off early with taking others to God in prayer — including their own family members.

Find more resources on family prayers:

8. Make time for rest. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)
Matthew 11:28-29 image

These words of Jesus remind us of the importance of downtime. To build a Godly home full of peace and calm, you have to be there. 

We can get caught up in the busy culture that surrounds us where we think we must be on the go all the time and do all the things. Intentionally set aside downtime for your family.

When our children were in elementary school, our general rule was they could only have one ongoing extracurricular activity at a time. That has grown and evolved with them, but we still guard our family’s downtime.

Downtime is important for physical and spiritual rest. It also allows you more opportunities to connect with one another.

Remember you aren’t alone!

No matter what, remember that you aren’t alone on this journey. God is with you every step of the way. Allow Him and His Holy Spirit to be at work in your life and in your home.

Connecting with other Christian moms can also help. Check out both the private Facebook group, Christian Moms with Grace, and the free “Grace-Filled Stress Relief” Bible study this post is a part of.

The best Bible for preschool children’s ministry

A new Bible ideal for young kids

As a Christian mom, I wanted to share God’s Word with my children from the time they were small. While I love the full version of the Bible for myself, finding the best children’s Bible was important to me. 

Nowadays, my children are older, yet kids’ Bibles are still very much part of my life. My teen daughter is a preschool Sunday School teacher at our church, and she and I write the curriculum for all the children’s classes together.

So we are constantly on the lookout for Bible story books and materials that do a great job of explaining the Bible and God’s love to little kids. We also keep an eye out for videos that are a great way to reinforce the Bible story with kiddos who have short attention spans.

When I came across the “Hey-O! Stories of the Bible,” I was excited. The first thing I immediately recognized was the images were from a videos series of Bible lessons we have included as part of our curriculum. 

Having a story Bible to pair with the videos for younger children is a great idea. I couldn’t wait to dig in!

And if I was excited, my daughter was ecstatic. She squealed with excitement when I told her about it and barely let me open the package when it arrived before she was yanking it out of my hands to peruse it. 

Disclosure: I was given a copy of the “Hey-O! Stores of the Bible” for review. All opinions are my own.

About the “Hey-O! Stories of the Bible”

The “Hey-O! Stories of the Bible” is not a word-for-word translation. And, that makes it a great choice for younger kids who need to learn the key stories of the Bible.

I found for my own children and those for whom I write curriculum that the best Bibles for young children are those with good illustrations and simple language that are easy to understand a little bit at a time.

​Each page of the “Hey-O! Stories of the Bible” has no more than two paragraphs written in an easy-to-read font. For early readers, these small groupings of text are a good choice.

(As the mom of a dyslexic child, I really understand how small passages of text are much more manageable for new or young readers!)

Using smaller blocks of text, this colorful story book is a great read-aloud Bible. Since receiving it we have used it as part of our curriculum, in fact.

The Hey-O! videos 

Another thing that sets the “Hey-O! Stories of the Bible” apart from other children’s Bibles is the QR code at the front leading to a page full of animated versions of each story in the Bible.

What a great resource! Children can follow along in their own Bible story book while watching the video or use them separately. Being able to both read and watch the Bible stories is a great option to help young minds really process and learn pivotal Bible stories.

What I’ve long loved about the Hey-O! videos is they are a great length for a younger age group. All the videos are 5 minutes or less with animated characters portraying the stories told by a narrator.

How we’re using the “Hey-O! Stories of the Bible”

The “Hey-O! Stories of the Bible” has become one of my favorite children’s Bibles. From the perspective of a Sunday School teacher and/or children’s ministry curriculum writer, it’s a great resource we start with when lesson planning.

This book is especially good for our early childhood classes from toddlers to second graders. 

So, my daughter and I are using it as we are planning lessons. In fact, as we are looking toward the upcoming Christmas season, we’ve already talked about how the “Hey-O! Stories of the Bible” has a great version of the Christmas story we will be using.

A photo of my daughter and me lesson prepping for preschool with the "Hey-O! Stories of the Bible"
A photo of my daughter and me lesson prepping for preschool with the “Hey-O! Stories of the Bible.”

I’ve got some other favorite Bibles as well. “The Jesus Storybook Bible” is a long-time favorite of mine for reading to my children, in fact. 

Yet, I will say the “Hey-O! Stories of the Bible” book is ideal for children’s ministry with its shorter stories that can stand alone and the addition of the videos to match it.

Visit Saddleback Kids to learn more about learn more about “Hey-O! Stories of the Bible.”

Grab your own copy here!

Christian parenting advice: 10 tips for raising Godly kids

Biblical principles to help your children grow in faith

Of all the jobs I’ve held in my life, parenting is by far the most challenging, rewarding and important. More than anything, I want my children to have a personal relationship with their Heavenly Father. That’s the goal for Christian parents.

Figuring out the best ways to live out faith in our modern world takes some intentionality. The best parenting advice we can seek found in God’s Word.

