Even in the busyness of motherhood, God calls you to rest!
“There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.”
Hebrews 4:9-10
Mom life is busy life. There are always tasks to be accomplished. Always.
Never taking a break for rest can be tempting, but it’s neither good for us nor what God intended for us.
It can be easy to scoff at the idea of a day of rest when you’re a mom, especially when you have small children. Yet, we do need rest.
And so we must give ourselves permission to not be productive all the time. We may not get an entire day to just sit and do nothing. That’s probably not feasible.
However, we certainly don’t need to beat ourselves up for slowing down and taking a break. It’s OK to ask for help, take a nap or just do what it takes to survive for a day.
Let today be the day you give yourself permission to rest!
Dear God, it can be really hard for me to find time to rest. There is always so much on my to-do list, and I struggle to be still. So many people depend on me. Yet, I know you created me to need rest. Open my eyes to see opportunities for rest you give me. Help me to relax in peace knowing that having downtime isn’t a sin. In Jesus’ name, Amen.