25 Days of family Christmas devotionals to help your family remember the reason for the season
While the Christmas season is all about celebrating God’s gift to us through His Son, Jesus, it is also a hectic time for most families — mine included! As we work to keep up with everything on our to-do lists, we can miss out on connecting with our families. That’s why an Advent devotional for families is a great way to help your family connect and remember the reason for the season. And having devotionals that only take about five minutes is even better!
Christmas time is busy. Having a Christmas devotional for your family is the perfect way to work in purposeful family time that focuses on the greatest gift of all: Jesus! Starting at the beginning of December and going through Christmas Day, these devotionals are a great addition to your family’s routine this year.

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Advent devotionals for families that make a difference
When my children were young, we tried a few different Advent devotionals for families and found them lacking. We wanted to focus on the true meaning of Christmas, but the content often was too advanced for my toddler and preschooler. Using a Christmas devotional for kids didn’t work well. Even I struggled to pay attention to the daily readings! They were just too long.
Since we struggled to find devotional books that worked for our family, we got creative in going through the story of Christmas with our children. We started with reading a Bible verse a day to go through the Christ’s birth. As my children got a bit older into early elementary for my oldest, we started talking about the verses. I knew we needed more.
And that’s why I put together the original “A Family Christmas” devotion book. It’s filled with 5-minute devotions for Dec. 1 through 25. The first volume was written simply for younger children to really understand.
As my children got older, they were ready to go deeper into the story of Jesus and His birth and apply it to their own lives. So, I put together “A Family Christmas, Volume 2” written with more in-depth discussion questions for older children.
An Advent devotional for younger children
This Advent devotional for families is a great devotional guide to take your whole family through the true story of Christmas. This four-week Advent family devotional starts Dec. 1 and ends Dec. 25. It’s simply dated so it can be reused from one Advent season to the next.
Each day has a focus Scripture that progresses through the birth of Jesus. To ensure God’s Word is accessible and understandable for young children, so all Bible verses come from the International Children’s Bible.
Along with a daily Scripture, there are also discussion questions and a prayer. While each family is different, I estimate each devotional time will take around 5 minutes.
The discussion question allows you flexibility as family members share from their own life and experiences. Spend as much or as little time as you want. Some days you may chat together for a few minutes while other days may go quicker.
If your children are able to read, you can take turns with the daily Scripture readings and questions. Or you can alternate with your spouse if you want.
Finally, the daily prayer can be read as written or you can pray your own prayer – however God is leading your heart. “A Family Christmas, Volume 1,” works well for a family Advent devotional to explore the Biblical truth of Christmas in an age-appropriate way for toddlers through early elementary children.
An Advent devotional for older children
As my children got older, we needed to go deeper. “A Family Christmas, Volume 2,” offers terrific daily devotions throughout the weeks of Advent for families with upper elementary through teens. It also has a verse or two for each day to go through the story of Jesus’ birth. The Scripture is taken from the New International Version instead.
Just like with Volume 1, each day also has discussion questions and suggested prayer. However, Volume 2 offers more text and really delves into applying the lessons of the Christmas story to our own lives.
For example, some days include questions about why God did things a certain way in the Christmas story. The questions let older kids get into discussions about the significance of certain elements of the Christmas story while also relating it to their own lives.
Each day also has a new section called “Go Deeper” that includes more in-depth questions for your family to delve into.
Either book can work for children of all ages with a bit of modification. The overall goal of the Advent devotional experience is to have family time centered around the focus of Christmas.
Where to get “A Family Christmas” devotionals
Both volumes of “A Family Christmas” are available in various options. You can order hard copies on Amazon or purchase the devotionals for Kindle.
And, here’s some good news. The Kindle versions are part of Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited service. If you aren’t familiar with Kindle Unlimited, for a monthly fee, you have access to more than a million books that you can read on your Kindle or through the Kindle app on your device.
If you prefer a digital download, then the Families with Grace Etsy store has both “A Family Christmas, Volume 1” and “A Family Christmas, Volume 2” available to download as PDFs.
No matter where you find them, “A Family Christmas” devotional books will take your family through the month of December and keep you focused on that first Christmas and the true reason for the season.
A tradition about Jesus
Along with doing our daily Christmas devotional, our family has other fun activities that are part of the holiday season. We usually purchase an Advent calendar with candy for each kiddo.
Each family has its own Christmas traditions. For my family, those traditions have shifted and changed as my children grow older and change as well. We used to do a countdown to Christmas, but now both of my kids are old enough they don’t need that so much.
We also try and do things to keep our focus from material gifts and on the amazing gift of Jesus Christ. Spending just about five minutes each day of December going an Advent devotional for families draws us closer to each other and to God. And that’s one of the best Christmas gifts any mama can ask for!
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