How the shepherds’ quick obedience challenges us to act when God calls
“When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.’”
Luke 2:15 (NIV)
Have you ever had a moment when God asked you to do something? I have. A few years ago, I was at a local hardware store and heard an employee talking about the health struggles she was having.
God asked me to speak to her and tell her I’d pray for her since I also was dealing with my own health struggles and had for years.
I’d love to tell you I spoke with her, she was encouraged and we became good friends. But that’s not how the story goes. Instead, I resisted. I kept my mouth shut.
I wasn’t like the shepherds who immediately jumped up and took off to see the gift God had given them. I didn’t obey that day.
Their example is one we would do well to take note of and heed. More than anything, I want to be so in tune with God that when He prompts me, I act immediately without giving a second thought.
Dear God, forgive me for the times I have not followed your leading. Open my eyes and ears to see and hear you at work. Show me what you would have me to do, and give me the strength to do it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.