While nobody is a perfect parent on earth, there are some Christian parenting tips that can helps us stay more in line with Biblical parenting as we raise our children and instill in them a Christian faith.

Affiliate links are used in this post, if you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. It helps support my blog, so thank you for your support! Read my full disclosure here.

Find all the details about the stress-relief Bible study for moms here

Why Christian parenting is important

In order to raise Godly children, we have to be purposeful. Ideally this starts before you have children as you talk about your parenting style. However, no matter what phase of parenthood you’re in, you can move forward with making parenting decisions based around your faith.

And, if we’re being completely honest here, Christian parenting is hard work. Not only are you trying to teach your children how to be good people, you’re also trying to combat the influence of the world. That’s all while figuring out how to teach our kids to be in the world but not of the world.

It’s exhausting! Yet, it’s also worth it. Building a Christ-centered home founded on Biblical principles shows our children what being a Christian is from their time they are a very young age.

My experiences with Christian parenting

In our years of raising kids, so far, we have been through a variety of stages. We are now mostly in the teenage years with a child in middle school and one in high school. 

We are still in the thick of parenting. These days, we are working more and more with our children to allow them to make their own decisions and want to be sure we have equipped them to do that God’s way rather than the world’s way.

In building a Christ-centered home, my husband and I have been intentional about raising our kiddos to know God personally.

1. Teach your children who God is.

“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (ESV)
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 image

From young children to old children, they need to know about God. This means teaching them about Him in age-appropriate ways.

For example, we started nightly prayers with our children from before they were old enough to say them themselves. We read to them from children’s Bibles. (Our favorite is “The Jesus Storybook Bible!”

We took them to Sunday School. (Now our oldest is a Sunday School teacher herself!)

We talked about God in everyday life. Of course we didn’t only talk about God — that’s not practical. But when we had a natural chance, we talked about Him. 

Now that we have older children, we are teaching them more complex things about God. They know the basics, so now we focus more on what it looks like to really live for God in the modern world. 

We strive to give them a Biblical worldview on current events and challenges they face in school. Simply talking to your children about God and who He is gives them a foundation for their own faith and relationship with Him.

2. Talk with your children about how God is working and has worked in your own life.

“One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.”

Psalm 145:4 (NIV)
Psalm 145:4 image

This second point is also important. For our children to see the relevance of God in their everyday lives, hearing and seeing Him at work in their own parents’ lives is important.

We do this in different ways. When we had little kids, my husband and I would talk about answered prayers for even the little things. Sometimes it would just be saying “Thank you, Jesus” out loud when we found a close parking spot on a frigid winter day.

This continued to evolve as our kids grew. We talk with them about making good decisions and ways we have relied on God for His guidance.

One of the best ways to share about God’s love with others is telling them our own stories. This applies to our children as well. They can see the testimony of God at work in our lives, but they also need to hear about it.

3. Make family worship a priority.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)
Proverbs 22:6 image

This Bible verse is certainly a familiar one for most Christian families. We love this promise God proclaims over our children’s lives. 

Christian parenting advice Pinterest image 8

But we also have to do our part. And that means showing them time with God is priority.

While it may not seem like a big deal, taking your children to church regularly is important for their spiritual growth. There may be phases where that’s harder to do than others. 

The newborn phase is challenging and was with both of my children. When you have small children, getting everyone up, ready and out the door is definitely difficult. Keeping everyone healthy is another challenge.

We had so many viruses and germs go through our household when my oldest started preschool!

Yet we persisted. And now both of our children know that Sunday morning means church. In fact, sometimes we have had to miss church in person for one of us being sick, and my daughter usually pleads to go in person if at all possible. Even just watching the livestream of the service isn’t enough for her.

4. Pray for your children.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

Romans 12:12 (NIV)
Romans 12:12 image

One of the hard things about parenting is we can struggle to see our progress. During those early years when we are trying to keep our heads above water and find ways to somehow build Christ-centered homes in the chaos, we can get discouraged.

However, the Bible tell us to have hope in God, be patient during hard times and never stop praying. Praying for our children is so important.

We need to pray for our children’s hearts to be open and receptive to God. We should pray for protection over them in every way: mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

The Holy Spirit is ever at work in our lives and the lives of our children. Through prayer, we can tap into that power and strength — both of which are desperately needed.

While most of my prayers for my children are on my own, I do also pray in front of them for them. For example, one of the practical ways we have combatted bedtime fears is with prayer asking God to help.

I share with my children that’s exactly what I do when I’m struggling with being afraid and need to sleep. Especially when they were younger, I’d ask if they wanted me to pray out loud for them, and usually they would say yes.

I also pray over each of my children on their birthdays. It’s become one of our birthday traditions, in fact.

Check out these 14 powerful prayers to pray for your school children.

5. Encourage your children to find the plan God has for their lives.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'”

Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah 29:11 image

Part of good parenting is recognizing our children are unique from us. They each have their own purposes and God has a plan for each child’s life. 

