Ideas to help you love and serve others even when you’re exhausted
Mom life is pretty much epitomized by serving. We are constantly giving ourselves away to take care of our families. So, adding more service to that mix can be downright overwhelming.
Yet, God calls us to love and serve not from a place of exhaustion, but from a heart filled with His strength and peace. Through Him, loving others without burnout is possible, even for the busiest mom.
We need to take a look at what God is actually calling us to do in loving in others and talk about ways to practically – realistically – make it happen in today’s life.
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This post is part of a series on Biblical love. Find all the details and links to other posts here.
Table of Contents
Understanding God’s call to love
Loving others is at the core of our faith. These words from Jesus reminds us plainly:
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:34-35
This call to love is not just for when we have extra time or energy; it’s a daily commitment to love others like Jesus.
In Matthew 22:39, Jesus says the first great commandment is to love God with all your heart, and the second one is to love others. Note the word “commandment” in both of these Scripture references.
A commandment isn’t a suggestion or even a “good idea if it works for you.” It’s something we must do.
Loving others starts with receiving God’s love
God never calls us to do something without giving us the resources to do it. Before we can pour into others, we must first be filled with God’s love ourselves.
“We love because He first loved us.”
1 John 4:19
If we try to serve others from a place of emptiness, we will quickly become exhausted. Taking time to connect with God refreshes our souls and gives us the strength we need to love others well.
This isn’t about adding more to our to-do list. It’s about allowing God’s love to flow into our daily lives so that loving others becomes a natural outpouring instead of a draining obligation.
Let’s also be honest that finding time with God can be challenging as a busy mom, especially if you have little ones who need you constantly. Try some of these practical ways to work God-time into your daily routine.
- Utilize alone time in the bathroom by spending time in prayer while you shower or reading your Bible while you dry your hair. (I do both of these things!)
- If you find yourself alone in the car, pray or listen to a sermon. With or without your kids, tuning into Christian music in the car is another great way to connect with God. (Try this playlist on Spotify that I keep adding to.)
- Find a set time to connect with God, so it becomes part of your routine. Consider getting up earlier, staying up later, using nap time or utilizing your lunch break. I’ve even read my Bible in the school pick-up line when my routine has gotten interrupted!
- Try a devotional to help you get in God’s Word daily or at least commit to reading a verse or two per day. (Check out all of these free Bible reading plans!)
- Pray and ask God to help you find time to connect. God knows your heart — and your schedule. It’s OK to ask Him for help in figuring out when and how to best connect with Him.
Loving in small, intentional ways
Sometimes we fall into the trap of thinking serving and loving others means big commitments or gestures. While those are awesome, you can also find lots of small ways to love on others.

Really, what matters most is your intentions as the Apostle Paul reminds us.
“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”
Romans 12:9-10
Unsurprisingly, prayer is a great place to start with this. Ask God to open your eyes and help you see others who need just a little something extra each day.
Try some of these small, intentional ways to love on others:
- Text a friend to check in. This is especially great if they’re in a difficult season, but even if they aren’t, you’re still letting them know you care — and everyone loves that!
- Pray for the neighbor you see walking down the road. They’ll never even know, but that’s OK.
- Encourage the cashier at the grocery store with a warm smile or compliment.
- On trash pick-up day, help a neighbor by moving their trashcans back up to their house.
- Pick up a few extras at the grocery store to donate to a local food pantry.
Even small acts of kindness matter, and they reflect God’s love in powerful ways.
Setting healthy boundaries to avoid burnout
Loving others doesn’t mean saying yes to everything. Jesus Himself set boundaries, stepping away from the crowds to pray and rest. Setting limits is not selfish—it’s necessary.
Jesus wants us to seek Him for rest and understands firsthand that we need rest.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
When we say yes to every request out of guilt or obligation, we risk becoming overwhelmed and resentful. And that’s completely opposite from the idea of loving others without burnout!
Instead, ask God for wisdom to know where He is truly calling you to love and serve. When our love is guided by His direction rather than pressure, it becomes life-giving rather than draining.
Remember your capacity to serve others may change in the different seasons of motherhood you’re in — and that’s fine.
I know finding time to rest as a mom is hard. It’s something I struggle with regularly. Try these strategies to help you find some rest and avoid burnout.
- Define what rest is to you at the moment. Your definition of rest shifts in different phases of life. You may need to redefine what rest looks like for your now as a mom. It can be as simple as ordering pizza for dinner and watching a movie with your family.
- Intentionally look for small pockets of time to refuel. Having an entire day of rest probably isn’t feasible as a mom. Look instead for a few minutes here and there you can intentionally rest. Even five minutes of quiet time can be incredibly refreshing!
- Spend downtime in restful ways other than always scrolling mindlessly on your phone. Think about what you really enjoy and find little ways to work those into your rest time. I love to read, and often use the time waiting for my children in the car to have quiet reading time. Whatever works!
- Do something just because you want to. We are always doing things we have to. Pick even just 30 minutes a week and do something you want to do. Give yourself grace to let go of the running to-do list in your head and do something just for you.
- Ask God to help you find rest and downtime in this phase of motherhood. It isn’t easy, but we do need rest. He created us that way and will help us find rest if we let Him.
Teaching our children to love others
As Christian moms, we want to see our children love others and avoid being selfish. One of the best ways to teach that is by example.

How we talk and how we act has a big impact on our children’s attitudes.
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
1 John 3:18
We need to show our kids love in action. When they see us serving with joy rather than obligation, they learn that love is not about duty—it’s about reflecting God’s heart.
Along with modeling a life of loving others, we can also get our children involved with loving others from a young age. Try some of these ideas:
- Encourage your children to pray for their friends during their prayer time. This also helps them learn they can talk to God about everything and everyone. (Check out these simple DIY prayer envelopes to help your kids pray for others.)
- Have them color a picture or write a note to someone going through a hard time or even just because. This can be extended family, church family, a friend, a neighbor or really anyone!
- Take them with you to shop for a local food pantry and explain what you’re doing. Doing this with my children has made a tremendous and lasting impact.
- Bake or buy treats to share with community members. Pass them out to first responders, your church staff, their pediatrician, their favorite librarian or whoever you’d like to show some appreciation for.
- Volunteer together at a food pantry or soup kitchen if your children are old enough. They’ll usually have a great time and get to learn that serving others can be fun and rewarding.
For even more, check out these 16 volunteer ideas for families to do together.
The key to loving others without burnout
Overall, the key to loving others without burnout starts with God. When we connect to Him, find small acts of kindness to do regularly, set healthy boundaries like Jesus and model love to our children, we can use His strength to keep on loving and serving.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9
Loving others as a busy mom doesn’t mean overextending ourselves—it means loving in the way God designed. It means continuing the work of the Father in whatever ways we are able in our current season.
Bible verses about loving others
These Bible verses come from our Bible reading plan about love from the free “Love in Action” Bible study. They are great Scriptures to reflect on when it comes to loving others.
- Matthew 22:37-29
- 1 John 3:16-18
- Galatians 6:9-10
- Romans 12:9-10
- Matthew 5:43-44
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