Encouragement and Bible verses for hard times
Earlier this week, my youngest woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep. He ended up waking both my husband and me. I got him settled back into bed and laid down myself.
I prayed that my son would be able to get back to sleep and rest well. Then I also prayed for my husband and me the same way. Finally, I thanked God for taking care of us before saying “Amen.”
As I snuggled into the covers, listening to my dog begin to softly snore, I thought about that. In the middle of the night, in the darkness, God reminded me that He will always take care of me. And it was exactly what my heart and soul desperately needed.
God shows up when we need Him
The days prior to this night hadn’t been easy ones. Sometimes life throws a curveball your way, and it knocks you down. Throughout the previous few days, I’d been thinking how knowing God’s will for a situation doesn’t make it hurt any less.
Sometimes in the middle of our hurt and tough times we can feel so alone (even when that isn’t true). Yet, God promises that He is always with us.
As I slowly settled in to fall back asleep, the old hymn “God will Take Care of You” drifted through my mind.
Be not dismayed whate’er betide,
God will take care of you;
Beneath His wings of love abide,
God will take care of you.Through days of toil when heart doth fail,
God will take care of you;
When dangers fierce your path assail,
God will take care of you.All you may need He will provide,
God will take care of you;
Nothing you ask will be denied,
God will take care of you.No matter what may be the test,
God will take care of you;
Lean, weary one, upon His breast,
God will take care of you.God Will Take Care of You
Civilla D. Martin, 1904
I needed that reminder so very much. Maybe it was in the stillness and quietness of the night that God knew I would be better able to hear Him and feel the peace of God.
Perhaps He knew I’d lie in bed with no distractions, and He could gently remind me that He will always take care of me. Unsurprisingly, He was right on time.
Yet again, He spoke truth and encouragement into my heart while giving me a song to go with it. Music ministers to my soul so very much.
Remembering the past
One of the other lessons I’ve learned through my decades of walking with God is that He really is ever faithful in my time of need. Each time I face a new hard time or challenge, I remind myself of other times I thought I couldn’t bear.
And I remember how God has been with me every step of the way, even in ways I still don’t even understand. I have felt God’s peace through various trials.
I am thankful that even though I have stories of difficult situations, I also have stories of God’s faithfulness through them.
For example, there was the time my husband was without a job for an entire year that we somehow managed to pay our bills.
Then in all of my health struggles with chronic conditions, God continues to give me strength and encouragement. He remains faithful.
Sometimes looking back at what God has done in the past can help us as we encounter new challenges and hard times. I have to watch out when doing this, because I can sometimes get distracted and start having a pity party for myself about all the hard times I’ve had in my life. And that’s not helpful.
I have learned to stop myself when I start going down that path. It certainly isn’t going to help me like remembering God’s faithfulness and provisions will!
Amazing Bible verses about God’s promises for hard times
Listening for God and remembering what He has done in the past is helpful in getting through hard times. But I also have learned that finding inspirational quotes from the Bible about the promises of God is helpful.
We have God’s Word as a tool to help us through life. This collection of Bible verses are promises we can cling to during difficult times in life.
Get a free list of all these Bible verses to keep on hand!
Bible verses for difficult times
I love this reminder, because during hard times, we feel so weary and burdened. I’ve also had the song “Worn” from Tenth Avenue North running through my head lately. It goes right along with this verse. “I know that You can give me rest, so I cry out with all that I have left.”
I’ve shared this verse multiple times, because it is truly my all-time favorite, powerful Bible verse that applies to so many situations.
While I first fell in love with the verse for God promising to always be with me when I’m afraid, I later learned the entire verse and love all parts of it. For hard times, I especially love God’s promise to strengthen, help and uphold us.
God is our shelter and help when we are having a hard time. He promises that we can trust in Him and that He will never leave us. I cling to that promise!
I think sometimes this verse gets relegated only to graduates and young people. But it deserves a second look.
God is promising that whatever our hard times are, they aren’t part of a plan for Him to harm us. His plan is to give us hope.