From the time I found out I was pregnant, I wondered about the children God was blessing me with. What would they like? What would they want to do?

Now as the mom of an 11-year-old and 15-year-old, I can tell you that I was right about some things and wrong about others. One very obvious way I was wrong was I expected my daughter to have my dark eyes and hair since they are dominant traits. Instead, she has light eyes and red hair.

Yet, the differences in how we look aren’t the only things different about us. She has her own unique gifts and calling from God on her life, just as my son does.

My husband and I have worked to be supportive of their dreams and hopes from the time they were younger children. We don’t know exactly what occupation they’ll each have, but we have encouraged them each step of the way to seek God first and follow His leading.

I know following Christ Jesus will bring them joy and contentment more than anything else in this world. I also know their purpose and His plan for them may surprise me. 

The biggest influence I can have in the matter is encouraging them to seek God, have a good relationship with Him and hold strong to their faith as they make major life decisions.

6. Pray for yourself as a parent.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

James 1:5 (NIV)
James 1:5 image

I am a smart person. Way back in the day, in fact, I earned a full academic scholarship to college. But being smart and being wise are two different things.

Wisdom comes with experience. And, boy, parenting takes a lot of wisdom! I don’t have nearly enough of it on my own. Daily I pray God gives me the wisdom and strength to be the mom my children need.

I cannot do it on my own. If I think about the Fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control), I know those are all characteristics I want to display and live out. But I also know, as the Apostle Paul tells us in those Bible verses from Galatians 5:22-23, that I cannot do so on my own.

To do the good work of raising a Godly child, we must seek God’s wisdom, strength and general help in parenting. 

Don’t forget in-the-moment prayers as well. Many times we’ve been in the middle of a discussion or challenge with our kids and I simply pray silently, “God, help us” or “God, give us wisdom.” I pray for both my husband and myself that way.

Find inspiration with these prayers:

7. Let your children see you make mistakes.

“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”

Romans 3:23 (NIV)
Romans 3:23 image

Past generations of parents held to the opinion they were never wrong and admitting mistakes to their children made them seem weak. I just don’t think that’s a good parenting philosophy.

Just as we need to teach our children how to live, we need to teach them how to make mistakes and fail. One of the best ways we can do that is by letting them see our own mistakes. 

The last thing I want is for my kids to think they need to live perfect lives and not mess up. That’s not reasonable and goes completely against human nature and who God says we are.

Instead, I want them to know they will make mistakes, but not only will they have the unconditional love of their dad and me, they’ll also have the unconditional love of their Heavenly Father.

We’ve also talked about how if we were all perfect, Jesus wouldn’t have needed to come and die for our sins. Apologizing to your kids when you mess up is a good thing. It shows them nobody is perfect and how to behave when they do mess up.

One of the principles in our family is the kids will be in bigger trouble for lying to us than for owning up to what they did. Allowing them to see us owning up to mistakes helps them realize it isn’t the end of the world to do so.

8. Encourage open conversations about faith in your family.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)
Hebrews 11:1

Young people of all ages have questions. Little children want to know a lot of things that are kind of random, like how Noah fit all the animals on the ark or what kind of fish was used when Jesus fed the 5,000.

Older children have deeper questions of faith, like how do we know God is real or why does God let bad things happen.

These are all valid questions and something you can explore together. Because here’s the thing I know for sure about God after my decades of serving Him: He can stand up to any and all questions. If He couldn’t, then He wouldn’t be a God worth serving!

Let your children ask questions, and don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know the answer. Look it up together. Talk to your pastor or other spiritual leader.

Or, in the case of answers nobody knows, talk about your different theories and how some information we won’t know until we get to heaven. Bring the focus always back to what matters most in faith of knowing God loves us, wants a personal relationship with us, sent His Son to die for our sins before raising Him from the dead.

9. Connect them with other Christians to pour into them as well.

“In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.”

Titus 2:7-8 (NIV)
Titus 2:7-8

We don’t want to only keep our children people who are a bad influence, we also want to connect them with people who are a good influence. Often, our kids will listen to someone else more than us as their parents. 

Help your kiddos get connected to other Christian adults who can teach them about God and love on them as well. This includes extended family members, friends and church family. 

Taking them to Sunday School or other such offerings as young children is a great place to start. Then finding a good youth group and ministry to connect them with as they are older is important.

10. Pray and study with your children.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Matthew 18:20 (NIV)
Matthew 18:20 image

Some of the best Christian parenting advice is to pray and study with your children. When we read this Bible verse from Matthew that where two or three are gathered, God is there also, we don’t always think about it applying in our families, but it does!

Make prayer time and devotional or Bible study time a priority. One of the ways we helped our children learn how to pray for others when they were young was by using prayer envelopes they would draw from each night.

We’d talk about different ways we could pray for people from thanking God for them, asking God to bless them, asking God to protect them and so one when we didn’t know a specific request.

Now they are older and we still have family prayer time. Getting into the Bible together is also important. Even just having a Bible verse each week, doing a devotional together once (or more!) a week or whatever works best for your family.

