Creative date night ideas with FREE printables
Finding time to connect with our spouses in the midst of the whirlwind of carpool lines, meal prepping and endless loads of laundry can feel impossible. Printable date night games can kick your next date night at home up a notch.
Home date ideas work incredibly well while juggling a family. You don’t even need a babysitter or extra money to have a fun time making your love life a priority.
With a little creativity and some fun printable date night games, you can have a special date night filled with laughter and meaningful conversations – all from the comfort of your living room.
Why date nights matter
In order to build, strengthen and grow in our marriages, we need to spend time together. Being intentional about carving out time as a couple is important, especially in the midst of parenthood.
Staying connected to your spouse is important. Scheduling date nights is one of the best ways to make sure you’re prioritizing each other.
In long-term relationships, we can easily get complacent and forget to have time together. Date nights are a fun way to rekindle the romance and spark in your relationship.
But, I also know finding the time and resources to plan elaborate date nights is challenging. You’ve got to deal with child care and budgets and all the things.
Planning a simple evening in with a printable date night game bundle can be just the thing to help you connect after you have the kiddos tucked in for the night.

Setting the scene
But just because you’re staying in doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the romance. You can pretty easily create a romantic atmosphere at home, I promise!
- Tidy Up: Clear away the clutter. A clean, organized space can instantly make your home feel more relaxing and inviting.
- Lighting: Dim the lights and add some candles or fairy lights. Soft lighting can transform your living room into a cozy, intimate space.
- Music: Create a playlist of your favorite songs or soothing background music. Music can set the tone and bring back memories of your early days together.
- Dress Up: Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you have to stay in your sweats. Dress up a little – it can make the evening feel more special.
Being intentional
While the games provide a framework for fun, the true magic of date night lies in the intentional connection you create. Go into date night at home prepared to let go of other distractions.
Put away your phones and other electronics. Do chores ahead of time or let them go during date night. Think of this time as sacred – a gift to focus solely on each other.
Start the evening with prayer by asking God to strengthen your marriage, give you guidance, reflect on your blessings and have fun together. God created marriage and wants yours to thrive. It’s OK to ask for help making that happen!
If you are doing a date night in while the kiddos are home, have a plan for how to handle interruptions. Maybe you take turns dealing with kids who get up or you have rules for your children to only come get you if someone is throwing up or bleeding.
What that actually looks like will depend on the ages of your children and how your family works.
Taking the extra step
Your date night in doesn’t have to be mundane in any way. If you’re planning for dinner, order from your favorite restaurant or cook a meal together.
If date night is happening after dinnertime, consider having some snacks and/or sweet treats on hand for something special as you go through your evening.
While you don’t want to spend the night on your devices, keep your phone’s camera handy to take a couple of photos as you go so you can remember your fun game night!
Connect with printable games
Printable date night games are a great idea to have a good laugh with your spouse while reconnecting and making memories. And couple games are one of the best ways to spend time with one another.
Printable games work well because you don’t have to plan ahead or spend much money. All you need is a home printer for games that are an instant download, and you’re good to go.
Not only are printable games an easy way to add spice to date night without having to leave home, they are also more budget friendly. Being the wife of a gamer, I can guarantee printable games are much cheaper than traditional party games for sale online or in-person!
FREE DIY date night jar
A date night jar is pretty simple. You use a jar (or envelope), put you favorite date night ideas on slips of paper and draw one out when you’re planning your date.
Use this free download of 35 date night jar ideas for a fun date night at home. With detailed instructions, you can easily create a date night jar in a matter of minutes.
Printable date night games
Printable date night games are quick and easy to prepare and don’t cost much at all. In fact, you can get 15 printable couples’ games and activities for less than $5!
You’ll have loads of fun with the following items:
- This or that? – Have fun discovering what each of you prefer between two options such as “travel to a new place every year” versus “revisit your favorite spot every year.” These are great for sparking conversation and will probably include some laughs as well!
- Memory Lane – Get a bit sentimental with this game that has the two of you strolling down memory lane together. Reminisce about your first date, your wedding day and more. Answer them out loud together or separately on paper and then discuss them. This game can be a great opportunity to get to know more about your spouse’s love language based on what they remember most.
- Couple’s Quiz – Answer questions about yourself and your spouse separately to see how well you know each other. You’ll write things like their favorite color, dream vacation, first car and more. Compare your answers to find out who knows whom better!
- Scavenger Hunt – Take a walk together and find a variety of items such as a bench, a fallen leaf and a dog on a walk. Mark off the list or take photos to remember everything you saw.
- Truth or Dare – Have fun with this slumber party favorite that has 28 truths and 28 dares. You’re guaranteed to have some laughs with this one!
- Most Likely To – Separately answer questions about yourself and your spouse about who is the most likely to do things, such as cook a gourmet meal, start a new hobby or try an extreme sport. Compare your answers and have fun!
- Picture This – Pick 10 of 27 ideas for taking photos together and create those photos as a couple. You’ll find fun ideas like snapping a photo under a blanket fort, and sweet ideas like capture a romantic kiss.
- Have you Ever? – You may think you know everything about your spouse, but this Have you Ever? game will teach you new things. Honestly answer the questions about whether you’ve done things like skipped school, been on a blind date or lied to get out of trouble. The best part of this game is sharing fun stories as you go!
- Couple Charades – This classic game is designed with ideas of activities couples can do together. Act them out and be ready to laugh!
- Match Minds – See how much you think alike in this game that offers one word and a blank to finish the phrase. Answer them individually and compare to see how many of your responses match.
- It’s a Draw! – Play a date night version of Pictionary by taking turns drawing famous couples and letting your spouse guess which couple you’re drawing. No words allowed!
- Love Scramble (with key) – Challenge each other to unscramble 15 words about love. See who can do it quickest or get the most correct. (And don’t worry, an answer key is also included in case you get stumped!)
- Bucket List – Along with having fun together, spend some time dreaming together. Make a list of all the things you’d like to do. Then pick your top five as a couple and list them. See what you can do to make some of those dreams a reality in the next five years!
- Gratitude Prompts – Whether you write down the answers or say them aloud, going through these gratitude prompts together will draw you closer as you let your spouse know what you appreciate about them but don’t get to say often.
- A to Z Music – Race to see who can come up with the most song titles about love in 5 minutes. The catch is you need a song title that begins with each letter of the alphabet.
Conversation starters
Conversation starter cards are a great way to get the conversation flowing on date night so you can really connect with your spouse. Check out the free version of 55 Christian conversation starters for couples or get them as cards to print out, cut apart and draw at random.
These conversation starters cover a wide variety of topics, including spiritual connection, personal growth, memories and reflections, family and relationships, and dreams and goals.
Date night idea cards
If you are looking for date night cards that could take you out of the house, be sure to check out these 80 printable date night idea cards. You’ll get a mix of new date night ideas that are both at home and out and about.
You can pick the cards at random or go through them together and choose your favorite date night option. Find ideas such as create the perfect playlist, make an ice cream sundae bar, play laser tag, shop for each other, go horseback riding and more.
Remember, a thriving marriage doesn’t happen by accident. It requires effort, intentionality and a commitment to quality time.
By incorporating printable games and creating a romantic atmosphere, you can keep the spark alive and grow closer together, all while honoring the sacred covenant of marriage.
So, clear your schedules, print out some games and get ready to reconnect! Your marriage – and your children – will thank you.
Be sure to also check out these 10 free summer date night ideas for parents and tips for how to connect with your spouse while raising children!

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