Why you can trust God’s promises, even when life shifts
“Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.”
Joshua 21:45
Have you ever made a promise you couldn’t keep? I have. It’s not that we’re lying or trying to be mean. Instead, life sometimes happens, and plans have to change. We can end up disappointing the people who love the most – our families.
However, I am thankful that God’s promises never fail. This verse talks about His promises never failing to Israel, but it is true for us as well. And, let’s just think about the Israelites for a moment.
They were God’s chosen people. They followed Him closely, except when they didn’t. They got distracted and sidetracked so many times. They doubted God. They made idols to worship. They let other people influence them.
In short, they were just like us. Yet, God remained faithful and true to the promises He made them just as He will for us. That’s the God we serve!
Dear God, thank you for your faithfulness and the promises you make in my life. When I start to have doubts and get distracted, bring me back to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.