(Grab the free “Finding Grace at Home: 7 Days of 5-Minute Devotions!”)

Another practical way to make this happen is discussing church sermons or lessons afterward. We have had some amazing time of connection and growth just by doing that.

Bonus tip: Grow in your own spiritual walk with God

In order to be the mama God created you to be and your children need you to be, you also have to take care of your own spiritual walk. Make prayer and Bible study part of your regular routine.

Another component of spiritual growth is connecting with other believers. Consider joining my free, private Facebook group, Christian Moms with Grace, for daily discussions about life and faith.

And take advantage of this free Bible study just for moms, “Grace-filled Stress Relief.”

God never intended for you to be on this journey alone!

Movie Review: “The Firing Squad”

A Christian movie to get your family talking

One of my family’s favorite things to do together is watch movies. Recently we had an opportunity for an early viewing of “The Firing Squad” from Epoch Studios which is opening in theaters on August 2.

Unfortunately my daughter was away with a friend, so she missed it. But my husband, 11-year-old son and I picked up pizza and settled in for a movie night.

I received early access to view “The Firing Squad” in exchange for providing a review and social media posts about it. All opinions, however, are completely my own.

All about “The Firing Squad”

“The Firing Squad” is loosely based on a true story about men who were executed by firing squad in Indonesia on April 29, 2015. People convicted of dealing or running drugs in Indonesia are sentenced to death by firing squad, and that’s exactly the circumstances of the main character named Peter Lone played by James Barrington.

Throughout the movie, we see Lone’s transformation to coming to know God. He heads to his execution with songs of praise.

The movie’s cast includes names and faces of award-winning actors such as Kevin Sorbo and Cuba Gooding, Jr.

The best ages for watching

As a Christian movie, “The Firing Squad” does well with not using bad language or showing graphic violence. Based on the topic, I was slightly concerned it might be too intense for my 11-year-old.

We started the movie night with the idea that we’d stop it if it became too intense and then my husband and I would finish it later.

However, it was well done and was fine for my 11-year-old. I would say, though, that kids under 10 would not be a good fit for this movie.

Great for discussion

Our biggest takeaway as a family came after the movie in our discussions. Along with talking about the movie itself, we discussed other things like Christians who are killed even now solely for their faith.

My son was most struck by Kevin Sorbo’s character in the movie who was a pastor in the prison but also a convicted felon himself. He was convicted of murder. That left my son wanting to know more about his transformation.

Overall, it’s a great movie to talk about the transformative power of Jesus. God changes lives so dramatically and can turn a drug dealer or murderer into a pastor whose impact resounds for years.

Where to watch it

“The Firing Squad” opens in theaters throughout the United States on Aug. 2, 2024. You can find all the details about tickets, including group tickets and some free showings, on the movie’s site.

"The Firing Squad" movie poster

Looking for other ideas for family fun night? Check out these posts as well:

10 Family bonding ideas

Family fun night activities at home

20 Spring break activities and ideas for at home

Book review: “The Enneagram for Teens”

How understanding your teen’s enneagram can help you connect more

This past school year, my daughter completed a unit in which her class took all sorts of personality tests. We talked about her enneagram type a little bit afterward.

I thought it was a pretty neat activity to do with a group of middle schoolers. So when I came across an opportunity to review “The Enneagram for Teens” from Ainsley Britain, I jumped at the chance.

The Enneagram for Teens Pinterest image 4

I figured it’d be something my incoming high school freshman daughter and I could talk about, especially because it approaches enneagrams from a Christian perspective.

What I didn’t expect, however, was how much I’d truly enjoy and appreciate the book myself!

Affiliate links are used in this post, if you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. It helps support my blog, so thank you for your support! Read my full disclosure here.

I received a copy of “The Enneagram for Teens” at no charge in exchange for providing a review and social media posts about it. All opinions, however, are completely my own and not influenced by the free copy.

Learning about enneagrams

I wasn’t completely unfamiliar with enneagrams, but I didn’t know a huge amount about them either. I still am no expert by any means.

But, as I sat down to preview “The Enneagram for Teens” before showing it to my daughter, I got sucked into the introduction and explanation of enneagrams.

Basically, enneagrams are a tool to help you understand yourself better. They go into your motivations, fears, strengths and weaknesses.

In this particular book, they also relate to your faith and how you connect with God.

What I really appreciated is how conversationally and clearly Britain communicated this message. The book may be written for teens, but this 40-something mama sure learned a lot and appreciated it!

Figuring out your enneagram

There are nine different categories or types of enneagram that are each numbered:

  1. The Moral Compass
  2. The Helper
  3. The Heroic Leader
  4. The Unique Creative
  5. The Deep Thinker
  6. The Loyalist
  7. The Adventurer
  8. The Challenger
  9. The Gentle Peacemaker

So the biggest question is which enneagram type you are. My personality is such that I like concise answers when I can get them. I wanted a quiz to tell me my enneagram type.