And He promises to listen to us when we pray. He also promises that when we seek Him with all our hearts that we will find Him. He is always there.
God is always with us. He doesn’t wander off. He doesn’t sleep and miss out on being there. God is always with us!
Hard times can make us feel alone. But we are never alone. When we are brokenhearted, God is right there with us.
We may not always feel Him or see Him. We may get too distracted and overwhelmed to notice Him, but He is always there with us. Always!
This is a good Bible verse that can be easy to overlook because it’s something we’ve probably heard many times.
But I remember one of the very lowest moments of my life going to church, noticing the cross and remembering this truth.
When life is difficult and things are topsy-turvy, knowing that Christ Jesus is always the same and His promises never fail is comforting.
Sometimes the best way to get through difficult times is remembering we truly are only dealing with them for a little while in the grand scheme of things.
These verses encourage us to keep moving forward, looking forward to the crown of life we’ll receive one day in heaven.
When we are going through heart-wrenching times, the best thing we can do is simply call on the name of Jesus. His name is a strong tower that will protect us and give us peace in the midst of our struggle.
Doing the work of the Lord can seem discouraging sometimes. It can be easy to want to stop running and give up. We go against the flow, which can be rough.
But the good news found throughout God’s Word is God is faithful. The grace of God covers us completely as we continue on persevere.
We can trust Jesus understands our pain and truly is preparing a place for us to live with Him.
I love this reminder from the Word of God about God being our safe place. He protects us and shields us. Even in the midst of hard times, God is protecting us in ways beyond our own understanding.
Knowing God is always present to help is also encouraging. God is a God of hope and faithfulness. He will never forget you, His beloved child!
A couple of things really stand out to me about these verses. First, our Heavenly Father is compassionate and longs to comfort us if we turn to Him.
Second, our pain isn’t always for naught. In fact, many times the struggles we have survived enable us to then help others and share the love of God that He pours out so freely to us.
Thinking of being joyful during hard times sounds preposterous, but God’s joy is beyond our human joy. It is joy based on our right relationship with God and not based on achievements or possessions.
That doesn’t mean we won’t or shouldn’t feel sad or distressed. However, it is a reminder we can always find joy in God’s love and knowing He is faithful, even when life is upside down.
This is another verse about having joy in spite of hard times. In fact, James seems to be telling us to be joyful because we are facing trials.
That seems really hard to do. However, we know life is a mix of both good times and hard times. If we are going to have hard times any way, then let us at least be comforted by knowing God can use our trials to grow our faith.
No matter what happens, the will of God and the character of God remain true.
Following along with the previous verse, this verse is comforting in knowing God is always at work. This doesn’t mean everything will turn out fine and God will make it all perfect from our perspective.
However, we can rest in knowing that as His children whatever we face, God will be at work in and through our lives as we deal with it.
I’ve had a few times in my life when I faced really hard situations and God gave me peace. It was truly beyond what I could understand.
As someone who struggles with anxiety, finding peace can be difficult at the best of times. But I am thankful for a God who can give me peace during both the best of times and the worst of times!
Peace sounds good always, but it especially does in our suffering. This powerful Bible verse reminds us that we can have perfect peace if we remain steadfast in our faith and trust in God.
When we focus on the One Who holds us in His hand, we can rest in His peace.
We can’t continually hide from our problems. They do catch up with us; however, this inspirational quote from the Bible is a great reminder that we can hide in God.
When you need a break from your thoughts and challenges, hide yourself in God through things like worship and reading the Bible. These things also helps us focus on Him instead of our troubles.
The New Testament is full of promises for our future and what is to come. We can be encouraged by knowing our suffering isn’t permanent, and God won’t leave us in our misery forever.
We also have to remember that God’s timing and version of “a little while” is based from an eternal perspective, not a human one.
As we endure the trials of life, we must also remember the power of the Holy Spirit. When we are too distraught and beside ourselves to even know what to ask God for, the Holy Spirit goes to God on our behalf.
God’s faithfulness, goodness and love continue to astound me. He clearly understands the pain being too great for our ability to put into words. And He gave us a Helper for those very times.