Rest in God’s presence and feel His love when you need it most

“The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’”

Exodus 33:14

When my son was 4, we moved from the house he’d always lived in up until that point. Recently, he was sharing with us that he has only a few memories from living there.

One of those memories is a time he was upset and lying on his bedroom floor. He might have been crying. What he remembers most, though, is how I responded.

Instead of lecturing him or getting upset with him, I just laid down beside him in his preschool misery. Honestly, I don’t remember this specific moment, but I know I’ve had quite a few like it in motherhood.

Because, sometimes our children need most for us to just be with them in their misery so they know they aren’t alone. They can rest in our presence and know they are loved.

This is exactly what I picture with God. Sometimes I’m so beside myself that I fret and wail and flail. I want to lie on the floor and throw a fit.

And you know what He does? He lays there with me and puts His arms around me – even when I’m upset because of something I messed up on my own. He lets me just feel His love and support so I can rest and then get up and keep going.

Enjoy God’s rest today in whatever you’re facing. He will be there to hold you close and give rest to your weary heart.


Dear God, thank you for always being with me. Help me to feel your presence today and be able to truly rest in you. I get so weary and need your strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Exodus 33:14
A prayer for weary moms

About the Author: Stacey A. Shannon

Stacey A. Shannon is a freelance journalist and blogger who has been published internationally. She's also a Christian, a wife and a mom of two school-aged children. She started Families with Grace in 2019 to encourage Christian moms as they create homes filled with grace, love and faith.

Be sure to get the FREE family devotion book, "Finding Grace at Home: 7 Days of 5 Minute Devotions for Families." It's a great way to help your family draw closer to each other and to God.

Motherhood can be lonely. You weren't meant to go on your motherhood journey alone. Connect with Stacey and other Christian moms like you in the private Facebook group, Moms with Grace!

And check out the books from Stacey A. Shannon as well!

God\'s rest for weary moms: Find peace in His presenceGod\'s rest for weary moms: Find peace in His presenceGod\'s rest for weary moms: Find peace in His presenceGod\'s rest for weary moms: Find peace in His presenceGod\'s rest for weary moms: Find peace in His presenceGod\'s rest for weary moms: Find peace in His presenceGod\'s rest for weary moms: Find peace in His presenceGod\'s rest for weary moms: Find peace in His presence