I headed to Britain’s website to check out the enneagram resources she offers to determine your type. Two charts of simple decisions allow you to narrow down your type.

I had trouble deciding on my answers and whether they were accurate. (I’d guess this is probably a pretty common issue for my enneagram type, even though the book doesn’t actually say so.)

Each chart gave me a different enneagram number: 5 and 9. Britain recommended reading through the chapters about each type in her book and deciding which resounded with you more.

However, I really wanted to be sure. Was I a 5 or a 9? I found a free online enneagram quiz to tell me my type.

It told me I was a 5. With two 5s and only one 9, I figured I’d start with the type 5 chapter. The description and first couple of pages seemed familiar.

I stopped a couple of pages in to see what type 9 had to say. I was blown away and read the entire chapter for type 9s.

It described me eerily well. I got choked up a few times in recognizing myself on the pages.

The type breakdown

The real treasure of this book is in the enneagram chapters. The things I’ve read other places about enneagrams have been a bit more text-bookish.

“The Enneagram for Teens” is engaging, to say the least.

The chapters begin with examples of two different people of that enneagram type and how they might behave in certain situations. Then Britain outlines exactly what makes up that enneagram type, including what they’re known for, their deepest fear, messages real or perceived learned in childhood and their core desire.

Next she dives into what a healthy, average and unhealthy people of that type look like.

Understanding these different behaviors we have a tendency toward helps us work on self-improvement. We all experience each degree at different times in our life from unhealthy to average to healthy.

Britain goes into some more helpful details and then has a section for each enneagram type about how to get along with them.

This is the meat for us as parents. If you can identify your child’s enneagram type, this book gives you a general outline for how to best communicate with them and meet their needs. Light bulb moment!

Each type also includes ideas of careers that work well and ones that don’t, what it’s like being in love as that type and how they interact with family and friends. Again, these are important to understand about ourselves and our children.

What I love about this book is each type also has a section regarding faith and the things each type might struggle with in their faith walk along with suggestions on how to overcome those struggles.

The chapters each end with advice for that enneagram type, including a letter and a challenge.

The letter

I don’t want to gloss over the letter for each type. It’s only a few paragraphs long, but it gets to the heart of the matter for each type of enneagram.

Based on the letter to type 9s I read, I can only assume the rest are just as touching and poignant for their types. I felt seen, heard and understood.

I say that as an adult. I love the chance for my kiddos to get that feeling as well!

How to use “The Enneagram for Teens” as a parent

Honestly, I loved this book for myself. However, reading it as a parent makes me appreciate it all the more.

I know my daughter’s enneagram type, because she told me. I read through the whole chapter about type 2s and learned a lot.

Since each enneagram type chapter starts with a list of 10 characteristics for that type, I think I would have sorted out her type without her telling me.

While I will let my daughter have this book to read through on her own and relate to her own type as well as maybe her friends or family, I am thankful for it as a mama.

I was able to find new ways to relate to my kiddo. One of my goals as a mom is to meet all of my children’s needs — emotionally and physically.

My sensitive self and I are pretty good at sensing their emotional needs; I’ve learned when they need grace more than discipline, for instance.

Yet, I want to make sure I’m truly speaking their love language and helping them grow into strong and healthy versions of the unique people God has made them.

Surprisingly helpful

If I’m being completely open, I’ll also tell you I figured this book would be OK and maybe helpful a bit. I wasn’t overly confident about its helpfulness and perhaps a bit skeptic.

But just perusing the pages and getting sucked in as easily as I did, I was pleasantly surprised. It is definitely a more helpful parenting tool than I expected it to be.

Book cover and purchase link for "The Enneagram for Teens"

Read more about parenting tweens and teens!

Fun family activities to do on July 4th with your kids

40 Fun things to do for your family’s Fourth of July celebration (with FREE coloring pages!)

Each year when America’s birthday rolls around, I want to figure out the best family things to do on July 4th. My goal is to come up with funs ideas my whole family can enjoy.

The fun activities I plan for July 4th have varied depending on how old my children are. For example, when they were babies and toddlers, we watched a fireworks show on television rather than in person. It was a better way for our family to see fireworks during that season.

Nowadays, though, my children are older and finding fun ideas our whole family will enjoy is important to me. Our best memories are made with family fun!

I’ve pulled together a list of all kinds of Fourth of July activities for families. Some of these my family does ourselves, and others are new ideas I can’t wait to try!

Affiliate links are used in this post, if you make a qualifying purchase via my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. It helps support my blog, so thank you for your support! Read my full disclosure here.

Traditional celebrations

Whether you live in a small town or large city, most areas have a variety of events throughout the day in honor of the Fourth of July. And the majority are family friendly!

Attend a local parade.​

Check social media and other online resources to find out if there is a local parade happening near you. Parades are especially fun for younger kids.

But even with older kids, parades are a fun way to celebrate any holiday. 

Have a Fourth of July cookout.

