
Families With Grace

Helping Christian moms create homes filled with grace, love & faith

Free online Bible studies for moms

A women studying the Bible with a cup of coffee and a muffin

Complete Bible studies for personal devotionals or women’s groups

Mom life is busy. Whether you’re up to your elbows in diapers or scratching your head at your teen’s latest antics, you barely have time to complete a thought.

Finding time for Bible study in the midst of chaos can be challenging — to say the least. I get it. I am the same way.

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Through the years, I’ve learned to set realistic expectations for myself. I’m not a mama who can get up at 5 a.m. daily and spend an hour going through Bible study.

I’m too tired to make that happen, because life doesn’t stop as I juggle my roles as mom, wife, writer, freelancer, content creator, homemaker and more.

During the first few years of motherhood, I was really challenged by this and struggled to connect with God and do anything more than survive. Some phases of life really are just about survival!

Yet, I am a happier mom, wife and person when I am connected to God. Making that a priority is important.

So, I have gotten creative with my spiritual time. My best prayer time is in the shower. I have a chance to read my Bible in peace when my kiddos are off for the day, and I’m eating breakfast.

Whatever your spiritual time looks like, it’s OK. God meets us in the mess, fray and chaos of motherhood!

With all of that in mind, I decided it was time to make some resources for other mamas like me who are doing their best to keep all the balls in the air and stay connected to their Heavenly Father.

Connect with other Christian moms

Especially if you’re going through the study alone, be sure to connect with other Christian moms like you in our private Facebook group, Christian Moms with Grace. Throughout the year we go through Bible studies together.

And every month, we have a short, topical and free Bible reading plan we discuss as well along with other faith and practical topics.

Free online Bible studies

These studies are all free and are great for personal devotion time and Bible study or women’s small groups. They include videos, reading plans, worksheets and more.

Everything is in bite-sized pieces to fit more easily into your schedule. Scroll down, and explore all of the topics.

Love in Action

As moms, life often feels like a whirlwind of tasks, emotions, and responsibilities. In the chaos, it’s easy to lose sight of what really matters: love.

Whether it’s showing love to your children, your spouse or even yourself, love is the foundation of everything we do as followers of Christ. This February, take a step back and focus on love with our 28-day Bible reading plan designed specifically for busy moms.

Love in Action free Bible study

Grace-Filled Stress Relief

When I asked a group of mamas what topic they’d most like to study, the resounding answer was stress management. We mamas are stressed!

And I relate. In this season of life, I’m trying to figure out balancing all the things from homework to practices to work to laundry to grocery shopping and on the long to-do list goes!

Unsurprisingly, I was very on board to do a study on stress management; I’ll be the first to raise my hand and admit I’m a struggling mom. 

This free 30-Day study, “Grace-Filled Stress Relief,” is ideal for busy moms. In just a couple of minutes a day, you can draw closer to God and find His peace and rest in the midst of your hectic mama life.

Find all the details about the stress-relief Bible study for moms here

Other free Bible study resources

While these aren’t full-fledged Bible studies, I’ve got some other great Bible study resources for you as well.

Fruit of the Spirit worksheets

With 12 free resources, take a deeper dive into the Fruits of the Spirit and how they can help you become a better mom and wife.

Fruits of the Spirit worksheets for adults
Free online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for momsFree online Bible studies for moms