A reflection and free Bible study for Christian moms

Love is one of the most powerful forces in the world. It’s at the core of who God is and how He relates to us.

As Christian moms, we know love in many forms—from the selfless love we show our children to the enduring love we nurture in our marriages, and even the intentional love we offer to friends and strangers alike. Each of these forms of love reflects a piece of God’s perfect love.

February often brings love to the forefront, and it’s a perfect time to reflect on the many ways we experience and share love in our lives.

Let’s dive into the beauty and depth of love as seen in God’s Word and how it touches every aspect of our daily lives.

This month, let’s focus specifically on God’s love for us, our love as mothers, love in our marriages and love for others.

God’s unfailing love

The Bible is rich with stories and promises of God’s love for His people. From the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son who runs to welcome his wayward child back home to the Good Samaritan who shows compassion to a stranger in need, God’s love is a model for us all.

His love is unconditional, sacrificial and steadfast—qualities we all want to reflect in our own relationships.

God’s love also provides the foundation for our faith. It’s a love that pursues us, redeems us and assures us that nothing can separate us from Him (Romans 8:38-39). As moms, we can take comfort in knowing that the same love we share with our children is rooted in God’s greater love for us.

His love is patient when we falter, generous when we lack and constant when we feel unworthy. As moms, we can take comfort in knowing that the same love we share with our children is rooted in God’s greater love for us.

Love in marriage

Marriage is one of the most intimate expressions of love, designed by God to be a reflection of Christ’s love for the church. While it’s easy to focus on romantic gestures during Valentine’s season, true love in marriage goes far deeper.

It’s about patience, kindness, forgiveness and selflessness, as described in 1 Corinthians 13.

As busy moms, prioritizing our marriages amidst the demands of parenting, work and daily life can be challenging

Yet, nurturing love in marriage is vital, not just for us but also for the example it sets for our children. When we lean into God’s design for love in marriage, we can experience greater joy and unity.

A mother’s love

Few loves are as instinctive and sacrificial as a mother’s love for her child. From sleepless nights with a newborn to the emotional rollercoaster of raising teens, motherhood constantly calls us to give of ourselves.

This love mirrors God’s nurturing care for us, as seen in Isaiah:

“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.”

Isaiah 66:13

While motherhood is a journey filled with challenges, it’s also a profound way to experience and demonstrate God’s love.

Through the everyday acts of service, encouragement and discipline, we have the opportunity to show our children what it means to love as God loves.

Loving others

Jesus’ command to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39) reminds us that love isn’t confined to our families. It extends to our friends, neighbors and even those who are difficult to love.

This kind of love often requires intentional effort, but it’s a powerful way to reflect God’s love to the world.

Whether it’s lending a listening ear to a friend, serving a stranger in need or showing kindness to someone who has hurt us, loving others stretches our hearts and draws us closer to God. It’s a love that goes beyond feelings and is rooted in action.

Embracing love in every season

Each type of love we experience—whether it’s God’s unfailing love, the love in our marriages, the love we pour into our children or the love we show to others—teaches us something about God’s character and His plan for us. Love isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it.

As we prepare to focus on love this February, let’s ask God to help us see His love more clearly and share it more fully. Whether through big gestures or small, everyday moments, love is a gift that changes us and those around us.

So, how can you reflect love in your life this week? Let’s step into February with hearts ready to embrace the love God has for us and to share that love with those He’s placed in our lives.

Free online Bible study for moms

Join us for the free Love in Action Bible study for moms to go even further into these four different types of love. We’ll take a closer look at all four and grow in our relationship with God as well as with our families.

Find all the details here:

A Free 28-Day Bible study for moms about love

About the Author: Stacey A. Shannon

Stacey A. Shannon is a freelance journalist and blogger who has been published internationally. She's also a Christian, a wife and a mom of two school-aged children. She started Families with Grace in 2019 to encourage Christian moms as they create homes filled with grace, love and faith.

Be sure to get the FREE family devotion book, "Finding Grace at Home: 7 Days of 5 Minute Devotions for Families." It's a great way to help your family draw closer to each other and to God.

Motherhood can be lonely. You weren't meant to go on your motherhood journey alone. Connect with Stacey and other Christian moms like you in the private Facebook group, Moms with Grace!

And check out the books from Stacey A. Shannon as well!

The many facets of Biblical loveThe many facets of Biblical loveThe many facets of Biblical loveThe many facets of Biblical loveThe many facets of Biblical loveThe many facets of Biblical loveThe many facets of Biblical loveThe many facets of Biblical loveThe many facets of Biblical loveThe many facets of Biblical love