Whether you call it a cookout or a backyard barbecue, July 4th is notorious for grilling up hot dogs and hamburgers.

Plan some easy sides like potato chips, baked beans, macaroni salad and deviled eggs, then host a cookout in your own backyard. You get bonus points for making food in red, white and blue!

You can also turn this into a potluck and invite friends or family over to spend time all together.

Put up patriotic decor.

Everyone is more inclined to get into the holiday spirit if you have some star-spangled banner decor around. You don’t have to spend a fortune to make it happen.

One creative way to decorate is with coloring pages that your family colors. You not only get to spend quality time coloring together, you also get to display artwork you’re proud of!

Download this set of 6 free July 4th coloring pages!

6 Free July 4th coloring pages

Go see a fireworks display.

Nothing is more traditional on July 4th than fireworks. Find the best places to go in your area and attend a big display with your family.

If you are able to do your own fireworks, give those a go if you’d rather. Our family usually does a mix of both. We get some small things, like sparklers, to do at home. Then we go see the big fireworks in a nearby park. 

And another option, especially if you have younger children or a family member who is noise sensitive, is to watch fireworks on television. We’ve done this a few times, and it’s one of the best ways to see fireworks without the heat and hassle!

Outdoor adventures

You can find all sorts of kid-friendly activities in the great outdoors that are perfect for July 4th weekend. Even inside folks like me can find a fun game to play!

Play outdoor games at home.

Without even leaving home, there are lots of fun yard games your family can play. From corn hole to croquet, options abound. 

But don’t forget other great options for the warm weather we have in July, such as having a water balloon fight. This remains one of my children’s favorite things to do in hot weather!

Simple games like hide and seek or tag are fabulous options as well.

Have a picnic at the park.

Another great way to celebrate July 4th is by having a picnic in the park. Often parks where fireworks displays are set to happen are filled with all sorts of options ahead of time from free live music to food vendors. 

Pack up your family and head to the park early to enjoy free concerts and tasty treats in addition to what you pack yourself. And don’t forget, it’s a good idea to bring along both sunscreen and bug spray!

Go for a bike ride.

If your family loves riding bikes, then biking can be a fun Fourth of July activity to do together. Ride to a local park or a local ice cream store for a refreshing summer treat. 

Or just go for a ride together around your neighborhood. With most folks off work for July 4th, it’s a perfect time to use your free time for family-friendly activities.

Game time

From video to board games, a little friendly competition on July 4th can be the perfect way to spend at least part of the day. And my family loves games!

Play patriotic games.

The best options for patriotic themed games are going be printable ones. And that’s actually good news, because they are less expensive than store-bought options!

Print out a pack of 4th of July themed games and have fun as a family! This July 4th game and activity pack includes a wide array of options for the whole family:

  • July 4th What’s on your phone?
  • July 4th Crossword with answers
  • Three July 4th mazes
  • July 4th Selfie scavenger hunt
  • July 4th Never have I ever
  • July 4th Word scramble with answers
  • July 4th Charades or draw the word
  • July 4th Photo scavenger hunt
  • July 4th How many words can you make?
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Connect the dots game
  • 2 July 4th Coloring pages
Bundle of 4th of July family games

Play card or board games.

Independence Day weekend is a great time to play a new game or a family favorite when you have time off to do so. Some of our favorites include the following:

Play video or electronic games.

Video and electronic games don’t especially sound like great family things to do on the 4th of July, but they really can be!

Find a game you can play cooperatively and try it out together. Recently I’ve had fun playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with my husband and son.

Or go for more traditional electronic game options like Jackbox Party Games. We’ve played these with our family and with my parents as well. All of us enjoy them!

You just need a console, computer or Apple TV. Each player will need a device on which to play, such as a phone or iPad. Easy to set up and lots of fun to play!

Even more ideas for July 4th

And if none of these options are what you’re looking for in a family-friendly event or you want some more ideas, check out this additional list of 30 family things to do on the 4th of July:

