5 Easy dessert recipes that won’t heat up your kitchen!

Easy summer dessert recipes Pinterest image 10

I love baking. Baking was my first foray into cooking back in high school. But when the weather’s hot, I don’t want to turn on the oven — even in a house with central air conditioning!

I’m excited to share some of my favorite easy summer dessert recipes that don’t require the oven or stovetop. These are easy-peasy recipes even your kiddos can make if they want. (I know this, because mine have!)

Whipped pudding pie

This 4-ingredient whipped pudding pie recipe is one of the most loved recipes I’ve ever shared. It’s easy and versatile. You can use almost any flavor and even make it sugar free.

You don’t have to even use your microwave for this one, especially if you use a store-bought graham cracker crust like I do. If you want to make your own graham cracker crust, then you’ll need to melt some butter to help hold together your graham cracker crumbs.

Otherwise, all you need is an instant pudding mix, milk and an 8-ounce tub of whipped topping. You do need to plan ahead a bit because this easy whipped pudding pie recipe needs about an hour to chill in the fridge.

Find all the details here:

4-ingredient whipped pudding pie recipe

Edible chocolate chip cookie dough

Another family favorite is this edible chocolate chip cookie dough recipe. You’ll need the microwave for this one to heat-treat the flour and maybe soften the butter, but that’s it!

This simple recipe comes together quickly and really does taste like chocolate chip cookie dough. Since it doesn’t have any eggs in it, you can nosh without worry!

We literally just eat the edible chocolate chip cookie dough by the spoonful in my family. You could also add it into ice cream or milkshakes you make at home.

This decadent dessert uses ingredients you probably already have on hand: flour, brown sugar, butter, vanilla extract, milk, salt and semi-sweet chocolate chips.

Find all the details here:

Edible chocolate chip cookie dough Pinterest image

Oreo ice cream cake

Ice cream is the perfect summer treat and this Oreo ice cream cake is a long-standing family favorite. I’ve been eating it since I was a child!

Through the years, my mom has gotten this recipe down to an art and nowadays only needs four ingredients to make it happen. Ice cream, Oreos, hot fudge sauce and whipped cream come together in a flavor explosion.

I am totally partial to this easy summer dessert recipe because I love, love, love it! The only heat required is the microwave to heat up the fudge sauce warm enough to be pourable.

This one takes some time because you have to let the ice cream soften and firm a few times, but it’s so easy — and yummy — that you won’t mind.

Find all the details on how to make this 9×13-inch Oreo ice cream cake here:

Oreo Ice cream cake recipe

Puppy chow

Whether you call it puppy chow or muddy buddies, the combination of peanut butter and chocolate on crisp rice cereal is so delicious!

I went through a phase of obsession with puppy chow and got the recipe down to an art. Using rice cereal instead of corn, adding a bit of vanilla extract and using Skippy peanut butter are my top tips.

Puppy chow is a great easy summer recipe because you only need to use the microwave to melt the chocolate chips, butter and peanut butter together. It’s a great recipe to make with your children!

Find all the details here:

The best puppy chow recipe Pinterest image 2

Mint chocolate chip mousse

Mousse sounds like such a fancy dessert to make, but this mint chocolate chip mousse recipe is incredibly easy and only needs five ingredients!

The cool mint flavor is refreshing for summertime. And you don’t need any heat at all for making this recipe. You do need a bit of time for it to chill, though, so be prepared for that.

While I make this with mini chocolate chips, you could also used crushed chocolate cookies, another type of chocolate or no chocolate at all.

Find all the details of the mint chocolate chip mousse recipe here:

Mint chocolate chip mousse recipe Pinterest image 1

About the Author: Stacey A. Shannon

Stacey A. Shannon is a freelance journalist and blogger who has been published internationally. She's also a Christian, a wife and a mom of two school-aged children. She started Families with Grace in 2019 to encourage Christian moms as they create homes filled with grace, love and faith.

Be sure to get the FREE family devotion book, "Finding Grace at Home: 7 Days of 5 Minute Devotions for Families." It's a great way to help your family draw closer to each other and to God.

Motherhood can be lonely. You weren't meant to go on your motherhood journey alone. Connect with Stacey and other Christian moms like you in the private Facebook group, Moms with Grace!

And check out the books from Stacey A. Shannon as well!

The best easy summer dessertsThe best easy summer dessertsThe best easy summer dessertsThe best easy summer dessertsThe best easy summer dessertsThe best easy summer dessertsThe best easy summer dessertsThe best easy summer dessertsThe best easy summer dessertsThe best easy summer dessertsThe best easy summer desserts