Letting go of lies and stepping into God’s truth
“The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever.”
Isaiah 32:17 (NIV)
As someone who has often struggled with self-confidence, I have marveled at others who are confident. They walk into a room with their heads held high and talk to others. They share their opinions and stories.
Basically, they are at peace with who they are and they own who they are. I’m not so great at that, to be honest.
For years, in fact, I realized I was struggling against the lie that nobody wanted to hear what I had to say. As a naturally quiet person, it was easy for me to keep to myself in many ways.
I didn’t necessarily realize that was the lie I was believing until God opened my eyes. Because sometimes we get stuck in our heads. We start believing truths that just aren’t true.
When that happens, we aren’t living in peace. We’re living in anxiety, stress, fear, discontentment and awkwardness.
That’s not God’s intention for us. He intends for us to live in peace and as a result have a quiet confidence that comes from Him.
If we are so full of God that He is shining out of us, then we can live out our truth in confidence. I may not always have self-confidence, but I do always have God-confidence.
Dear God, I ask you to fill me with your peace and righteousness. Fill me up with you so that I can walk in your confidence, especially when my own confidence is struggling. In Jesus’ name, Amen.