  • Beach Day – Spend the day swimming, building sandcastles and relaxing.
  • Patriotic Crafting – Make flags, wreaths or other themed crafts with the kids.
  • Historical Reenactment – Visit a historical site or watch a reenactment of a Revolutionary War battle.
  • Ice Cream Social – Set up an ice cream bar with various toppings.
  • Outdoor Movie Night – Set up a projector and screen a family-friendly film.
  • Fireworks Sparklers – Light sparklers and enjoy the sparkly fun.
  • Attend a Baseball Game – Many local teams have special July 4th games and events.
  • Family Talent Show – Let everyone show off their unique talents.
  • Scavenger Hunt – Create a patriotic-themed scavenger hunt around your home or neighborhood.
  • Visit a National Park – Take in the beauty of nature and enjoy outdoor activities.
  • Host a Pie Eating Contest – See who can eat the most pie in a fun, messy competition.
  • Patriotic Face Painting – Paint each other’s faces with flags and other patriotic symbols.
  • Make Homemade Lemonade – Set up a stand or simply enjoy a refreshing drink together.
  • Fourth of July Parade Float – Create a mini float for a neighborhood parade.
  • Camp Out in the Backyard – Set up tents and tell stories under the stars.
  • Patriotic Storytime – Read books about the history of Independence Day.
  • Host a Flag Ceremony – Teach kids how to properly handle and display the flag.
  • Nature Hike – Explore a local trail and enjoy the great outdoors.
  • Create a Time Capsule – Include items that represent this year’s celebrations and open it in the future.
  • Patriotic Baking – Make cupcakes, cookies or a cake decorated in red, white and blue.
  • Kite Flying – Spend the afternoon flying kites in an open field.
  • Visit a Farmer’s Market – Enjoy fresh produce and local goods.
  • Red, White, and Blue Tie-Dye – Make tie-dye shirts in patriotic colors.
  • Listen to Patriotic Music – Create a playlist of American classics and sing along.
  • Visit a Museum – Learn about American history and culture.
  • Parade Float Contest – Organize a neighborhood competition for the best-decorated bikes or wagons.
  • Charity Run/Walk – Participate in or organize a 5K for a good cause.
  • Boat Parade – If you live near water, join or watch a parade of decorated boats.
  • Balloon Release – Release red, white and blue balloons (using eco-friendly materials).
  • Photo Booth – Set up a booth with patriotic props and take fun family photos.

No matter what you decide to do, remember that you are making memories with your family. Not everything will be perfect — and that’s OK. But you can still enjoy the time together!

Money management for kids (FREE allowance tracker)

6 Ways to set up allowance for children to teach money management

Teaching our kids life skills is important. Like all parents, we want to raise our kids to be productive and responsible adults, and that includes money management. 

My husband and I started an allowance system for our kids when they were in preschool to help them learn some money management skills. This is a great way to introduce financial responsibility our children from a young age. They get the opportunity to track their own money.

It’s now been about a decade since we’ve been paying allowance, and we have a system down that works well for them. 

Start allowance for kids young

Preschool seems young to start an allowance, but if dealing with much money is part of their lives (even in small ways) from early on, then they get comfortable with handling it.

My daughter, who is the oldest, was closer to age 5 before we started her allowance, but we started my son at age 3 since we were already in the allowance groove by then.

You don’t necessarily have to start allowance for your kids at specific ages. You can really start any time you are ready!

We pay $1 per week, per year of age. For instance, a 10-year-old gets $10 a week in allowance. 

I have their allowances budgeted into our family budget to help me remember and take the expense seriously like we do other bills. Each pay day for us is an allowance pay day for my children.

You don’t have to pay $1 a week per year of age. Find whatever works for you and your family. Maybe 50-cents is more feasible for you. That’s fine.

No matter how much allowance they’re getting, kids are still learning the principles of managing money.

Set up a money management system

I’m a HUGE fan of simple systems, so our money management system of our kids’ allowance is simple. We divide allowance for kids into three parts: spending, saving and giving.

Because kids are very visual and tactile creatures, especially when they are younger, I started out distributing allowance in cash.

To keep it organized, I used one letter-sized enveloped marked “Kids’ Allowance.” Inside that envelope were three smaller envelopes for each kiddo marked with their name and either spending, saving or giving. 

We put the biggest emphasis on savings to help them in the future. In order to remember how we distributed their money, I wrote it on an index card in the big envelope. 

Now that I have older kids (11 and 14), I have found one of the best ways to organize their finances is digitally. I keep a kids allowance tracker in my digital notebook to remember how their money is broken down as I’m paying them.

My children themselves also need a way to see their balances and learn the value of money as they decide what to spend it on. They can easily track their current balance with this free printable allowance tracker available for free download in PDF format.

The printable PDF allowance chart is a visual aid that is a great idea to help your kids see how much money they have and how it’s divided. It’s designed so that it doesn’t take much time for children to add and subtract as needed.

Link to the free allowance tracker printable

(Find other free printables in the FREE Families with Grace Printables Library!)


We pay for most of everything for our kiddos, including clothes, food and entertainment. But sometimes they have wants beyond what makes sense for us and our budget.

These are great opportunities for them to learn about money management as they decide whether to spend their money on what they want. Sometimes, that answer changes when I tell them it would have to come out of their spending money!

We also sometimes offer an option of splitting costs for something expensive. We agree to pay a certain portion and they agree to pay a certain portion. 

When we used the envelope system, I’d grab their spending envelopes before we headed out. If we were out and they wanted to make a purchase we both knew they had money for, then I’d pay for it and they’d pay me back. We did the same for online purchases.

Now, they each have a debit card designed for children and teens. It has a special app they can log into on their phones and see how much money is in their bank account at any given time. Between that and the allowance tracker, they can stay on top of their spending money.

Right now, their debit cards are mostly in my wallet, but as my daughter gets older, that’s shifting a bit.


Not too long after we started allowance, we set them up with children’s savings accounts. For the days of the envelope system, I’d deposit money into their savings account when their savings envelope started getting full.

Now, I deposit it into the savings account tied to their debit cards. When the savings balance gets above a certain threshold, then I transfer it to their original savings account that has a higher interest rate.

Sometimes, like during 2020 when our buying changed quite a bit, I add some of their spending money into their savings as well if it starts building up.

Our kids are allowed to use their savings, but it has to be for a really compelling reason of something they need and are unable to save up for otherwise. 

Withdrawing from savings also requires a discussion between the child, my husband and me. We go over options for them and talk about the pros and cons. 

We’ve only withdrawn from a savings account once or twice so far. The hardest part is teaching kids about delayed gratification! 

As they get older, they’ll need that money more for bigger expenses like cars, books and living expenses in college.


One of the neatest things we’ve seen happen through our system of allowance is how they use their giving money. We have talked with each of them about how they want to use their giving money. 

They have the option of giving it to church, using it to help others in need or donating it to a good cause. 

When we started this with my daughter, I figured she’d want to give it to church. But one of the options we shared with her was about food pantries and how some families don’t have enough to eat. She was immediately drawn to that.

As a result, our family has been quite involved in donating to local food pantries and partnering with them. Just last year my daughter did a school project about hunger and how her classmates could help. She’s organized food drives at church and at school. I love how much has grown from this allowance category!

Most recently, my kids asked to use their giving money to donate to Team Seas to help remove trash from the oceans. They have also used it to go toward building wells for areas of Africa that are without access to clean water. 

Giving has become our favorite part of allowance! It has evolved into many ways that we have been able to volunteer together as a family.

Don’t pay for regular chores

My children don’t get paid for their regular chores like cleaning their rooms, cleaning their bathroom, picking up after themselves, doing dishes, folding laundry and doing other tasks we ask them to do. From the beginning, we have assigned appropriate chores for their ages that have increased in responsibility as they get older.

Allowance tracker printable Pinterest image 5

As family members, we consider those tasks part of family life. Life is easier when we work together! This helps establish a good work ethic.

We have sometimes (but rarely) paid for extra chores. Both sets of grandparents have done this as well, and I’m OK with that. 

I have told my kids that I will withhold part or all of their allowance if they don’t do their regular chores like they’re supposed to. But, I’ve only come close to doing that twice and have never had to actually do it.

Another reason I don’t like paying for regular chores is that then my kiddos would think the chore is optional. If they’re not motivated by money (and most younger kids aren’t), then they are happy to not do the chore and not get paid. 

So, we don’t pay for chores or use printable chore charts in our family.

Talk about the importance of saving

When it comes to allowance, we have found that we need to talk most about savings. Our kids easily understand spending money and giving money, but savings is a bit more obscure. 

I have one child who is a natural saver, and one who is more impulsive. Talking about what they are saving money for and why is important so they understand.

Our kids have saved money short-term and long-term. We have short-term savings when they want to save up and purchase something specific. 

My daughter, for example, went through a phase when she was around 7 or 8 that she wanted to buy lots of furniture and accessories for her dollhouse. She’d save her spending money until she had enough to buy the next item she wanted.

But both kids have long-term savings as well and need a bit more help with understanding why. That’s the money we put in the bank for them and then they have to have a really compelling reason to withdraw right now. 

We talk about the things they can use the money for later when they are older. We want to help them them understand the important information of needing some money saved back for bigger purchases yet to come. Long-term savings doesn’t come naturally to kiddos.

Share money lessons you’ve learned

We don’t talk lots of details about our finances with our kids. But we have shared lessons we’ve learned and lessons we’ve seen others learn as well. 

Kids understand concepts better when there is a story and person involved. You don’t have to share only lessons learned the hard way. 

For example, we have explained to the kids that we budget our money to make sure we are covering our expenses for necessities first. And they also know about some times we saved money to purchase something. 

Our money lessons have also included the importance of research before making a big purchase or financial decision. We’ve talked about and shown them when research and taking our time allowed us to find a more affordable price for something we need or want. 

We don’t include our children in discussions about finances that they don’t need to be part of. I never want my children to draw inaccurate conclusions and worry about whether we have enough money to take care of them or anything else. 

But I do want them to have a concept of how money works and how to manage it responsibly. An allowance gives them a chance to put those lessons into practice in small ways now that will benefit them in the future. 

These are powerful tools to help our kids experience the real world of money management.

Helping with money management when they work

One of the additional tips I have needed to add in since first talking about money management for children is how to help them manage money they earn through working. My 14-year-old has been working babysitting jobs for nearly two years now.

These jobs are teaching her the value of hard work as she is able to purchase more things with the extra money she earns. Once she started earning more money, we sat down and talked about how she’d divide that money up.

She has a set amount she allows herself for spending each month. The extra money goes to her savings account one month and her college savings account the next month. 

Once your child starts earning his or her own money, then talking with them about how their going to manage the extra monetary gain is important.

Families With Grace
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